HUM 2113 General Humanities (Ancient Through Medieval) FALL 2010Aug 23, 2010-Dec 17, 2010

COURSE SYLLABUS: CRN:14251 (MWF 8:00 AM LAR 239) or CRN:14252 (TR8:00 AM LAR239)

Mr. Herb Ham, Adjunct Professor Office: LAR 202K: (in the History-Geography Dept)

Office Phone: 974-5675 Email: Hist. Dept. Phone 974-5277

Office Hours: M, T, W, R, F: 7:30- 8:00 AM T/R: 7:00 – 7:30 PM and by Appointment

COURSE DESCRIPTION: HUM 2113 -General Humanities: Ancient And Medieval General Humanities: Ancient to Medieval is a survey of art, architecture, music, literature, philosophy, and religion of culture from the beginnings to the end of the Medieval Period.

COURSE OBJECTIVES:This is a “cultural history” survey class designed to familiarize the student with the basics of our particular civilization and to foster a critical awareness of the broader human endeavor. The class will consist of lectures and in-class discussions of documents and reading materials appropriate for the subjects under discussion.



REQUIRED TEXT: The Western Humanities: Beginnings Through the Renaissance, vol. 1, 6th edition, Roy T. Matthews and F. Dewitt Platt (Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2004).

Recommended: Class HandOuts (for in-class discussion) available at Kopy Kat (corner of N. University and Ayers).

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: While this course is structured to be entertaining and enlightening, it will require considerable effort on the part of the student who will be expected to fulfill the following:

  • Reading Assignments and Online Chapter Quizzes: There will be 10 reading assignments, one for each chapter. After reading the material, you will go online at and completeTrue-False and Essay tests over each chapter. You are to submit hard copies to your Instructor before class on Monday (M) or Thursday (TR) of the week they are assigned. Any Chapter Quizzes submitted late automatically receive only 50% of the score results. No Chapter Quizzes will be accepted after the next assignment is due. These Online Chapter Quizzes count for approximately 40% of your Total Grade.
  • Exams: There will be 4 Exams and a comprehensive Final Exam. All exams will be objective (matching, true-false, fill-in-the-blank). All Exams are worth 100 points and count for approximately 60% of your Total Grade. The lowest Exam score will be thrown out.
  • Extra Credit: OptionalExtra Credit is available for in-class discussion participation and attendance for those students who bring their Class Hand Outs with them to class. A maximum of 35 extra credit points are available. The maximum will be reduced 3 point for each class absence (M) and reduced 1.5 points for each class absence (TR). Class Hand Outs are available at Kopy Kat.Other Extra Credit Assignments may be offered.

Attendance Policy: Roll will be taken at each class. Absences count against Extra Credit Points for those who bring the Class Hand Outs to class.

Grading:Reading Quizzes:

True-False= 30

Essays= 70

1 Set chapter Quizzes=100 x 10 Sets = 1000 x30% = 300 (40%)

5 Exams (less lowest exam) = 4 x 100 = 400 (60%)

700 (100%)

Final Grades are based on 10% increments:

A = 665-700B = 595-664C = 525-594D = 455-524F = 0-454


Week 1:Chapt 1: Prehistory and Near Eastern Civilizations

Week 2:Chapt 2: Aegean Civilizations

Week 3:Chapt 3: (Labor Day) Classical Greek Civilization: Hellenic

Week 4:Exam 1 Sept 13-17

Week 5:Chapt 4: Classical Greek Civilization: Hellenistic

Week 6:Chapt 5: Roman Civilization

Week 7:Chapt 6: Judaism & Christianity

Week 8:Exam 2Oct 11-15

Week 9:Fall BreakOct 21-22

Week 10:Chapt 7: Late Roman, Byzantium and Early Medieval West

Week 11: Chapt 8: Islam

Week 12:Exam 3Nov 08-12

Week 13: Chapt 9: High Middle Ages

Week 14:Chapt 10: The Late Middle Ages ThanksgivingNov 25-27

Week 15:Wrap up

Week 16:Exam 4Dec 06- Dec 10

Week 17:Week 17:Final Exam (MWF 8 @ 7am M, Dec 7) (TR 8 @ 7am R, Dec 10)

Late and Make-Up Work Policy: Scores on late Chapter Quizzes will be reduced 50%. No late Chapter Quizzes will be accepted after the next assignment is due. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange a make-up for a missed exam. Make-ups normally will be made by the first class the student returns to class. Absolutely no assignments accepted after Week 14.

Emergencies During Finals Statement: If a university emergency occurs that prevents the administration of a final examination, the student’s final course grade will be calculated based on the work in the course completed to that point and the faculty member’s considered judgment. Final exams will not be rescheduled, and a grade of “I” will not be given as a result of the missed exam.

Plagiarism Prevention Tools. UCO subscribes to the plagiarism prevention service. Students agree that by taking this course, all required assignments may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted assignments will be included as source documents in the restricted access reference database for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such assignments. Use of the service is subject to the Termsand Conditions of Use posted on the website. is just one of various plagiarism prevention tools and methods which may be utilized by your faculty instructor during the term of the semester. In the UCO Student Handbook, there is a process for contesting any plagiarism allegations against you.

Syllabus Subject to Change. This syllabus is subject to change; all changes will be announced in class. Students are responsible for noting all syllabus changes.

Electronic Devices. No electronic devices including, but not limited to cell phones, ipods, cameras, recording devices may be used during class time. Lap top computers may be used to take class notes, but may not be used to send or receive emails, google, YouTube, MySpace, watch a movie, listen to music, or write assignments whether for this course or any other. Violations of this policy may result in Points Reduction, Grade Reduction or Failing the course.Anyone caught using any electronic device during an exam will receive an F (zero points) for the exam.

Student Information Sheet from Academic Affairs