1. Project #3: Library Research is now assigned. Make sure that you review the research techniques that were made available to you during the recent visit by Doris Helfer, Chair of Technical Services at Oviatt Library, or a member of her staff. Details and due dates are listed below.
  1. PowerPoint Exam #1 will be available from 22 Nov 2006 to 15 Dec 2006.

PowerPoint Exam #2 will be available from 22 Nov 2006 to 15 Dec 2006.

  1. Practice Midterm Exam #2 now reflects the content of Midterm Exam #2.
  1. Practice Midterm Exam #3 is now available.
  1. An opportunity to retake the Word & Excel Exams is scheduled for the week of 11-15 Dec 2006.
  1. Because the Final Exam covers substantially the same material as the Midterm Exams and because of the operational nature of the SAM electronic examination system, there will not be a separate classical Final Exam. Instead, during either the allocated Final Exam time period for your section, or during the previous week, you must take Midterm Exam #3, and you may take the Midterm Exam #1 Redo and/or Midterm #2 Redo. The scores that you get on the three Midterm Exams will be used in the grading formula for the Final Exam entry. If you finish all three midterm exams before finals week, you are then done with the class.

Final Exam Score = average( max(Midterm #1, Midterm #1 Redo), max(Midterm #2, Midterm #2 Redo), Midterm #3 )

  1. Midterm #3 covers Chapters 4, 9 10, 11, 12.
  1. Word Assessment #4 and Word Training #4 as well as Excel Assessment #4 and Excel Training #4 have been posted on SAM for some time; the associated Word and Excel Exams (Word Exam #4 and Excel Exam #4) are now available as extra credit opportunity. The extra credit will be calculated as a percentage of the difference between 100 and your accumulated average on the Word, Excel and PowerPoint Exams. If you do the extra credit exam it can help you; if you do not do the extra credit exam it will not hurt you. Do not waste your time on this task unless you achieved at least 75% on either Word Exam #3 or Excel Exam #3. If you did well on one of these exams, e.g., Word Exam #3, then you can use the Word Exam #4 to boost your total score by some amount, i.e., offset other lower scores in Excel &/or PowerPoint.
  1. Homework 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 may be resubmitted with corrections; this must be done by Friday 15 December 2006. Homework from 8 thru 12 may not be resubmitted. The resubmission must include the old homework document, the corrections written as a separate document, and a new cover page labeled “Project 5 Redo”. The order should be new cover page, corrections, old document.
  1. If you lost points on Project 2: Excel due to formatting or formula problems, see me during office hours.
  1. To the extent that accommodations allow, you may attend one of my other sections during this week, and during the exam week, in order to take the scheduled exams; you must have justified reasons for not being able to complete the work in the allotted class time. Please take a seat at the front of the class and identify yourself as being from a different section. After the students from that section are seated at computers, I will allocate the remaining seats to those waiting for access to the system. Anyone from another section who does not identify themselves prior to taking a seat at a computer will be automatically excluded Anyone who makes it a habit to attend all of these sessions will be excluded on the grounds of fair play. If too many individuals show up at a particular class, I will have to limit access; the choice of who is excluded will probably seem arbitrary, especially to those excluded, but it is essential. During the exam week, many students will take only one exam, and thus will probably leave after one hour. Anyone who waits, will have a chance to take an exam at that time. The schedule of my classes is at the following website: http://python.ecs.csun.edu/compsci/faculty/putnam.html. My final exam schedule is at the bottom of this website.
  1. Project #6: Integration is now assigned. The Access portion of the project is not required! The due date has been extended to 10:00am Thursday 21 December; after Friday 15 December, you may submit the project to the Computer Science Office which is located in JD 4503. Subcover sheets are not required for this project.
  1. On an individual basis, and with a justified reason, I may accept other projects to be submitted until 10:00am Thursday 21 December.