
The purpose of this Request for statement of Qualifications (SOQ) is to solicit proposals from title insurance agents, licensed in theState of Michigan, interested in providing professional real estatetitle searches and title insurance policiesas part of the City of Dearborn Heights (the City)voluntary acquisition of properties located within the floodplain of the Ecorse Creek. The properties will be acquired using Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds administered by the Michigan Department of State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division. This is a federally funded project using FEMA funds to acquire and demolish fifteen (15) homes currently in the Ecorse Creek floodplain. The prospective service provider will be a sub-recipient with the City of Dearborn Heights and all federal regulations will apply.


A special allocation of federal funds has been issued to the City of Dearborn Heights, from the Michigan State Police Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. The grant funds are provided from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the use of the funds is administered pursuant to FEMA’s rules and regulations.

This grant has been approved for the purpose of performing flood mitigation services in the targeted area. This project consists of the acquisition and demolition of fifteen (15) flood-prone homes from the floodplain of the Ecorse Creek. The properties will be purchased on a voluntary basis. A tittle search is required for each of the properties to confirm the actual titleholder to the property and identify any encumbrances against the property so that the City can acquire clear title to the properties. The homes are contiguously located at Hanover Street in the City of Dearborn Heights at the following addresses: 23340, 23410, 23420, 23430, 23440, 23450, 23460, 23470, 23480, 23490, 23500, 23510, 23520, and 23530, along with one additional home located at 5360 Madison. Once acquired, the parcels will be maintained as open space, regulated pursuant to 44 CFR Part 80. Deed restrictions will be recorded to ensure that the property is maintained in perpetuity as open space consistent with natural floodplain functions. (The deed restriction language will be provided by the City.)

For further information about the Dearborn Heights FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, please refer to the City of Dearborn Heightswebsite located at click on the link for the 4195 DR-MI HMPG grant.

Scope of Services

Alltitle searches, commitments for title insurance, and title insurance policies issued pursuant to this RFQ must comply with relevant state insurance regulations and all FEMA requirements. The title searches and subsequent title insurance policies are required so that the City can acquire clear title to eachparcel.

All known encumbrances that are incompatible with open space use must be revised or extinguished to ensure that the property use is consistent with the open space requirements in 44 CFR Part 80. Encumbrances include any encumbrance providing an interest in subsurface resource rights that may also involve an implicit right for surface access to the subsurface resource. The City will require a title insurance policy reflecting that all incompatible easements or other encumbrances to the title have been extinguished to demonstrate clear fee title in conformance with 44 CFR Section 80.17(b).

The following requirements will apply:

♦ A title insurance policy demonstrating that clear title conveys must be obtained for each approved property that will be acquired;

♦The title search must include a 40 year chain of title and a search for easements, restrictions, and mineral rights for the past 100 years;

♦ A physical site inspection for each property must be conducted to verify that there are no physical encumbrances to the property (a site survey may be necessary to clearly establish property boundaries);

♦ The property title must be transferred by a warranty deed;

♦ All incompatible easements or encumbrances must be extinguished;

♦ The deed transferring title to the property and the programmatic deed restrictions will be recorded according to State law and within 14 days after the settlement; and

♦ All property transfers must be consistent with 44 CFR Part 80.

A written commitment for title insurance will be produced identifying all exceptions that must be removed so that the City can acquire clear title to the properties.

The selected title insurance agents(s) will be eligible to perform periodic title search services for the City approved under the City’s Hazard Mitigation Grant.

Time is of the essence.

The funds allocated for acquisition of the target properties subject to this Hazard Mitigation Grantrequire that the initial properties be acquired and demolished before August 24, 2016. Therefore, the first four (4) title searches must be completed within two (2) weeks of the City’s notice of acceptance of proposal to the successful applicant. The initial properties will be identified by the City at that time. Responsesto this RFQ will begin immediately and will not be accepted any later than4:00 pm on Wednesday, July 13, 2016.


This RFQ has been established to encompass all title insurance services anticipated under the City of Dearborn Heights Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Qualified agents are invited to submit a statement of qualifications describing their ability to carry out the activities outlined above. Applicants should detail the areas of the following services they are able to successfully provide. No penalties in qualifications will be imposed for applying for only a portion of the services.

Proposals will be deemed non-responsive and rejected without any further evaluation if they do not meet the following qualifications:

1. Consultant must be State of Michigan licensed to provide title insurance for residential property in Michigan.

2. Provide three (3) references where you/your company has provided similar title insurance services of residential properties within the past five (5) years. Failure to provide this information will render the individual’s/firm’s proposal as non-responsive.

3. Consultant must be experienced and technically qualified to perform title searches and issue title insurance required under this FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Provide information in proposal that documents individual(s) experience and qualifications.

This Request for Qualifications of services is only open to qualified and licensed tile insurance agents.

The applicant(s) must disclose in the proposal submittal whether or not a conflict of interest exists with any potential subject property within the City.

Firms submitting a quotation shall submit a fixed price to the City of Dearborn Heights to conduct the title searches and a fee schedule for title insurance.

Evaluation Tool Criteria

Federal regulations will be used for rating all proposals.

Organizations will be selected based on materials submitted in response to this RFQ, as well as follow up interviews. The following criteria will be utilized to rate each applicant:

•Capacity: Capacity and capability of the Project Team to perform the required title searches and prepare commitments for title insurance, and to do so in a timely manner, as well as the ability to issue title insurance policies.

•Experience: The experience and qualifications including the experience and financial capacity to undertake and complete the proposed project in a timely manner as well as the experience of key staff responsible for the implementation of the program.

•Cost: The ability of the firm to perform the required services in a timely and cost effective manner.

Please Note: Agencies currently out of compliance with any City of DearbornHeights contracts are ineligible to apply for qualification.


All questions or requests for information should be submitted in writing, sent via email to Krystina Laslo at .

Four original copies of the submission are due by 4:00 PM on Wednesday, July 13, 2016to:

Mayor’s Office

City of Dearborn Heights

6045 Fenton

Dearborn Heights, MI 48127

Attn: Krystina Laslo, Mayor’s Assistant

City of Dearborn Heights RFQ for title searches andtitle insurancePage 1