Requesting Subactivity Values

Requesting Subactivity Values




Use this procedure to request one of thefollowingactions forasubactivity value:


•Modify (an existing value)

•Disable (anexisting value)


CSMA will not allow you to initiatearequest to ADD,MODIFY, orDISABLEa child SUBACTIVITY in theCIPrange.Financial Accountingand Reporting (FAR) initiates theserequests.

CSMA will not allow you to initiatearequest to ADD,MODIFY, orDISABLEa child SponsoredACTIVITY or SUBACTIVITY ranges. The Officefor SponsoredPrograms (OSP) initiates requestsforallsponsoredvalues.




•You are requesting valuesallowed by this responsibility.

Helpful Hints



•Shift+Ctrl+F9: Prompt/Value List of Values.

Do notuse thecommonlyusedOraclefunctionkeys(e.g.F11EnterQuery, Ctrl F11 ExecuteQuery,Ctrl S Save). They arenotappropriateforCSMAforms.


1.Select yourCSMAresponsibility to open the CSMA application.


2.Double-clickRequestEntry toopenanewrequest.

3.Performoneof the following:

If You Want To / Then
ADDasubactivityvalue / Go to Step4.
Note: Subactivityvaluesmay be added (and stored)beforean activity value isapproved.
MODIFY orRE-ENABLEasubactivity value / Review Steps4to13.
Note: The information requested will be the same as ADD. You will be allowed to re-enable andmodify the value, if needed.
If You Want To / Then
DISABLEasubactivity value / Refer to the “DisablingChart Values in CSMA” quick reference.


The following steps illustrateanADDforachild-levelSUBACTIVITY value. If you select MODIFY or RE-ENABLE, you willencounter CSMAscreensthatneedthesame information.Completetherequiredandoptionalfields asneeded.Forinformationon DISABLE, refer to the “DisablingChart Values inCSMA” quick reference.

4.Complete the following fields [the R/O/Ccolumnwill indicate whether the fieldisrequired(R),

optional(O),or conditionallyavailable(C)]:

Alwaysuse the Tabkey to move from field to field in CSMA.

Field Name / R/O/C / Enter
Request Type / R / The initial letter of your request type (e.g. “A” for ADD), or selectfromthedrop-downmenu.
Note: The following options are available: ADD, MODIFY, DISABLE, and RE-ENABLE.
Segment Type / R / The initial letter of thesegment type (e.g., “S” for SUBACTIVITY), or select from thedrop-down menu.
Note: The following options are available: ORG, FUND, ACTIVITY, SUBACTIVITY, and ROOT. OBJECT values can
only be requested by Applications Administration.
Parent Activity / R / The 6-digit activity value for thesubactivity value you are requesting.Thiscanbeanexisting active activityin Oracle, anopenactivityvalueADD ora RE-ENABLEofadisabled value.
Note: After you enter theactivity value and tab out ofthe field, theparentactivitydescriptionwillbeprovidedbythesystem in the adjoining field.
Value / R / The 4-digitsubactivityvaluethatyouarerequesting.
Theunspecifiedsubactivity0000isautomatically created whenever anactivity value is requested in CSMA. You cannot requestthis value.

5.Select theType of Value.

Oncea valuehas been set up in CSMA asa particular type, it cannot be alteredlater. Forexample,avaluecannotbesetupas B-Budget-onlyChildandthenchangedto allowpostingatalaterdate.

If You Select / Then / Go To
C-Child(Allowbudgetingand posting) / Click. / Step6
If You Select / Then / Go To
B-Budget-only Child (Allow budgeting, but not posting) / Click.
Note: Budget-only screens are the same asADDChildscreensexceptforthe addition of the“Budget Only”suffix to the Descriptionfield. / Review Steps6to13.
P-Parent(Nobudgetingandno posting) / You will notbe able to proceed.
Note: P-Parent value types areNOT AVAILABLEforsubactivityvalues. / N/A

CSMA will validate the value you are requesting at this point. If valid, CSMA will proceedwithyourrequest bydisplayingthescreensnecessarytocompleteit.If invalid, you will receive an error message requesting that you entera valid value. ValidationinCSMAisanongoingprocessfrom thispoint forwarduntil your request is approved.


6.Complete thefollowing required field. If the fieldlistedinthetablebelowas conditional(C) appearsin yellow(required)orwhite(optional), complete it as needed.

Whenfieldcharacterlimitsarestated,remember to include spaces,prefixes (e.g., parent activity value and carat), and suffixes (e.g., budget only) inyour count.

Field Name / R/O/C / Enter
Description / R / Thesubactivitydescription.Theparentactivityvalueanda carat (as wellas the required “BudgetOnly” suffix, if applicable) will be providedby the system. Follow any additionalnamingconventionsthat maybe used by your tub.
Note: Thesubactivity description shouldbe written inmixed caseandmaynotexceed50characters.Donotusethese characters: !, #, %, _,*, ?, , \.
See theCoANamingConventions sectioninthe
CSMAUserGuide for more information.
Local Attribute1 / C / A valid local attribute1 code from thepicklist.
Note: See theCSMA UserGuide forinformationonaddingor removing values from thepicklist.

Dependingonthevalueyouarerequesting, CSMAmay request the information in the conditional field listed above. Asareminder,requiredfieldsareyellow,optionalfields arewhite, andgrayfields are locked. In the CSMA Manage/ViewRequests, locked mauve fieldsshow thechangesyouhavepreviouslyentered.

7.Performoneof the following:

If You Want To / Then / Go To
Cancelthis request / 1.Click.
2.At theCautionmessage,click
to delete this request and go to Step 3, or
3.Clickto return to the options listedin this step. / N/A
Save this request andcomplete it later / Click.
Note: Youwillhave21daysfromthe create date tocomplete this request. / Step10
Continue withthis request / Click. / Step8


8.Complete thefollowing required field(you may also complete theoptional field, if needed).

Field Name / R/O/C / Enter
Effective Date / R / The effectivedate of your request. You must enter the date in the Oracle format: DD-MMM-YYYY. CSMA defaults to today’s date.
Note: This isused to identify the fiscal year to whichthe value orattributechangesapply.Thedateenteredherewillnot affect the date the value is available fortransacting.
Comments / O / Your comments, if any.

9.Performoneof the following:

If You Want To / Then / Go To
Cancelthis request / 1.Click.
2.At theCautionmessage,click
to delete this request and go to Step 3, or
3.Clickto return to the options listedin this step. / N/A
Review thesubactivity attributes youhaveenteredforthisrequest / Click.
Note: This button will bringyou to the first attributescreen. / Step6
Save this request andcomplete it later / Click.
Note: Youwillhave21daysfromthe create date tocomplete this request. / Step10
Save and complete this request / Click. / Step11

10.Whenthe Cautionmessage appears, performone of the following:

If You Want To / Then / Go To
Save this request for later / 1.Notethenumberofyourrequest.
3.CSMA will return you toa refreshed“CreateNewRequest” screen, Step 4.
Note: Youcancompleteyourrequestby openingitfrom Manage/ViewRequests. / “Usingthe CSMA
Manage/View” work instruction
Cancelthe“saveforlater”request / Click.
Note: CSMA will return to the screen you wereworkingon. / N/A


11.Performoneof the following:

If You Want To / Then / Go To
Completethesubmissionofyour request / 1.Notethenumberofyourrequest.
2.Click. / Step12
Cancelthesubmission / Click. / Step8


12.Performoneof the following:

If your SUBACTIVITY request isassociated witha non-debt balance sheet, CIP, or other income statementactivity, your messagewill read:“Yourrequesthasbeen successfully submittedforuploadtotheChartofAccounts.”

If You Want To / Then / Go To
Createanewrequest / Click / . / Step4
View details of your request ona printablewebpage / Click / . / Step14



YouhavesubmittedarequesttoADD aChild-level SUBACTIVITY value.


14.Clicking thebutton will opena printableweb page with details of your request.Youcanview thisinformationonline orprint the report.

Since thisreport does notopen within Oracle, you may need to open it from the task bar at the bottom of your screen.



YouhaveopenedtheCSMARequestDetailReport for your current request.

This page isintentionally left blank.