Rawls College of Business 2003-2008 Graduate Program Review
Texas Tech University III: Faculty 1
- Number, Rank, and Demographics of the Faculty
In historical perspective, the number of tenured and tenure-track faculty for the Rawls College of Business:
- Remained stable at about 85 FTE for the ten years 1976 to 1985.
- In successive rounds of budget reductions through 1996 the faculty declined toa bottom of 48 FTEs with several tenured faculty reducing their load to part time. Then in 1997 the budget for positions began to increase.
- During 1998 to 2003 the budget increased from 53 to 64 in preparation for the accreditation visit of Spring 2003 and immediately thereafter. Two of these were due to changing instructor positions into tenure track and the college reduction of the instructor’s budget. The combination of faculty increases and student reductions allowed the college to be reaffirmed in its AACSB International accreditation in 2005.
- During the most recent six years the tenured and tenure track faculty increased from 64 to 67. Two of the line increases were due to funding for new endowed chairs made available to the college (Bagley and Hance Chairs). One was due to changing an instructor’s position into tenure track.
Exhibit III-1 presents the faculty full-time equivalents for the past 6 years. Note that the datainclude from 2 to 4 part-time faculty included in the counts for tenured and tenure track. For the past 6 years, the university count of full-time equivalent (FTE) faculty remained relatively stable at between about 100 and 113. The graduate assistants are GPTIs and teach as needed to make the schedule work. When they are not teachers of record, they support the faculty and are categorized as graduate student assistants (GSAs).
Exhibit III-1
Full-Time Equivalent Tenured and Tenure Track (T & TT), Other, and Total Faculty
Fall 2004 through Fall 2009
Prepared by the Rawls College of Business from data provided by Institutional Research
Fall / T and TT FTE Faculty / Non-Tenure TrackFaculty FTE / Graduate Assistant Teaching (GPTIs FTE) / Total FTE Faculty
2003 / 64 / 26.0 / 9.5 / 99.5
2004 / 66 / 31.8 / 15.5 / 113.3
2005 / 68 / 33.6 / 9.0 / 110.6
2006 / 66 / 34.0 / 9.6 / 109.6
2007 / 66 / 36.0 / 7.8 / 109.8
2008 / 67 / 29.8 / 6.5 / 103.3
Faculty Head Counts. Exhibit III-2 was prepared by the Graduate School and demonstrates that the head count of tenured and tenure track faculty hasbeen stable and the count of non-tenure track and GPTIs has fluctuated. The total head count has varied from a high of 135 to a low of 113. Part-time adjuncts and GPTIs are hired as needed to fill the schedule. Doctoral students who are not teaching are categorized as GSAs and are funded at the same level.
Exhibit III-2
Head Counts of Faculty for Fall Semesters
Prepared by the Graduate School for Fall Semesters
Addendum by Rawls College of Business:
Total Head Count / 114 / 135 / 127 / 130 / 126 / 113Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Counts by Rank. Exhibit III-3 was prepared by the Graduate School and demonstrates that the tenured and tenure track faculty have been stable. The exhibit did not include the Horn Professors for the college and these were included in the addendum at the bottom of the exhibit. The number of full professors decreased due to retirements exceeding promotions. The number of associate professors increased due to bothpromotion of assistant professors and the hiring at the associate level exceeded those promoted to professor.The number of assistant professors declined due to promotions to associate, those who left for other university positions, and the hiring of associate professors during the study period.
Exhibit III-3
Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Head Count by Rank
Prepared by the Graduate School for Fall Semesters
The Rawls College of Business adjuststhe Counts to Reflect Horn Professors:
2003 / 4 / 28 / 11 / 232004 / 4 / 27 / 15 / 21
2005 / 4 / 28 / 17 / 20
2006 / 4 / 29 / 18 / 17
2007 / 4 / 27 / 18 / 18
2008 / 3 / 25 / 21 / 19
Faculty Counts in Comparison to Other Colleges of Business. Exhibit III-4 was prepared by the Graduate School. The exhibit presents the head counts of faculty at four comparison schools:
- The Florida State College of Business had a larger tenure/tenure track faculty than the Rawls College of Business, has fewer non-tenure track faculty, and has a similar number of teaching doctoral students.
- The Iowa State College of Business had a somewhat smaller tenure/tenure-track faculty than the Rawls College of Business, has far fewer non-tenure track faculty, and had no teaching doctoral students during the study period.
- The Missouri College of Business had substantially fewer tenure/tenure-track faculty, fewer non-tenure track faculty, and a larger number of doctoral students teaching during the review period.
- The Tennessee business school had a substantially larger tenure/tenure-track faculty, somewhat smaller non-tenure track faculty, and an equivalent number of doctoral students teaching.
- The Virginia Tech faculty is for the Department of Accounting primarily and is not directlycomparable to the Texas Tech Rawls College of Business.
Exhibit III-4
Head Counts of Faculty by Type
Prepared by the Graduate School for fall semesters from data received from each University’s Institutional Research
Exhibit III-5 presents the percentage of tenured/tenure-track faculty for each of the comparison schools. The Rawls College of Business has proportionately 10% to 20% fewer tenure/tenure-track faculty than the comparison schools. The Rawls College of Business percentage increase in 2008 is partly as a result of moving 5 instructor positions to staff positions and the remainder is due to a reduction in the number of part-time instructors.
Exhibit III-5
Percentage of Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty to Total
Prepared by the Rawls College of Business from the data in Exhibit III-4
2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008Florida State / 82.0% / 79.6% / 79.5% / 79.8% / 77.9%
Iowa State / 82.4% / 79.5% / 80.8% / 80.3% / 80.6%
Missouri / 82.4% / 77.8% / 77.0% / 76.2% / 71.9%
Tennessee / 73.4% / 80.0% / 78.2% / 80.2% / 78.3%
Virginia Tech (Accounting) / 82.6% / 81.0% / 79.2% / 84.0% / 84.0%
Texas Tech / 66.7% / 63.2% / 63.3% / 62.4% / 60.4% / 67.3%
- Lists of Faculty Members
Exhibit III-6 provides information on the 108 Fall 2009 faculty of the Rawls College of Business.A few faculty hold joint appointments on area and program.Exhibit III-7lists the faculty members previously employed by the Rawls College of Business providing detail on area of instruction, rank, hire and termination dates, grad faculty status, and reason for leaving faculty status. Exhibit III-8 summarizes the reasons for 55 faculty leaving. In summary, the faculty left TTU faculty status because they:
- Retired, 14
- Took a job at another university, 13
- Were visitors who must leave, 13
- Did not earn tenure or were terminated before the decision, 9
- Were instructors reclassified as staff members, 5
Exhibit III-6
Faculty Currently Employed by the Rawls College of Business
Prepared by the Rawls College of Business
Bagley, Penny / ACCT / Assistant / 9/1/2007 / Y
Buchheit, Steve / ACCT / Associate / 9/1/2001 / Y
Busslep, William / ACCT / Assistant / 9/1/2009 / Y
Clancy, Donald / ACCT / Professor, Senior Associate Dean / 1/16/1982 / Y
Collins, Denton / ACCT / Associate / 9/1/2008 / Y
Mann, Herschel / ACCT / Professor / 9/1/1972 / Y
Masselli, John / ACCT / Associate / 9/1/1998 / Y
Nichols, Linda / ACCT / Professor, Area Coordinator of Accounting / 9/1/1989 / Y
Oler, Derek / ACCT / Associate / 9/1/2009 / Y
Pasewark, William / ACCT / Professor / 9/1/2000 / Y
Ricketts, Robert / ACCT / Professor / 9/1/1988 / Y
Roman, Francisco / ACCT / Assistant / 9/1/2007 / Y
Romanus, Robin / ACCT / Assistant / 9/1/2007 / Y
Viator, Ralph / ACCT / Professor / 9/1/2000 / Y
Allen, Roberta / ACCT / Instructor / 7/16/1999 / N
Bigbee, Kristen / ACCT / Instructor / 9/1/2005 / N
Kelley, Dawn / ACCT / Instructor / 7/16/1988 / N
Lynn, Quepha / ACCT / Instructor / 9/1/2001 / N
Pauwels, Vanda / ACCT / Instructor / 9/1/2007 / N
Collins, Allison / ACCT / Clinical Assistant / 9/1/2008 / Y
Duran, Cathy / BA / Instructor, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs, and BBA Coordinator / 6/1/1999 / N
McWhorter, Owen / BLAW / Instructor / 9/1/1989 / Adjunct
Smithee, Robert / BLAW / Instructor / 9/1/2001 / Adjunct
Clark, Kelly / BLAW / Instructor / 9/1/2004 / N
Payne, Tray / BLAW / Instructor / 9/1/2000 / N
Reed, Michael / BLAW / Instructor / 9/1/2005 / N
Schuetzeberg, Jerome / BLAW / Instructor / 9/1/1968 / N
Giberson, Michael / ENCO / Instructor / 9/1/2008 / N
McInturff, Terry / ENCO / Instructor / 1/15/2004 / N
Cashman, George / FIN / Assistant / 9/1/2007 / Y
Cooney, John (Jack) / FIN / Associate / 9/1/2002 / Y
Dukes, William / FIN / Professor / 1/1/1968 / Y
Gillan, Stewart / FIN / Associate / 9/1/2006 / Y
Exhibit III-6 (Cont.)
Goebel, Paul / FIN / Professor / 1/1/1980 / Y
Gunner, Nuray / FIN / Visiting Associate / 9/1/2005 / Adjunct / Visitor from Middle Eastern Technical University, Summer Only
Harrison, David / FIN / Associate / 9/1/2007 / Y
Hein, Scott / FIN / Professor / 9/1/1983 / Y
Mercer, Jeffrey / FIN / Professor / 9/1/2002 / Y
Ritchey, Robert / FIN
BA / Associate, MBA Associate Coordinator / 9/1/1982 / Y
Stegemoller, Mike / FIN / Assistant / 9/1/2004 / Y
Vozlioublennaia, Nadia / FIN / Assistant / 9/1/2007 / Y
Whitby, Ryan / FIN / Assistant / 9/1/2007 / Y
Winters, Drew / FIN / Professor, Area Coordinator of Finance / 9/1/2004 / Y
Liu, Yingchun / FIN / Visiting Professor / 9/1/2009 / Adjunct
Moore, Mark / FIN / Instructor / 9/1/2006 / N
Rhoades, Seza Danisoglu / FIN / Visiting Assistant / 9/1/2004 / N / Visitor from Middle Eastern Technical University, Summer Only
Nix, Timothy / HOM / Instructor / 6/1/1998 / Adjunct
Wigmans, Nazzi / HOM / Instructor / 9/1/2008 / Adjunct
Hoffman, James / ISQS, BA HOM / Professor, Associate Dean of MBA Programs and Executive Education, HOM Coordinator / 9/1/1999 / Y
Huerta, Tim / HOM / Assistant / 9/1/2008 / Y
Thompson, Mark / HOM / Associate / 9/1/2009 / Y
Bremer, Ronald / ISQS / Associate / 9/1/1988 / Y
Burns, James / ISQS / Professor / 9/1/1980 / Y
Cao, Qing / ISQS / Associate / 9/1/2008 / Y
Conover, W. J. / ISQS
BA / Horn Professor,
MBA Coordinator / 9/1/1978 / Y
Delgadillo, Francisco / ISQS / Assistant / 9/1/2005 / Y
Exhibit III-6 (Cont.)
Durrett, John / ISQS / Associate / 9/1/1997 / Y
Ewing, Brad / ISQS / Professor, Area Coordinator of ISQS / 6/1/2004 / Y
Jones, Donald / ISQS / Associate / 9/1/2001 / Y
Lin, Zhangxi / ISQS / Associate / 9/1/1999 / Y
Song, Jaeki / ISQS / Associate / 7/16/2001 / Y
Walden, Eric / ISQS / Associate / 9/1/2002 / Y
Westfall, Peter / ISQS / Horn Professor / 9/1/1983 / Y
Wetherbe, James / ISQS / Professor, Associate Dean of Research and Development / 5/1/2000 / Y
Yadav, Surya / ISQS / Professor / 9/1/1981 / Y
Brown, Patricia / ISQS / Instructor / 6/1/1998 / N
Flamm, Phillip / ISQS / Instructor / 9/1/2003 / N
Giddens, Terri / ISQS / Instructor / 9/1/2001 / N
Lay, Lowell / ISQS / Instructor / 9/1/2007 / N
Wetherbe, Bond / ISQS / Instructor / 9/1/2009 / N
Blair, John / MGT / Professor / 9/1/1981 / Y
Boal, Kimberly / MGT / Professor / 9/1/1989 / Y
Brigham, Keith / MGT / Associate / 7/16/2001 / Y
Cogliser, Claudia / MGT / Assistant / 9/1/2005 / Y
Gardner, William / MGT / Professor, Area Coordinator of Management / 9/1/2005 / Y
Hansen, Hans / MGT / Assistant / 9/1/2006 / Y
Krefting, Linda / MGT / Associate / 9/1/1981 / Y
Macy, Barry / MGT / Professor / 9/1/1979 / Y / Retired, Part-Time until May 2010
Mitchell, Ron / MGT / Professor / 9/1/2005 / Y
Payne, Tyge / MGT / Associate / 9/1/2006 / Y
Quinn Trank, Christine / MGT / Assistant / 9/1/2003 / Y
Short, Jeremy / MGT / Associate / 9/1/2006 / Y
Wan, William / MGT / Associate / 9/1/2006 / Y
Hoover, Dwayne / MGT / Instructor / 9/1/2002 / Adjunct
Randolph-Seng, Brandon / MGT / Visiting Assistant / 9/1/2009 / Adjunct
Ryan, Michael / MGT / Clinical Assistant / 9/1/2008 / Adjunct
Bore, Sigve / MGT / Instructor / 9/1/2004 / N
Conn, Cindy / MGT / Clinical Assistant / 9/1/2008 / N
Edwards, Tracey / MGT / Instructor / 9/1/2006 / N
Ferguson, Ralph / MGT / Assistant / 1/15/2009 / Y
Stevens, Jerry / MGT / Instructor / 9/1/2003 / N
Stull, Don / MGT / Instructor / 9/1/2004 / N
Westney, Emilia / MGT / Instructor / 9/1/2004 / N
Exhibit III-6 (Cont.)
Arnett, Dennis / MKT / Associate / 9/1/2001 / Y
Dass, Mayukh / MKT / Assistant / 9/1/2008 / Y
Davis, Donna / MKT / Associate / 9/1/2003 / Y
Duhan, Dale F. / MKT / Professor / 9/1/1989 / Y
Fox, Gavin / MKT / Assistant / 9/1/2009 / Y
Howell, Roy / MKT / Professor / 9/1/1982 / Y
Hunt, Shelby D. / MKT / Horn Professor / 9/1/1980 / Y
Laverie, Debra A. / MKT / Professor, Area Coordinator of Marketing, Director of the Teaching, Learning and Technology Center / 9/1/1995 / Y
McDonald, Robert / MKT / Associate / 9/1/2001 / Y
Rinaldo, Shannon / MKT / Assistant / 9/1/2008 / Y
Wagner, Tillman / MKT / Assistant / 9/1/2005 / Y
Wilcox, James B. / MKT / Professor / 9/1/1975 / Y
Wilkes, Robert E. / MKT / Professor / 9/1/1976 / Y / Retired, Part-Time until May 2010
Harper, Jeffrey / MKT / Instructor / 1/1/2008 / N
Whitebread, Allen / MKT / Instructor / 6/1/1999 / N
Exhibit III-7
Prepared by the Rawls College of Business
Anderson, Lane K. / ACCT / Professor / 9/1/1978 / 8/31/2006 / Y / Retired
Freeman, Robert J. / ACCT / Professor / 9/1/1979 / 10/31/2007 / Y / Retired
Lampe, James / ACCT / Professor / 9/1/1989 / 8/31/2006 / Y / Retired from TTU and employed by Southeast Missouri State Univ.
Lightner, Teresa / ACCT / Assistant / 9/1/2002 / 8/31/2008 / Y / Tenured & now Employed by Univ. of North Texas
Malone, J. David / ACCT / Associate / 1/9/1999 / 8/31/2007 / Y / Tenured & now Employed by Weber State Univ.
Dowell, C. Dwayne / ACCT / Professor / 9/1/1991 / 8/31/2008 / N / Retired
Fugate, Faith / ACCT / Visiting Assistant Professor / 9/1/2008 / 8/31/2009 / N / Temporary Employee
Kaciuba, Gail / ACCT / Visiting Professor / 9/1/2006 / 8/31/2007 / N / Visited from Midwestern Univ., now at St. Mary’s, San Antonio
McNight, Reed / ACCT / Visiting Professor / 9/1/2006 / 8/31/2007 / N / Visited one year, Now at Univ. of New Mexico
Radtke, Robin / ACCT / Visiting Associate Professor / 9/1/2005 / 8/31/2007 / Y / Visitor now employed by Florida Atlantic Univ.
Trotter, Benjamin / ACCT / Instructor / 1/16/1982 / 01/15/2006 / N / Retired
Hankins, Mitch / BLAW / Instructor / 9/1/2001 / 8/31/2005 / N / Terminated
Cyree, Ken / FIN / Associate / 9/1/2002 / 5/31/2004 / Y / Employed in Endowed Chair and Dean of the College of Business at Univ. of Mississippi
English, Phillip / FIN / Assistant / 9/1/2000 / 8/31/2007 / Y / Not Tenured, Employed by American University
Kuipers, David / FIN / Assistant / 9/1/1999 / 8/31/2004 / Y / Employed at University of Missouri, Kansas City
Kwok, Julia / FIN / Assistant / 9/1/2003 / 8/31/2004 / Y / Left, employed elsewhere.
Sears, R. Stephen / FIN / Professor / 9/1/1988 / 8/31/2005 / Y / Now Dean at Texas A&M International
Stem, Carl / FIN / Professor,
Dean Emeritus / 9/1/1970 / 1/15/2004 / Y / Retired
Bowlin, Oswald / FIN / Associate / 9/1/1965 / 5/31/2004 / Y / Retired
Huang, Pinghsun / FIN / Assistant / 9/1/2003 / 7/31/2007 / Y / Employed elsewhere.
Schiermeyer, James / FIN / Instructor / 9/1/1998 / 1/31/2009 / N / Deceased
Smith, Kenneth / FIN / Visiting Professor / 9/1/2008 / 8/31/2009 / N / Visited from Pittsburg State Univ.
Ford, Eric / HOM / Associate / 1/15/2007 / 8/31/2009 / Y / Tenured, Now at North Carolina, Greensboro
Exhibit III-7 (Cont.)
Antony, Solomon / ISQS / Assistant / 9/1/1998 / 8/31/2005 / Y / Not Tenured, Employed elsewhere
Browne, Glenn / ISQS / Professor / 9/1/1997 / 8/31/2007 / Y / Tenured, Employed at Univ. of Virginia
Burkman, James / ISQS / Assistant / 9/1/2001 / 8/31/2007 / Y / Terminated, employed at Oklahoma State University
Sherif, Karma / ISQS / Assistant / 9/1/2000 / 8/31/2006 / Y / Terminated, employed at Texas Southern Univ.
Smith, Patricia / ISQS / Instructor / 6/1/2003 / 8/31/2005 / Adjunct / Adjunct, Primarily Summers
Janamanchi, Balaji / ISQS / Visiting Assistant Professor / 9/1/2001 / 8/31/2004 / N / Temporary Employee
Bravaco, Ralph / ISQS / Associate / 9/1/1982 / 8/31/2006 / N / Retired
Giambatista, Robert C. / MGT / Assistant / 9/1/2000 / 8/6/2004 / Y / Left for position elsewhere
Hunt, James G. / MGT / Horn Professor / 9/1/1981 / 1/15/2008 / Y / Retired , then deceased
Lumpkin, Thomas / MGT / Professor / 9/1/2007 / 8/31/2009 / Y / Employed at Syracuse University
Phillips, Robert / MGT / Associate / 9/1/1986 / 7/31/2006 / Y / Retired
Robinson, David / MGT / Assistant / 9/1/1998 / 8/31/2006 / Y / Did not Earn Tenure
Sorenson, Ritch / MGT / Professor, Area Coordinator of Mgt. / 9/1/1986 / 8/31/2007 / Y / Endowed Chair at St. Mary's, Minn.
Szyliowicz, Dara / MGT / Assistant / 9/1/1997 / 8/31/2005 / Y / Did not Earn Tenure
Washington, Marvin / MGT / Assistant / 7/16/2001 / 1/15/2006 / Y / Employed at Univ. of Calgary
Whitehead, Carlton J. / MGT / Professor / 12/31/2005 / Y / Retired
Anderson, Dianne / MGT / Instructor / 9/1/1999 / 8/31/2008 / N / Now Staff Member
Balkundi, Prasad / MGT / Visiting Assistant Professor / 9/1/2004 / 8/31/2005 / N / Temporary Employee
Busby, Colleen / MGT / Instructor / 1/14/2001 / 8/31/2005 / N / Now Staff Member
Cavasoz, David / MGT / Visiting Assistant Professor / 9/1/2005 / 8/31/2006 / N / Temporary Employee
Davis, John / MGT / Visiting Assistant Professor / 9/1/2004 / 8/31/2005 / Y / Temporary Employee
Drennon, Grace / MGT / Instructor / 1/16/1990 / 8/31/2008 / N / Now Staff Member
Faver, Dudley / MGT / Instructor / 9/1/1980 / 1/15/2005 / N / Retired
Hughes, John / MGT / Instructor / 9/1/1984 / 5/31/2004 / N / Retired
Kennedy, Michael / MGT / Instructor / 9/1/2006 / 8/31/2008 / N / Now Staff Member
Exhibit III-7 (Cont.)
Moore, Curtis / MGT / Visiting Assistant Professor / 9/1/2004 / 5/31/2005 / Y / Temporary Employee
Ramirez, Ida / MGT / Instructor / 9/1/1985 / 8/31/2004 / N / Left for position elsewhere
Sorenson, Paula / MGT / Instructor / 9/1/1999 / 1/15/2007 / N / Left for position elsewhere
Koch, Eric / MKT / Assistant / 7/16/2001 / 8/31/2005 / Y / Terminated
Dunne, Patrick M. / MKT / Associate / 9/1/1975 / 1/15/2007 / N / Retired
Falkenberg, Andreas / MKT / Visiting Professor / 9/1/2006 / 8/31/2007 / N / Temporary Employee from Norway
Troye, Sigurd / MKT / Visiting Professor / 9/1/2005 / 5/31/2006 / N / Temporary Employee from Norway
Exhibit III-8
Summary of Reasons for Faculty Exit
Prepared by the Rawls College of Business
Reason for Leaving / Professor / Associate / Assistant / Instructor / Visiting / TotalRetired / 7 / 4 / 0 / 3 / 0 / 14
Tenured (or Continuing Employment) and Now Employed Elsewhere / 4 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 0 / 9
Employed Elsewhere before Tenure Decision / 0 / 1 / 3 / 0 / 0 / 4
Denied Tenure / 0 / 0 / 5 / 0 / 0 / 5
Terminated before Tenure / 0 / 0 / 3 / 1 / 0 / 4
Temporary Employee / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 13 / 13
Now a Staff Member / 0 / 0 / 0 / 4 / 0 / 4
Deceased and Other / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2 / 0 / 2
Total / 11 / 7 / 12 / 12 / 13 / 55
- Summary of Publications
Exhibit III-9 presents a summary of the publications for the year of those faculty present each year 2003 to 2008. During the 6 year period there were a total of 101 faculty who held tenured or tenure-track positions in the college. Of these, 81 published something during their tenure at Texas Tech. The Rawls College of Business places a relatively high emphasis on refereed journal articles in its internal processes. The number of journal articles increased by 117% over the review period. The total number of publications increased by 81% from 2003 to 2008.
Exhibit III-9
Summary of Publications
For the Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty
Prepared by the Rawls College of Business
Publication Type / 2003 N=41 F=66 / 2004 N=41 F=67 / 2005 N=47 F=69 / 2006 N=47 F=68 / 2007 N=55 F=67 / 2008 N=57 F=68 / 2003 to 2008Refereed Articles / 59 / 65 / 80 / 122 / 106 / 128 / 560
Books/Book Chapters / 16 / 27 / 24 / 40 / 28 / 32 / 167
Other Publications / 30 / 18 / 34 / 44 / 21 / 30 / 177
Total Publications / 105 / 110 / 138 / 206 / 172 / 190 / 731
N = Tenured/Tenure Track faculty contributing F = Tenured/Tenure-track faculty in college
- Responsibilities and Leadership in Professional Societies
Exhibit III-10 summarizes the national service of the tenured/tenure-track faculty members as listed on their vita. During the period under review,44% of the faculty had some involvement with national organizations in their academic fields. The national service activity of the faculty increased over the time period. However, the number of faculty contributing to national service activity may be understated because not all faculty members list such national service on their vita.
Exhibit III-10
National Service of the Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty
Prepared by the Rawls College of Business from Faculty Vita
Professional Leadership / 2003 N=20 F=66 / 2004 N=19 F=67 / 2005 N=21 F=69 / 2006 N=27 F=68 / 2007 N=29 F=67 / 2008 N=30 F=68
Editor/Associate Editor of Journal / 9 / 9 / 11 / 11 / 12 / 15
Editorial Review Board / 13 / 16 / 19 / 24 / 24 / 28
Officer in National Org. / 3 / 2 / 4 / 4 / 5 / 5
Committees in Organizations / 1 / 4 / 6 / 7 / 6 / 5
Discussant, Moderator, or Program Chair at National Meeting / 9 / 11 / 10 / 12 / 19 / 19
Totals / 35 / 42 / 50 / 58 / 66 / 72
N = # of Tenured/Tenure-Track faculty contributing F = # of Tenured/Tenure-Track faculty in department
- Faculty Productivity
Dissertation Service. Exhibit III-11 lists the dissertation service of the faculty. A total of 51 of the current tenured/tenure-track faculty served on dissertation committees during the period. Further, 32 of the current faculty chaired (or co-chaired) 58dissertations during the review period for an average of 1.8. Thus, 76% of the current faculty have served on a dissertation committee and 47% have chaired (or co-chaired) one or more dissertations.