The RFP posted on 7/22/16 is hereby amended by striking that document in its entirety and replacingit with thefollowing
Request forProposals:
Housing Safety & Accessibility Inspection andConsultation
Schedule of SignificantDates
RFPPosted / July 22,2016Bidders’ QuestionsDue / August 5,2016
Department Response toQuestions / August 19,2016
Proposal Due/ClosingDate / September 1, 2016 at 4:30p.m.
Bid Opening / September 9,2016
SelectionNotification / September 23,2016
Commencement ofContract / January 1,2017
Sole RFPContact:
Chris M.O’Neill
Quality Management TeamLeader
Department of Disabilities Aging and IndependentLiving Vermont Agency of HumanServices
Address: HC 2 South, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, Vermont05671-2030 Voice: (802)241-0332
E-mail :
This RFP is available in alternate formats uponrequest.
A. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………………….3 B. PURPOSE OFREQUEST………………………………………………………………………………3
C. SPECIFICATIONS OF WORK TO BEPERFORMED…………………………………………...…4 D. CONTRACTSPECIFICATIONS………………………………………………...…………………….5
E. PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONREQUIREMENTS………………………………………………………5 F. AMENDMENTS…………………………………………………………………………………………7 G. BID OPENING………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
H. RECEIPT OF INSUFFICIENT COMPETITIVEPROPOSALS……………………………………7 I. NON-RESPONSIVEPROPOSALS……………………………………………………………………8 J. REJECTIONRIGHTS………………………………………………………………………………….8 K. AUTHORITY TO BIND DAIL………………………………………………………………………. 8
L. PROPOSALREVIEW…………………………………………………………………………………..8 M. SCORING………………………………………………………………………………………………...8 N. SELECTIONCRITERIA……………………………………………………………………………….8 O. NOTIFICATION OFAWARD…………………………………………………………………………9 P. PUBLIC RECORD: BIDPROPOSALS……………………………………………………………….9 Q. CONFLICTS OFINTEREST…………...…………………………………………………………….10
R.ATTACHMENT 1: Current State of Vermont Customary Provisions for Contracts andGrants…...10
S.ATTACHMENTS G & H: Housing Safety & Accessibility InspectionChecklists…………………..34
The Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living (DAIL) is a department within theVermont Agency of Human Services. DAIL is the State Unit on Aging and Disabilities and, among otherthings, manages a range of long-term services and support (LTSS) including Developmental DisabilitiesServices, Traumatic Brain Injury services and Choices for Care for older Vermonters and people withphysical disabilities. In each of these programs, one of the service options available includes 24-hour per day, 7 daysper week residential supports (24-hour residential supports). When this type of support is provided it is essentialto ensure that the living environments are safe andaccessible.
SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: The Department of Aging & Independent Living (herein after referredto as “State”) is seeking to establish purchase agreements with one or more companies that canprovide Housing Safety & Accessibility Inspection(s) andConsultation(s).
CONTRACT PERIOD: Contracts arising from this request for proposal will be for a period of 12months
with an option to renew for 2 additional 12 month periods. The proposed start date will be1/1/2017.
CONTRACT VALUE/QUANTITY: The estimated annual value of this contract is up to $160,000.The State will entertain both statewide proposals for the entirety of the work as well as regionalproposals dividing the described work into northern and southern regions with the associated costs andbudget reflecting that split ofduties.
SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT: All communications concerning this Request for Proposals (RFP) areto be addressed in writing via e-mail to Chris O’Neill, at , Purchasing Agent, asthe sole contact for this proposal. Actual contact with any other party or attempts by bidders to contactany other party could result in the rejection of theirproposal.
QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD: Any vendor requiring clarification of any section of thisproposal or wishing to comment or take exception to any requirements or other portion of the RFP mustsubmit specific questions in writing no later than 8/5/2016. Questions may be or they can be faxed to 802-241-0410. Any objection to the RFP, or toany provision of the RFP, that is not raised in writing on or before the last day of the question period iswaived. At the close of the question period a copy of all questions or comments and the State's responses willbeposted on the State’s web site Every effort will be made to havethese available as soon after the question period ends, contingent on the number and complexity of thequestions.
The DAIL Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) and Adult Services Divisions (ASD)are seeking an organization or consultant to perform housing safety & accessibility inspections of24-hour residential support homes funded by the DDSD and the ASD. These housing safety and accessibilityinspections are required under Vermont’s Global Commitment to Health 1115 Medicaid Waiver from the Centersfor Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The purpose of the inspections is to ensure the general healthand safety of individuals receiving 24-hour residential supports. The inspections are to be completed forlocal service provider agencies responsible for oversight of 24-hour homes for individuals receivingDevelopmental Disabilities (DS), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or Choices for Care (CFC)services. The services aregenerally
referred to as Adult Developmental Homes (in DS) and Adult Family Care Homes (in TBI and CFC).Each year approximately 480 housing accessibility and safety inspections are performed throughout Vermont.The maximum amount that will be awarded under this contract shall not exceed$160,000.
The Contractor must have knowledge of Vermont building codes, housing and buildingsafety standards, ADA accessibility standards and general knowledge of individuals withphysical disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, developmental disabilities and older adults. The Contractorwill be expectedto:
1.Schedule, coordinate and complete a minimum of five hundred and eighty-five (585) housingsafety and accessibility inspections with DDSD/ASD funded local service provider agenciesthroughout Vermont for the contractyear.
2.Contact a provider agency within five (5) working days of receiving a request for a housingsafety or accessibility inspection to schedule an inspection. Contractor shall provide consultationand materials to agency staff and developmental/adult family care home providers prior to visits.The housing safety and accessibility inspection will be completed within ten (10) working days ofinitial contact, unless the Contractor and the local service provider agency requesting the inspectionagree to other arrangements in writing. Contractor will provide a copy of this written agreement tothe State when submitting the invoice for theinspection.
3.Perform all housing safety and accessibility inspections in accordance with DDSD/ASDHousing Standards Checklist and DDSD/ASD Accessibility Standards Checklist, Attachment Gand Attachment H respectively, and applicablecodes.
4.Provide local service provider agency representative (service coordinator/case manager),home providers, physical therapists and others, with basic accessibility modificationdesign recommendations which comply with DDSD/ASD Housing Standards Checklist andDDSD/ASD Accessibility StandardsChecklist.
5.Perform follow up housing safety and accessibility inspections of homes which fail tomeet established standards per DDSD/ASD Housing Standards Checklist and DDSD/ASDAccessibility Standards Checklist, within five (5) working days of being notified by the local serviceprovider agency of the mitigation of the factors that caused a failure on the originalinspection.
6.Perform re-inspection of 24-hour residential support homes funded through DDSD/ASDservice provider agencies on a five (5) year cycle in accordance with DDSD/ASD HousingStandards Checklist and DDSD/ASD Accessibility StandardsChecklist.
7.Prepare written reports and submit reports to the State in an electronic format specified by theState for each housing safety and accessibility check performed, within fifteen (15) days of initialand/or follow upinspection.
8.Work with the State to develop and implement an electronic reporting, storing andmonitoring process for the housing safety and accessibility inspections to include a detailed list of allhomes inspected that is updated and accessible to appropriate State personnel and agencystaff.
9.Meet with State staff as required by the State to manage the performance of the housing safetyand accessibility inspections required pursuant to this contract. The Contractor will also be availablefor regular consultation and advisory contacts with State personnel and local service provideragency staff throughout the year to discuss findings of housing safety and accessibility inspections,possible variances and will be available to provide technical assistance asneeded.
10.Provide at least two, four-hour in person trainings per year, one in the northern part of the statethe other in the southern part of the state with additional periodic trainings to the DDS, TBI andCFC provider agency staff as required by the State. Contractor shall administer a writtenlearning assessment to attendees. To ensure effectiveness of training, Contractor will ensure that 85% ofthe attendees are be able to list 5 or more housing safety and accessibility standards which must bemet during a housing accessibility and safetycheck. Records of training attendees’ achievement ofthelearning objectives shall be documented and the records will be maintained by theContractor.Copies of the records documenting attendees’ success will be sent to the State as proof ofthe training’s completion.
11.The Contractor will work with the State in developing a web based training to supplement thein- person and additional periodic trainings so the local provider agencies can maintainknowledgeable staff to assure the vulnerable individuals supported in these homes have safe accessible housingthat is maintained and kept in compliance with the identifiedstandards.
12.The Contractor will be responsible for monitoring the number and cost of the inspections toensure costs remain within the maximum fundedamount.
The Contractor shall have the ability to provide housing safety and accessibility inspectionsstarting on January 1, 2017. The contract period shall begin January 1, 2017 and end on December 31,2017. The contract may be renewed for up to two (2) additional years at the discretion of theState.
The Contract format will be the State of Vermont Standard Contract for Personal Services, withrelevant attachments. The Contract shall set forth the contract term, the required prior approvals, the maximumamount to be paid for the services performed, and include a description of the work to be performed, work productsto be produced, anticipated timelines, and payment provisions including any performance incentives.The Contractor is expected to comply with applicable standard State contract provisions (current provisionsappear in Attachment1).
The Contract shall include terms that explain that the State shall monitor the Contractor’s performancein accordance with the terms of the agreement for troubleshooting purposes and to ensure that the contractterms are met and the funds paid to the Contractor are appropriate for the workperformed.
The State reserves the right to waive portions of this RFP, to waive any informalities in proposals, to rejectany or all proposals and/or to negotiate terms and conditions of the awarded contract. The State reserves the rightto negotiate the specific terms and provisions of any proposal through contractnegotiations.
A proposal packet is the entire package of information submitted to DAIL by one (1) bidder in response tothis RFP. Each bidder may submit only one (1) proposal packet for this RFP. The State t reserves the rightto accept or reject any or all proposals. Final selection or rejection of proposals will be the decision ofthe Commissioner of DAIL, or her designee. If a proposal is selected, the person or organization that submittedthe proposal will be invited to negotiate a contract. Bidder must comply with the following StateContract Attachments: Attachment C: Customary State Contract Provisions, Attachment E: BusinessAssociate Agreement and Attachment F: Agency of Human Services Customary State ContractProvisions.
1.Letter of Submittal: The letter shallinclude:
1.Information about your organization and any subcontractors, to include the name ofthe organization, names, addresses, telephone numbers, and address of principal officersand project/program leader, and a description of the type of organization youoperate.
2.A detailed list of all materials and enclosures submitted in theproposal.
3.Any other statements you wish to convey toDAIL.
4.Any alternative contract language you wish to propose. If alternate contract language islonger than one page, attach it to your letter in a separatedocument.
2.Bid Format:
Proposals must be prepared in at least 12-point font, paginated with the bidding organization’snameon each page and may not exceed eight (8) typed pages, and must include thefollowing:
1.Brief description of the organization or consultant resume: A brief description ofthe organization which includes its history, organizational structure, managementpersonnel, description of the qualifications, training and experience of individual staff who will beassigned to the project, and their projected roles. Individual curricula vitae or resumes may besubmitted as attachments to the proposal and are also not included in the pagelimit.
2.Relevant experience: State what qualifies the organization or staff to perform thiswork. Examples of similar work produced by the individual or organization may be includedas attachments to the proposal, or by reference through the use of active websitelinks/addresses within the proposal. Please specifically address evaluation criteria in Section N numbers 2 –8 below.
3.Proposal: The bidder’s analysis of the RFP including a detailed plan for addressing all itemsinthe bid description; including capacity to handle the volume of housing safety andaccessibility inspections within the timeframes outlined in the RFP. As stated in the Overview section ofthis RFP, the state will accept both statewide and regional North/South proposals reflectingthe associated workload, duties, responsibilities and budget to perform the required work.A regional proposal will only be accepted if there is a corresponding proposal to cover the workin the otherregion.
4.Budget: The proposal should include a detailed budget, the cost per inspection,including breakdown of associated expenses, cost for required statewide trainings, includingassociated expenses and potential costs for development of web based trainings. The budget maynot exceed $160,000.
5.References: Please include 3 references in your proposal. References are not included inthe pagelimit.
3.Bidder Questions: Any vendor requiring clarification of any section of this proposal mustsubmit specific questions in writing according to the Schedule of Significant Dates set forth on the CoverPage of this proposal. Questions must be e-mailed to the RFP Contact also listed on the Cover Page.Any questions not raised in writing on or before the last day of the initial question period iswaived. Responses to the questions submitted will be posted to the Electronic Bulletin Board websiteat
4.Proposal Submissions: Proposals must be submittedto:
Attn: Chris M.O’Neill
Developmental Disabilities ServicesDivision Department Aging and IndependentLiving HC 2 South; 280 StateDrive
Waterbury, VT05671-2030
Mail the electronic format to:
5.Submission Deadline Bidders must submit an electronic version of their proposal in pdf format witha scanned copy of the original signature of the individual authorized by the governing body to submita proposal to the Department by 4:30 p.m. on September 1, 2016. No extensions to thesubmission deadline will begranted.
The bidder must use a received receipt message to verify receipt of the submitted proposal. Thebidder is responsible to notify the identified Department representative if there is a question as to if aproposal was received. The Division is not responsible to ensure proposals are received by the aboveidentified deadline. The bidder is expected to retain the original signed paper copy of the proposal at theirprimary place of business and it must be available for review by Division and other state staff asappropriate.
Bidders are expected to keep an original paper copy of proposals at their primary place ofbusiness, which must be available for review by Statestaff.
6.Costs: The State of Vermont assumes no responsibility and no liability for costs incurred by biddersin responding to the RFP or in responding to any further requests for interviews, additional data, etc.prior to the issuance of acontract.
DAIL reserves the right to amend this RFP. DAIL will post any RFP amendments to theElectronic Bulletin Board at
The bid opening will be held on Friday, September 9, 2016 at 3:00 PM at NOB 1 South, Focus RoomA190a, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, Vermont 05671 and is open to the public. Typically, the State will open thebid, read the name and address of the bidder, and read the bid amount. No further information which pertains tothe bid will be available at that time. The State reserves the right to not disclose the amount of a bid if, in itssole discretion, it is determined that the nature, type, or size of the bid is such that the State cannot immediately(at
the opening) establish that the bids are in compliance with the RFP. As such, there will be cases in whichthe bid amount will not be read at the bidopening.
If the State receives one or fewer responsive proposals as a result of this RFP, it reserves the right to selectthe Contractor which best meets the State’s needs. That Contractor will be selected by the State(DAIL) management. The Contractor will be required to document their ability to meet the requirements identifiedin this RFP. The State reserves the right to obtain clarification or additional information necessary toproperly evaluate a proposal or any part thereof. Failure of a bidder to respond to a request for additional informationorclarification could result in rejection of that bidder’sproposal.
The State may, at its sole discretion, reject any proposal as non-responsive that does not complywith any part of thisRFP.
The State may reject a proposal for one or more of the following reasons or for any other reasondeemed to be in the best interest of theState:
- The failure of the bidder to adhere to one or more provisions established in thisRFP.
- The failure of the bidder to submit required information in the format specified in thisRFP.
- The failure of the bidder to adhere to generally accepted ethical and professional principles duringthe RFPprocess.
The Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of DAIL (in parent AHS Secretary or DeputySecretary) are the only persons who may legally commit DAIL to any contractagreements.
A Review Team of knowledgeable individuals will evaluate each proposal. The Review Teamshall review all proposals for compliance with RFP procedural instructions and RFP key points. Ifthe procedural instructions are not followed, the proposal shall be considered non-responsive.Non- responsive proposals may be eliminated from furtherevaluation.