Request forProposals
Forthe provision of training and extension service on improving sesame productivity, quality and post-harvest handling to sesame out-growers in Somaliland
International Resources Group Ltd.
RFPTable ofContents
Listof Acronyms
- Instructions to Offerors
1.2.Offer Deadline
1.3.Submission ofOffers
- Background, Scopeof Work, Deliverables, and Deliverables Schedule
2.2.Scopeof Work
2.4.Deliverables Schedule
Annex1SAMPLE Case Study or Other Evaluation Exercise
Annex 2SampleProposal Cover Letter
Annex3Proprietary Information Certification
List ofAcronyms
CFRCodeof Federal Regulations COUSAID ContractingOfficer COPChiefof Party
CORUSAID ContractingOfficer’s Representative
FARFederal Acquisition Regulations
MEMonitoringand Evaluation
NICRANegotiatedIndirect Cost Rate Agreement
NGONongovernmental organization
RFPRequest forProposals
SAFStrategicActivities Fund
STTAShort-Term Technical Assistance
U.S.United States
USAIDU.S. AgencyforInternational Development
USGU.S. Government
VATValue AddedTax
1.Instructionsto Offerors
1.1. Introduction
IRG,theBuyer,issoliciting proposalsfromcompaniesandorganizationsto supportIRGin providing training and extension service on improving sesame productivity, quality and post-harvest handling.
IRG is working with the local communities and private sector in Somaliland, Puntland, and other existing and emerging federal states to provide adaptable and innovativeimproved agriculture production technology transfer and realignments of components of existing practices to match the needs of farmers and agro-socioeconomic conditions. IRG, GEEL project seeks to promote investment opportunities in the agriculturesector through supporting enterprising individuals and firms acquire good agriculture practices to improve their farm operations.
In the context of the sesame value chain, the USAID/GEEL program for the 2017-2018 Gu’u season (March-Dec) includes partnerships with multiple Somali enterprises, processors, cooperatives and non-profit organizations to begin rolling out a broad-based program of partner-led field demonstration activities targeting sesame out-growers to improve agricultural practices, including post-harvest handling. These technologies (improved and certified seeds and fertilizer) and management practices can improve sesame productivity and quality and can increase producer gross margins. Over the next three years, the challenge is to bring these practices to scale upfor successful adaptation and adoption of improved sesame technology and hopefully this will catalyze more farmers to adopt these modern technologies. Therefore, IRG seeks competent and experienced training and extension service providers to offer their services to sesame out-grower management scheme in Somaliland. This will entail working with select sesame lead farmers across the region to establish model farms that they will use to train sesame farmers on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). The trainings will be inclusive of all the production stages from land preparations to postharvest trainings.
ThisRFPdoesnotobligateIRGtoexecuteasubcontractnordoesitcommitIRGtopayany costsincurredinthe preparationandsubmissionof theproposals.Furthermore,IRGreserves therighttorejectanyandalloffers,ifsuchactionisconsideredtobeinthebestinterestof IRG.
Unless otherwise stated, theperiods named in theRFPshall be consecutivecalendar days.
1.2. Offer Deadline
Thedeadlineforreceivingproposalsis25March 2018.Offerorsshallsubmittheir proposalselectronicallybyemailonlyto:
International Resources Group Ltd.
Offerorsareresponsibleforensuring thattheiroffersarereceivedinaccordancewiththe instructionsstatedherein.LateoffersmaybeconsideredatthediscretionofIRG.IRG cannotguaranteethat lateoffers will be considered.
1.3. Submission of Offers
TheOfferormustsubmittheproposalelectronically withupto3attachments(5MBlimit)per emailcompatiblewithMSWord,MSExcel,readableformat,orAdobePortableDocument (PDF)formatinaMicrosoftXPenvironment.Offerorsmustnotsubmitzippedfiles.Those pages requiringoriginalmanual signatures shouldbescannedand sent in PDFformat asanemail attachment.
1.4. Requirements
1.4.1.General Requirements
IRGanticipatesissuingasubcontracttoaninternational or localcompany ororganizationthathasthe abilityto provide training and extension service on improving sesame productivity, quality and post-harvest handling.WhileIRGwillprovide theSubcontractorwithaletterofinvitation,itwillbetheresponsibility oftheSubcontractorto obtain allrelated travel documentation such as visas, vaccinations, etc.
To be considered eligible for consideration in response to this solicitation, the following criteria are considered essential.
a)Must have a current partnership with a local firm which is licensed in Somaliland OR must be a local firm licensed in Somalia.
b)Must be correctly insured to provide security services.
c)Firms operated as commercial companies or other organizations or enterprises (including nonprofit organizations) in which foreign governments or their agents or agencies have a controlling interest are not eligible as suppliers of commodities and services.
d)Must meet the professional international standards required of training and extension service on improving sesame productivity, quality and post-harvest handling services providingcompanies.
e)Must be a corporation registered in one of the following countries:
- Somalia/Somaliland
- One of the developing countries listed at
In addition to the above mandatory criteria, IRG also expects the Offeror to have the following profile:
a)A professional and experienced organization.
b)Membership of international recognition in their field, awards/ recognitions received
c)Have registration of operation
1.4.2.Required Documents
- CoverLetter (see Annex 1 for template), which shall include the followinginformation:
a)Name ofthecompanyororganization
b)Typeof companyor organization
- Case Study (Annex 1): Offeror will respond to the scenario provided in Annex 1 as an indicator of how the firm would respond if this situation were to occur. Page limit for this section is 5 pages.
- Proprietary Information Certification (see Annex 3): Offeror shall certify that they have read and accepted the clauses contained therein that state that the information provided by IRG in this RFP is proprietary information and cannot be shared with any other entities.
- Cost Proposals: these may be accompanied by a narrative that explains the basis for the estimate of each line item. Supporting information should be provided in sufficient detail to allow for a complete analysis of each cost element or line item. IRG reserves the right to request additional cost information if the evaluation committee has concerns of the reasonableness, realism, or completeness of an offeror’s proposed cost.
If it is an offeror’s regular practice to budget indirect rates, e.g. overhead, fringe, G&A, administrative, or other rate, offerors must explain the rates and the rates’ base of application in the budget narrative. IRG reserves the right to request additional information to substantiate an offeror’s indirect rates.
1.4.3.Deadlines and Validity of Proposal
Thefollowing calendarsummarizesimportantdatesinthesolicitationprocess.Offerorsmust strictlyfollow thesedeadlines.
RFPpublished:11March 2018
Deadline for written questions:18March 201817:00 EAT
Proposals Due:25March 201817:00 EAT
ThedatesabovemaybemodifiedatthesolediscretionofIRG.Anychangeswillbepublished in an amendment to this RFP.
Offerors’ proposals must remain valid for180calendar days after theproposal deadline.
1.4.4.Evaluation and Basis for Award
This solicitation will be judged on a best-value analysis, with IRG evaluating Offeror’s proposals in accordance with the following criteria:
- Technical Approach and response to the Case Study.
- Corporate Capabilities, Experience, and Past Performance
- Competitive price.
Corporate Capabilities, Experience, and Past Performance: This must include a description of the company and organization, with appropriate reference to any parent company and subsidiaries. Offerors must include details demonstratingtheirexperienceandtechnicalability inimplementingthetechnical approach/methodology andthedetailedworkplan.Additionally,offerorsmustinclude3past performancereferencesof similarwork(undercontractsor subcontracts)previously implemented aswellascontactinformationforthe companiesfor whichsuch workwas completed.Contactinformationmustincludeataminimum:nameofpointofcontactwho can speak tothe offeror’sperformance, nameandaddress of thecompanyforwhichthework was performance, andemail and phonenumberof thepointof contact.
IRG reserves the right to check additional references not provided byanofferor.
The sectionsof the technicalproposalstatedabove mustrespondtothe detailed information setoutinSection2 of thisRFP,whichprovidesthebackground,statesthescopeofwork, describes the deliverables, andprovides adeliverables schedule.
2.Background, Scope of Work, Deliverables, and Deliverables Schedule
2.1. Background
Growth, Enterprise, Employment & Livelihoods (GEEL) is 5-year USAID-funded project designed to promote and facilitate inclusive economic growth in Puntland, Somaliland and other existing and emerging federal states. The project is currently focusing on the agricultural sector (dairy, fisheries, sesame & banana, fruits and vegetables) but is anticipated to expand in the future into other sectors of the economy. It will also seek to strengthen the business enabling environment through improving access to finance, policy and regulation, and business development services.GEEL is seeking capable and experienced training services partner to provide training and extension service tosesame out-growers in Somaliland. Establishment of model demonstration sites and delivery of multiple training sessions to local producers at the demonstration sites on good agricultural practices, harvesting and post-harvest management. Establishment of a geo-referenced data base of participating producers that will facilitate improved business relationships between producers and buyers, improved agriculture season planning and monitoring, and generate more quantifiable information on the technical and financial benefits and feasibility of improved practices and technologies.
2.2.Scope of Work and Services Required
The following key services are required as per this solicitation:
2.2.1.Scope of Work
The Scope of Work comprises three inter-related sub-activities that will contribute to the anticipated outcomes and deliverables.
1. Establish field demonstration sites, training protocols and results analysis
-Pre-season initial information and awareness sessions with producer groups.
-Identification and training (with USAID/GEEL) of the supervisors, field trainer and data manager on demonstration site training content, methodology, monitoring and reporting.
-Identification of the lead farmers that will operate the demonstration sites.
-Set-up of demonstration sites with the selected lead farmers under the guidance of the field team.
-Timely provision of inputs, the geo-referenced measurement of demonstration sites, and the mobilization of necessary services and labor.
-Train and support the lead farmers to:
- Apply minimum standards for field management in terms of timing, spacing, input levels, and other variables (e.g., a prescribed cultural calendar and practices)
- Track and record all investments into the demonstration sites: labor (preparation, sowing, weeding, etc.), inputs, rentals, other.
- Track and record key milestones and problems encountered during the season.
-Measure and record production, calculate yields and generate a farm budget (profitability or gross margins analysis using an agreed template) for each demonstration site.
-Label all sites with relevant variety and spacing information (in local/English languages).
2. On-site Producer Training
-Identification of the producers that will be invited for trainings (name, village, sex, ID #, phone number) at each demonstration site.
-Ensure women are at least 35% of the farmers participating in demonstration site trainings.
-Delivery of four producer training sessions on good agriculture practices (preparation; maintenance; harvest; post-harvest) at each demonstration site with the pre-identified farmers. The goal is approximately 50 producers per site.
-Timely distribution during training sessions of infographic sheet(s) illustrating key best agriculture practices and post-harvest handling management practices.
3. Create a geo-referenced data base to monitor field activities, analyze results and inform supply chain management
-Train Mandarpersonnel on the use of open source data base and geo-referencing tools including Excel, GPS/smart phone, MAPSOURCE, DropBox, etc.
-Generation of demonstration site maps and information sheets.
-Identification and mapping (if possible) of participating producers.
-Creation and management of an Excel-based database that integrates detailed data on the demonstration sites (e.g., dates of planting, spacing, weeding, irrigation, harvest, yields, etc.)
-Integration into the database of comprehensive information on the producers involved in the training.
-Generation of standard farm budgets and profitability analysis based on actual results of each demonstration site.
5. Deliverables schedule
Deliverable / Minimum content / TimingDeliverable1 / 1a. Identification of support staff:
- Activity supervisor
- Field trainer/animator
- Data base manager
- Surname, name
- Age
- Sex
- Identification number
- Employer
- Contact information (phone/email)
- Level of formal schooling
- Town/village of resident
- Zone/number of sites to manage
-Recruitment timeline
-Procurement timeline
-Awareness sessions
-Demonstration site identification and measurement
-Key agriculture calendar dates
-Training and supervision dates
-Post-harvest activities
1c. Identification of demonstration sites and beneficiaries:
-List of demonstration sites, lead farmers (including same contact information as above), geo-referenced data points of the demo sites.
-Draft list of producers (specific names) to be trained at each site (male/female) and contact information / On or about April 10th 2018
Deliverable 2 / Progress report (no more than 10 pages) that describes activities, challenges, or changes in the calendar through the first 4-6 weeks. Include electronic copies of high resolution photographs taken during the period. / On or about April 30th 2018
Deliverable 3 / 3a. Detailed data in Excel for each demonstration site, including at a minimum:
-Spacing used
-Sowing date and quantity of seed used
-Fertilizers used (date, type, quantities)
-Phytosanitary treatments (dates, types, quantities)
-Harvesting and Post-Harvest handling dates
-Weekly and cumulative rain data
3c. Training participation data sheets for each session (see format provided) / On or about May 20th ,2018
Deliverable 4 / End of Season Analysis
-Brief discussion of the technical and financial results of the season and analysis of factors contributing to performance and lessons from the program for future seasons
-Final versions of demonstration site data (according to agreed formats)
- Technical results
- Financial results
- Numbers trained
- Calendar/schedule of treatments
Electronic versions of all data collected / On or about June 30th, 2018
Management Prescriptions for the Demonstration Sites
Plot Selection
1)Identify suitable locations for the demonstration plots in each location, obtain GPS coordinates and obtain approval from GEEL;
2)Conduct soil analysis for the demonstration plots using an accreditedtesting facility; testing soil texture, major & minor nutrients, and pH;
3)Ensure that the previous crop was not sesame.
4)Ensure that the demonstration plots are on semi-flat land with a minimum slope of 0.3% to allow for suitable drainage, and close to a functioning water source with necessary irrigation infrastructure.
Plot Preparation:
1)Erect adequate fencing around the trial plot to prevent trespassing and damage by animals;
2)Clear the plots of large plants;
3)Plough, harrow, furrow and ridge the plots to prepare the plots for irrigation and sowing. Rows should be prepared perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing wind;
4)Create suitable channels around the plots for drainage purposes;
5)Irrigate the plots to ensure a moist seed bed prior to sowing;
6)Apply fertilizer to the plots, based on the results of the soil analysis, to ensure the soil is not deficient of necessary nutrients.
Sowing, Plot Maintenance & Harvesting
1)Using straight line sowing, sow the sesame at a maximum depth of 1.5 inches with 3-4 seeds per hole and with sand added to the hole. The sesame should be planted with a spacing of 50cm x 20cm, or as otherwise prescribed;
2)Thin the seedlings to leave two plants per hole and a spacing of 50cm by 20cm;
3)Undertake the first weeding simultaneously with thinning, a second weeding 20 days thereafter, and a third weeding as required;
4)Treat the plots with neem oil extract, if required;
5)Irrigate the plots twice prior to blooming, if required;
6)Harvest the sesame when 75% of the locules are yellowish;
7)Thrash the sesame two weeks after harvest, weather-permitting;
8)Clean and grade the sesame immediately after thrashing;
9)Weigh the cleaned and graded sesame and estimate a one-hectare yield.
Deliverables Schedule
ACTIVITY / TIMELINE1 / Release of RFP / 11.3.2018
2 / Receive questions from Bidders / 18.3.2018
3 / Receive Quotations from prospective bidders / 22.3.2018
4 / Review of Quotations and Award of contract / 23-25.3.2018
5 / Training material development & approval / 5thApril 2018
6 / Soil analyses, Land preparation, Fertilizer application, Sowing / 25 March- 15th April 2018
7 / Thinning, weeding and / April-May
8 / Pest control / April - May
9 / Harvesting & drying / June-July
10 / Data Collection / Mar - July
11 / Farmer training / 3 months
12 / Report on the training and trial results / July
13 / Development & dissemination of trial results / July
2.2.2.Expected Key Roles / Personnel
{List any anticipated key staff you would expect to have a role in the implementation of the subcontract, providing detail to their anticipated scope and required or desired experience and qualifications.}
This should include activity supervisor,agronomists/field extension agents, database officer. Cv’s of personnel to be attached.
S/N / Name / Designation / Qualification- Education and Years of ExperienceSupervisor
Database officer
*Please propose loaded unit rates including all overhead costs, management fee profit, benefits, taxes and equipment/arms rental fee. No extra charges will be allowed as part of labor costs. In your submission please describe in detail all extra charges that will be applicable above the rates provided, if any. Feel free to add lines for expected direct charges and other labor categories if required.
S/N / Description / Qty / Unit Cost / Total1 / Cost Element 1
2 / Cost Element 2
3 / Cost Element 3
Grand Total
Annex 1:Cover Letter
[Offeror:Insert date]
Chief of Party
Reference:GEEL Request forProposals
Subject:[Offeror:Insert name ofyourorganization]’s Pricing Proposals
Dear NAME:
[Offeror:Insertnameofyour organization]ispleasedtosubmititsproposalinregardtothe above-referencedrequestforproposals.Forthispurpose,weare pleasedtoprovidethe information furnished below:
Name ofOrganization’s Representative:______
Name of Offeror:______
Type of Organization:______
AsrequiredbysectionI,I.7,weconfirmthatourproposal,includingthepricing informationwill remain valid for180 calendar days after theproposal deadline.
Sincerely yours,
[Offeror:Insert name ofyourorganization's representative] [Offeror:Insert name ofyourorganization]
Annex 3:Proprietary Information Certification
[Offeror:Insert date]
Chief of Party
International Resources Group Ltd.
Reference:GEEL Request forProposals
Subject:[Offeror:Insert name ofyourorganization]’s Proprietary Information Certification
[Offeror:Insertnameofyour organization]certifies that it understands any information contained in Section II of this RFP (to include the scope of work, required services, office locations and numbers, and budget template), are considered proprietary information by International Resources Group Ltd. and cannot be shared with any other entities, reproduced in any form, or archived in any form after the 180 days of validity for this RFP.
Sincerely yours,
[Offeror:Insert name ofyourorganization's representative] [Offeror:Insert name ofyourorganization]