1. Documents to confirm legal capacity of the Declarant to act within the Russian Federation:
  • copies of the constituent documents of Russian legal entity signed by chief executive officer and stamped/sealed by the Declarant: articles of association, amendments to the articles of association, if any, the decision by the sole member or the minutes of the general meeting on incorporation;
  • notarized copies of the State Registration of Legal Entity, the Certificate of Registration with the Tax Authorities, etc.;
  • a notarized copy of the notice (certificate) issued by the state statistical agency on the assignment of any statistical codes;
  • the notarized Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • copies of the following documents signed by top executive manager and stamped by the Declarant: balance sheet with schedules and property tax report for the last reporting date;
  • copies of the following documents signed by top executive manager and stamped by the Declarant: decisions to appoint general director and pages 2-3 and 4-5 of general director’s passport; and
  • copies of the following documents signed by top executive manager and stamped by the Declarant: an order to appoint chief accountant and pages 2-3 and 4-5 of chief accountant’s passport.
  1. Payment documents certified by an authorized bank staff member and bank’s seal as set forth by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation stating the transfer of funds to the budget and advance payments and customs fees or customs documents to confirm payment of customs fees and any other guarantees of the proper performance of such obligation.
  2. International purchase and sale agreements and any other agreements concluded on the relevant foreign trade transaction (including the applicable addenda and agreements thereto related to the goods and vehicles declared).
  3. Bank documents: copies of documents signed by top executive manager and stamped by the Declarant, including transaction certificates, original copy of the bank statement of Declarant’s open currency and ruble accounts.
  4. Shipment documents: specifications and packing lists.
  5. Business documents: invoices and bills.
  6. Transport documents/bills of lading: consignment notes and waybills.
  7. Approvals, licenses, certificates and/or documents confirming compliance with any restrictions and limitations imposed under the applicable laws of the Russian Federation concerning the state regulation of foreign trade and the exclusive rights for international property.
  8. Documents confirming customs value:
  • export customs declarations confirmed by forwarder and completed in relation to the goods in the exporting country;
  • manufacturer’s catalogues and price lists;
  • commentary to sales terms;
  • shipment invoices, insurance documents and handling invoices, in accordance with the delivery terms set forth in the agreement;
  • banking and accounting documents confirming payment and recording and sales of goods under the previous deliveries; and
  • details of goods pricing on the domestic and international markets.
  1. Documents confirming the origin of goods: Form A certificates of origin or ST-1 Form (if any).
  2. Documents to confirm the Declarant’s right for tariff preferences or tax exemption which do not follow from the terms and conditions of the declared customs treatment, if the goods are eligible for customs fee benefits in accordance with the Russian law and/or international treaties.

This list of documents is designed for placing goods under export customs procedure for home consumption and may be amended in accordance with Declarant’s legal status or the selected customs procedure.