Required Reading/Book Reports and Frequently Asked Questions About Reading At Home

How often should my child be reading? Nightly (30 focused minutes)

What level book should my child be reading? Beginning of Year: DRA 40

End of Year: DRA 50

What if my child cannot read at that level?

Use your child’s MAP scores to see suggested Lexile Levels or Read DRA levels above or below. Some kids will need a challenge (Have them read to books of similar genre and compare them or have them do additional research on the author). Others will need YOUR support (Co-read, use books on tape at times, write a sentence at the end of each chapter to summarize the main idea.) You may vary your nightly routine as necessary but don’t stop reading!

●Please note that selected text used in the classroom is advanced and differentiated to support all learners. Reading at home is a time

to enjoy reading independently or as a family.

How do I get my child to like reading?

It takes time for students to learn to love reading. Some love it at a young age, others not until adulthood. Just remember don’t stop reading or exposing your child to written text. Celebrate, share and converse with your child to help engage them in the importance of reading.

Parent Responsibility

-Commit to making it happen! Start with 20 minutes and work up to 30 minimum.

-Use incentive charts

-Devote the time to celebrate and share in the learning

-Be mindful of book report due dates and helping your child to plan out their work as they go.

How do I get my child to read a book?

-Find a book that fits your child’s interest.

-Pick a book that is accessible to your child’s reading level.

-Take them to a book store and let them choose a book, go to the library, order from Scholastic, come in WITH your child after school and browse and borrow a book from the library, use Overdrive, look up suggested books online, challenge your family to read a serious, or read a book BEFORE it is released in the movie theater.

***2016 / 2017 Book to Film Releases: BFG, Fantastical Beasts and Where to Find Them, Allegiant, Captain Underpants, The Great Gilly Hopkins, The Silver Chair, A Wrinkle in Time, Wicked. (Parent Discretion is Advised when choosing a book and watching a movie.)

Try a reading stamina chart. Example included below.

Dedicate the TIME!

Your child is only young once and reading should be a top priority.

When are book reports due?

There will be book reports due each trimester. Some are assigned genres and others will be student choice. Students turn in their 4 - paragraph paper, printed out or hand-printed in ball point pen on binder paper. These are assigned to help with reading accountability and will be treated as a homework assignment. “Projects” will be credited as a separate homework and research grade.

Wednesday, September 20th - Book of Choice

Wednesday, October 25th – Historical Fiction

Wednesday, November 29th – Mystery or Fantasy

Wednesday, December 20th –A Family Member’s Choice (Childhood Favorite)

Wednesday, February 7th – Biography (Project criteria handed out Dec. 20th)

Wednesday, March 7th – Adventure or Science Fiction

Wednesday, April 4th – Award-winning

Wednesday, May 9th – Book of Choice (Project criteria handed out April 4th)

Suggested Books for 5th grade