10/28/14 New Member Meeting Agenda Katherine Chiu

1. Contact Information/Organization

Ø  Website: www.chsnhs.org

Ø  New Gmail account:

·  Use for asking questions, sending pictures of events, etc.

Ø  Go directly to Mrs. Bagley if conflicts arise concerning NHS-sponsored events or meetings

Ø  Request to join Facebook page: “Centennial NHS 2014-15”

Ø  Follow us on twitter: @CHS_NHS_2015

Ø  New Text Alerts:

Number: (301) 200 - 4711

Message: @chssociety

Ø  Group Leaders:

10/28/14 New Member Meeting Agenda Katherine Chiu

A-B [Gabe]

C-D [Evelyn]

E-H [Sarah]

I-K [Daniel]

L-N [Katherine]

O-R [Naseem]

S-U [Abby]

V-Z [Anna]

10/28/14 New Member Meeting Agenda Katherine Chiu

2. Forms and Payments

Ø  Membership in Good Standing Form (and payment?) – due November 7th to Mrs. Bagley

Ø  The form can be found on our website under the “Apply” tab

Ø  Dues: can be paid by cash, check (payable to “CHS”), or credit (online system)

·  http://osp.osmsinc.com/HowardMD/BVModules/ProductTemplates/BVC%202004%20Layout/Product.aspx?productid=DA041-16

·  Web link will be posted on the Facebook page and sent in an email through the portal

·  Shirts are included in the cost for new members ($25 = $20 dues + $5 shirt), however, *IF LOST* additional NHS shirts = $10

3. Coordinating Events

Ø  1 additional credit for coordinating

Ø  New Google Forms on NHS website (under “Service” tab)

·  1. Requesting Events: can be completed by anyone, including outside organizations

·  2. Event Records: completed by coordinators directly following each event – does not need to be completed more than once for reoccurring events

4. Reminders

Ø  Must maintain weighted 3.4 GPA

Ø  Must complete 8 events total (NOT including World Fest)

·  Each event is typically 4 hours: 1 credit

Ø  Certain actions that involve school-related consequences will also result in a meeting with Faculty Council, most often, students will then be dismissed from the honor society

Ø  Consequences for missing meetings:

·  Only 2 excused/unexcused absences throughout current year and next year of membership in the society

·  Can only be excused by Mrs. Bagley, not a board member

·  Mrs. Bagley should be given at least a week of notice, if not more

·  Absence at meetings (if not excused) will require making up additional events

5. World Fest Requirements

·  Application says each student must donate an item or service averaging at about $20

·  If you are…working as a volunteer (for NHS or other CHS-sponsored activity) or performing in the show, no other contributions are necessary

·  Other forms of contributions can be proposed to Mrs. Bagley

6. Important Dates!

·  Important dates (including meetings) can be found on our website

·  11/17/14 = First General Membership Meeting, in the cafeteria from 7-8 PM

·  Salvation Army Canned Food Drive – nonperishable food (i.e. cans, cereals, peanut butter, jelly…)

§  No glass objects; should not be expired items

§  Should not require too many additional ingredients (i.e. mac and cheese that requires milk, cheese, butter, etc. versus Easy mac that simply requires water)

§  Please write your first period teacher names on the bottom of the food donations in sharpie

·  Will be counted toward the first period classroom competition – top 3 receive an ice cream social in December

7. Upcoming Events/Logging into the Portal

Ø  Joining the volunteer portal

·  (Anna)

Ø  4 events posted

·  Turkey Trot (11/2) – Shreya Nalubola

·  Scarecrow Run (11/2) – Gabe Koo

·  It’s Academic Tournament (11/09) – Ashi Agrawal

·  CHSMUNC Shift (11/15) – Barry Plunkett

·  NES Upcycle Crafting Day (11/15) – Abby Kim – **NEEDS 24 MORE VOLUNTEERS

·  CC Tutors (various) – Giana Han

8. Other

Ø  Political events being posted (i.e. Phone Bank Night)

·  We encourage diverse events of all religious and political affiliations – PLEASE bring them to us!

·  Do not sign up for events that would make you feel uncomfortable; there are plenty of events posted throughout the year that are not religiously or politically affiliated

9. Additional Ways to Get Involved/Fulfill Requirements

Ø  Consider joining a committee!

o  World Fest (3/20)

§  If interested, let Katherine Chiu know, and she will let you know the next meeting date

§  Credits given TBD – counts as World Fest requirement

o  Constitution (Bylaw) Revision

§  If interested, let Daniel Park know

§  Credits given TBD