Department of [name of Department]
Request for Quote (RFQ) for:[description of goods or services]
Reference number:[RFQ number]
Issue Date:[date the RFQ was issued]
Place for lodgement:[details of where to lodge Respondent’s quote]
Document Contents
Part A – Invitation and Rules
Part B – Requirement and Specification
Part C – Contract Terms and Conditions
Part D – Response Schedule
PART A - Invitation and Rules
14.CONSORTIUM quotes
Part B – Requirement and Specification
Part C – Contract Terms and Conditions
Part D – Response Schedule
PART A - Invitation and Rules
Theinsert Government party (“Principal”) invites quotes for provision of insert subject matter (“the Requirement”) on the terms of this document. This is an invitation to treat and not an offer.
Insert a statement about the Principal, background information, a description of the Requirement and any other relevant information
The following information is provided to assist respondents:
insert information
The only person authorised by the Principal to communicate with respondents is the Contact Person. Therefore, respondents cannot rely on communications with any other person. Any communication with the Contact Person should be in writing and addressed to the Contact Person.
The Contact Person is
If there are parts of the document or the Requirement that respondents do not understand, respondents should contact the nominated Contact Officer no later than [insert date].
Respondents must nominate a contact person at the time of submitting the quote.
Respondents are invited to have a representative attend a pre-quote meeting to be held at insert location on insert date and time.
A condition of submitting a quote is attendance of insert details briefings, site visits to be held at insert location on insert date and time.
Respondents are requested to prepare thequotein the following format:
- state any requirements as to form eg, submit a certain number of copies of the quote, on A4 size paper, stapled together, on disk (give details of the compatibility and format);
- insert any other format requirements.
Instruction – for the quote lodgement requirements select the relevant clause(s) (DELETE THIS TEXT)
The quote should be prominently endorsed with the nominated reference number, enclosed in a sealed envelope prominently marked “Quote for insert description of Requirement and posted or delivered to the submission delivery address by the nominated closing date and time.
The quote must:
be submitted electronically at [insert address],
be sent in a sealed envelope or package by Registered Post, or delivered by hand to:
insert address details
All electronic copies must be virus checked before electronic lodgement.
Instruction – select the relevant response documents to enable an appropriate evaluation of the quote and delete the headings not required (DELETE THIS TEXT)
This Request for Quote consists of the following:
Part A Invitationto Quote and Rules for Quoting
Part B Requirements and Specifications
Part C Contract Terms and Conditions
Instruction – select one of the standard contracts (DELETE THIS TEXT).
Part D Response Schedules
list any other schedules
The Principal expects that respondents will
●declare any actual or potential conflict of interest;
●not seek to employ or engage the services of any person who has a duty to the Principal as an adviser, consultant or employee (or former adviser, consultant or employee) in relation to this process;
●not collude with any potential respondent;
●comply with all laws in force in South Australia applicable to the process including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010(Cth);
●disclose whether acting as agent, nominee or jointly with another person and disclose the identity of the other person;
●not offer any incentive to, or otherwise attempt to influence, any employee of the Principal or any member of any evaluation committee at any time;
●conduct itself in a manner that does not invite, directly or indirectly, the Principal’s officers, employees or agents or any public sector employee (as defined in the Public Sector Act 2009) to behave unethically, to prefer private interests over the Principal’s interests or to otherwise contravene the Code of Ethics for the South Australian Public Sector; and
●not make any news releases or responses to media enquiries and questions pertaining to this process without the Principal’s written approval.
If a respondent acts contrary to these expectations, the Principal reserves the right (regardless of any subsequent dealings) to:
- terminate negotiations;
- terminate consideration of that respondent’s quote; and
- terminate any contract between that respondent and the Principal in relation to the Requirement without any obligation on the Principal to make any payment to that respondent.
The Principal reserves the right to:
●invite any person or entity to submit a quote;
●extend the quote closing date;
●vary the Statement of Requirement and/or the Specifications at any time, subject to the Principal first giving each respondent the opportunity to respond to the variations;
●allow a respondent to correct any mistakes in its quote provided that this does not give rise to any unfairness to any other respondent;
●allow a respondent to change its quote before the completion of evaluation of quotes, but only if the same opportunity is given to all respondents;
●consider a quote submitted other than in accordance with thisdocument;
●consider an incomplete quote;
●exclude from consideration a quote that has not been submitted by the Closing Time;
●abandon this invitation process at any time;
●clarify any aspect of a quote after the closing date;
●seek the advice of external consultants to assist the Principal in the evaluation or review of quotes;
●make enquiries of any person or entity to obtain information about the respondent and its quote;
●seek information from any respondent;
●following evaluation of quotes, invite revised quotes from one or more respondents;
●following evaluation of quotes, negotiate with one or more respondents;
●negotiate with a respondent for the provision of any part of the Requirement, and to negotiate with any other respondent with respect to the same or other parts of the Requirement, and to enter into one or more contracts for all or any part of the Requirements;
●enter into negotiations with any other person or entity who is not a respondent;
●discontinue negotiations at any time with any respondent; and
●propose revised or replacement contract terms at any stage in this quote process in substitution for, or in addition to, the terms and conditions included.
The Principal is not obliged to accept any quote.
If the Principal does accept a quote it is not obliged to accept the lowest price quote.
The Principal may consider or accept (at the Principal’s sole discretion) any quote including without limitation a late quote or the quote of a respondent who has failed to submit a quote in accordance with these rules.
No acceptance of a quote nor any invitation to negotiate or to make an offer will be effective to constitute a contract or to create any legitimate expectation on the part of the respondent unless a formal written contract is executed by both parties.
Notification to a respondent that it is the preferred respondent will not constitute an acceptance of the quote but an invitation to negotiate.
The Principal reserves the right to consider other quotes for the Requirement.
This quote will be evaluated for full compliance with any mandatory requirements identified in the Statement of Requirement and/or Specifications:
The respondent is reminded that any requirements identified as mandatory are considered to be of fundamental importance to the delivery of theRequirement, and a fully compliant response is expected.
Respondents will be evaluated against the following general criteria:
- Prior performance
- Demonstrated relevant experience
- Compliance with Statement of Requirement and/or Specification
- Management approach, capability and capacity (including quality systems, risk management approach, methodology, customer service, innovation, proposed work plan, availability of resources)
- Price/cost
- Compliance with contract
- Compliance with government policies (environmental, work health and safety etc)
Respondents may be required to provide supporting information to enable these criteria to be assessed.
Respondents are responsible for the cost of preparing and submitting a quote and all other costs arising out of the process.
South Australian Government policies on industry participation and other matters apply to all South Australian Government procurement and related transactions.
14.CONSORTIUM quotes
If a respondent submits a quote in conjunction with any other person, or with the intention of acting, in the future, in conjunction with any one or more other persons (“group members”) in relation to this process the following applies:
- the Principal expects that a respondent will provide a description of the proposed legal structure and relationships that are proposed between the respondent and group members; and
- the Principal expects that respondents will nominate one person as the preferred contact person for their company and all group members.
Notwithstanding any undertaking regarding confidentiality, by submitting a quote, the respondent agrees that the Principal may forward information relating to the respondent or its quote to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) if the Principal reasonably suspects, or is notified by the ACCC that it reasonably suspects, that there is cartel conduct or unlawful collusion in relation to this quote process (whether or not the suspicion relates to the quote).
You and the Principal may disclose information to any consultant engaged for the purpose of this process if the consultant is required to preserve the confidentiality of that information.
Information supplied by or on behalf of the Principal is confidential to the Principal and you are obliged to maintain its confidentiality.
The Principal understands the need to keep commercial matters confidential in appropriate circumstances, but reserves the right to disclose some or all of the contents of your Quote and related information:
- if required to do so by a constitutional convention; or
- in order that the relevant Minister may discharge their duties and obligations to Parliament and the South Australian Government; or
- to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) if the Principal reasonably suspects, or is notified by the ACCC that it reasonably suspects, that there is cartel conduct or unlawful collusion in relation to this RFQ process (whether or not the suspicion relates to your quote),
and any condition in a quote that purports to prohibit or restrict the Government’s right to make such disclosures cannot be accepted.
You must submit with your quote a signed declaration, in the form set out in Annexure A, that:
(a)confirms that your quoteis independent and that there has not been any unlawful collusion with any otherrespondent or party in connection with this RFQ process; and
(b)clearly indicates the total value of the goods and/or services to be provided by sub-contractors, and where that value exceeds either of $1,000,000 (GST inc) or 25% of the total value of your quote, your declaration must include a complete list of all sub-contractors, the value, and the nature of the work to be provided under each sub-contract.
If your quoteis submitted jointly with another party or parties then each joint respondent must provide a signed declaration in the form set out in Annexure A.
The requirement of independence in sub-clause (a) shall not apply as between the joint responding parties.
If you do not provide the duly completed declaration or if any part of your declaration is found to be false the Principal reserves the right (regardless of any subsequent dealings) to:
- terminate negotiations;
- terminate consideration of your quote; and
- terminate any contract between you and the Principal in relation to the Requirement without any obligation on the Principal to make any payment to you.
Part B – Requirement and Specification
Instruction - Provide details of requirements
Part C – Contract Terms and Conditions
Instruction – select one of the standard contracts (DELETE THIS TEXT).
Part D – Response Schedule
Instruction –review the response schedule and adjust to ensure that appropriate information (related to evaluation criteria) is requested to ensure effective evaluation.(DELETE THIS TEXT).
Subject / DetailsRespondent’s Business Trading Name
Respondent’s Registered Name
Type of Entity
Company, Trust, Partnership, Individual, Other
Registered business head office name and location
Place of Business
Postal Address
Contact person
Contact details for contact person / Phone
List names for people currently in positions of authority and management / Directors:
Company Secretary:
Principal Executive Officers:
The Principal reserves the right to request additional financial information as required to gain further comfort regarding the financial capacity of entities assessed.
Respondents are required to demonstrate they have the financial capacity to provide, over the term of the contract, all the requirements specified.
Subject / DetailsDuring the evaluation, a respondent may be required to submit a copy of its annual audited documents (including, but not limited to: annual reports and balance sheets; profit and loss statements; and cash flow statements for the last three financial years).
Please indicate whether or not you will provide such reports (if required) by circling/deleting yes or no below. / YES/NO
If you provide a ‘no’ response, you must provide a statement detailing your reasons.
Respondents are required to provide details of any interest, relationship or clients that may or do give rise to a conflict of interest and the issue about which that conflict or potential conflict does or may arise.
Subject / DetailsAre there any actual or perceived conflicts of interest in providing this requirement? Please detail. / YES/NO
Subject / DetailsDetail previous work including public sector work which you have completed similar to the requirements in the specification.
Subject / DetailsDetail knowledge and experience you have in providing similar requirements.
Please provide up to three referees that may be contacted with regards to the goods/services offered in your response.
Subject / DetailsReferee 1:
Client name
Client contact person name
Client contact person title
Client contact person telephone
Client contact person e-mail
Referee 2:
Client name
Client contact person name
Client contact person title
Client contact person telephone
Client contact person e-mail
Referee 3:
Client name
Client contact person name
Client contact person title
Client contact person telephone
Client contact person e-mail
6.1Capability and Capacity
Subject / DetailsProvide details of key staff members that will provide the day-to-day requirements offered in your response.
Subject / Details
Provide details of what facilities and other resources your organisation will utilise to provide the requirements.
Proposed Sub-contractors
Subject / DetailsProvide details on any subcontractors you propose to utilise.
6.2Quality Systems
Subject / DetailsIs your organisation approved to a recognised Quality Assurance System?
If you are not accredited, provide details of how you intend to assure that the deliverables meet the requirements and the industry standards for quality?
Subject / DetailsProvide details of your proposed methodology to deliver the requirements offered in your response.
6.4Customer excellence
Subject / DetailsWhat performance measures will you utilise to manage the provision of the requirement?
6.5Proposed work plan
Subject / DetailsProvide an implementation plan, including identification of key dates and milestones of what is to be done in sequence for the provision of the requirement.
In completing the table, respondents must provide details of their compliance to each clause or paragraph of the specification in accordance with the following definitions:
Compliance Category / Compliance Indicator / DefinitionComplies / C / a)In the case of a clause that is of an informative nature only, the clause has been read and understood.
b)In the case of a clause that specifies a characteristic or performance standard to be met by the goods or services to be provided, the offer is to provide the specified characteristic or performance standard.
Where appropriate, the respondent should state or describe how the requirement is to be met.
Partially Complies / P / In the case of a clause that specifies a characteristic or performance standard, the requirement can only be met subject to certain conditions.
Where this is the case and the respondent is prepared to make good on the condition, characteristic or performance standard, the respondent shall state or describe the manner in which the non-compliance is to be made good.
Does Not Comply / N / The characteristic or performance standard of a clause is not met by the offer. Full details of the non-compliance must be stated.
Specification Clause Number / Compliance Indicator / Comments
Subject / DetailsDoes your organisation agree with the draft Contract? / (Yes / No)
If no, provide details.
Environmental and Greening Requirements
Subject / DetailsPlease provide details of any environmental benefits that will result from your response.
Work Health and Safety
Subject / DetailsProvide details of your ‘Work Health and Safety’ record over the previous three years. This should include the number of accidents, number of lost time accidents, etc.