Submit Bid To



Mail Stop 2034

3901 Rainbow Blvd., Kansas City, KS 66160


Quotation No. 683F18-24 Date Mailed 1/15/2018 Closing 2:00 pm 2/08/2018


If Given an Order, Bidder Agrees to Furnish the Items Enumerated Hereon at the Price(s) and under the Conditions Indicated

1. In communicating always refer to the quotation number above.

2. In order to receive consideration for award, one copy of this “Request for Quotation” properly completed and signed must be returned to, and received by the Department of Purchasing, not later than the specified central time.

3. All prices, items and conditions must be shown. Any prices, terms and conditions not shown, and presented after the specified closing time will not be considered in the bid evaluating process.

4. Purchase orders or contracts resulting from this quotation may not be assigned without written prior approval from the Director of Purchasing.

5. The seller agrees to protect the purchaser from all damage arising out of alleged infringements of patents.

6. Unless otherwise specified, the Director of Purchasing reserves the right to accept or reject all or any part of this quotation.

7. All offered discounts will be considered in determining the low bid, and taken when payment is made.

8. Bids and performance guarantee, when required, will be outlined in the specifications below.

9. All prices quoted are to be less federal excise and state sales taxes.

11. It is hereby agreed that the bidder will, if required by law, comply with the Kansas Act Against Discrimination, K.S.A. 44-1030 et seq.

Items and Specifications

KUMC seeks Telemanagment Software or Software as a Service to fulfill the requirements as outlined in the attached Contract Drawings and Specifications.

KUMC reserves the right to negotiate with selected finalists should it be deemed necessary.

Name ______

Signed By ______

Title ______

Date ______

Phone ______

KUMC, Request for Quotation No. 683F18-24


1.  It is the intent of KUMC to permit competitive bidding. It is the bidder’s responsibility to advise KUMC Purchasing, in writing no later than seven (7) days prior to the closing date, if any specification or requirement limits bidding to a single source.

2.  Unless otherwise specified, KUMC reserves the right to accept or reject all or any part of a quotation, and to waive technicalities.

3.  Except as otherwise indicated, the merchandise quoted shall be in new condition.

4.  KUMC reserves the right to award purchases by item, by group, or by lot, whichever is deemed to be in its best interest.

5.  In the event of a tie, the award shall be made to a Kansas bidder.

6.  Unit price shall prevail in the event of extension errors.

7.  When brand names or trade names and model numbers are used in the bid request, it is for quality, style and features. Bids on equivalent items of substantially the same quality, style and features are invited, unless otherwise indicated. However, to receive consideration, such equivalent bids must be accompanied by sufficient literature and/or specifications to clearly identify the items and allow for functional evaluation. If a bid indicates that an item quoted is functionally equivalent and is purchased and found to not be comparable, KUMC reserves the right to return the item at the bidder’s expense, and the bidder will be charged back for any difference in cost for the specified item.

8.  If any portion of this bid is provided by a vendor other than the bidder, the bidder remains the prime contractor responsible for fulfilling all requirements of this bid.

9.  Samples of items, when required, shall be furnished at no expense to KUMC, and, if not destroyed in the evaluation process, will be returned at the bidder’s expense if requested.

10.  Partial payments can only be made with the prior approval of the Project Coordinator.

11.  Any conviction for a criminal or civil offense that indicates a lack of business integrity or honesty must be disclosed. This includes 1) conviction of a criminal offense incidental to obtaining or trying to obtain a public or private contract or subcontract or in the performance of such contract or subcontract; 2) conviction under state or federal statutes of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of documents, receiving stolen property; 3) conviction under state or federal antitrust statutes; and 4) any other offense to be serious and compelling as to affect responsibility as a state contractor. Failure to disclose an offense may result in disqualification of the bid or termination of the contract.

12.  Qualified contractors and sub-contractors must develop and maintain a written Affirmative Action plan.

13.  For similar KUMC requests:

Contract Documents:

This RFP, any amendments, the response and any response amendments of the Contractor, and the University of Kansas Medical Center KU-146a (Contractual Provision Attachment) and the University of Kansas Medical Center General Terms and Conditions shall be incorporated into the written contract, which shall compose the complete understanding of the parties.

In the event of a conflict in terms of language among the documents, the following order of precedence shall govern:

•  Form KU-146a;

•  University of Kanas Medical Center General Terms and Conditions;

•  written modifications to the executed contract;

•  written contract signed by the parties;

•  the RFQ, including any and all amendments;

•  and Contractor's written proposal submitted in response to the RFQ as finalized.

CONTRACTOR: Company Name ______

Address ______

Telephone: ______

FEIN: ______

E-Mail: ______

Contract Person and Title: ______

Administrative Fee: No Administrative Fee will be assessed against purchases from this contract


The University of Kansas Medical Center is requesting a (2) two-year contract with (3) three, one-year renewals if mutually agreed upon by both parties and subject to annual appropriations by the governing body.


Payment Terms are 2%/15 Net 60 days. If the 60th calendar day noted above falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the following workday will become the required payment date.

Submittal Requirements

RFP responses can be emailed to Bryan Thomas at . Proposals must be submitted by the date and time specified. Proposals not received by this time will be rejected and not considered for award.


The University of Kansas Medical Center, through its Purchasing Department is requesting proposals for Enterprise IT Architecture, Telecommunications and Networking department, for the purchase of Telemanagment Software or Software as a Service.

The University of Kansas Medical Center, Enterprise IT Architecture, Telecommunications and Networking department currently uses a product called “MySoft” to process telephone usage bills, general ledger transactions, and orders for voice and data services. The system also supports additional functions such as the rebilling of one-time and installation charges, rebilling of monthly service charges on telephone lines and tracking of voice jacks and cabling, data switches/ports. Customers can view billing reports on the web. All billings are interfaced through the University’s PeopleSoft Accounts/Receivable invoicing system, which will remain in place with the new system.

The University of Kansas Medical Center’s infrastructure is comprised of twisted pair copper, coax single-mode/multi-mode fiber and wireless devices that link them all together. We currently are tracking a combined total of about 30,000 voice and data jacks.

The Mysoft replacement for Enterprise IT Architecture at the University of Kansas Medical Center will track all EITA information relevant to maintaining voice, data network connections, voice over IP, video and video over IP services, other EITA services, infrastructure, work order, trouble ticket, call accounting and billing information.

Requirements and Specifications

Company History, Roadmap and Practices

·  Has this solution been implemented on an enterprise basis successfully at other institutions of higher education that are of comparable size and complexity? Please provide three examples with reference contacts.

·  How old is your organization? Provide history of your organization. Describe the ownership of your organization (i.e. is it a privately or publicly held, is it a subsidiary of a larger firm, a consortium, etc.)? Provide an organization chart/the number of employees in your organization.

·  Provide a product roadmap describing new features, integration or changes in architecture for the next 18 months.

·  Does the licensing model allow for a Production, Test or Development environments? Provide information about any limitations from both a licensing and technical perspective.

·  Describe the history of this software. Include a listing of major releases and their features.

The details of the system requirements should be identified in RFP response. Please detail system architecture/software requirement:

·  Virtual server supported by VM Ware

·  Windows 2016 64bit

·  Prefer MS SQL Database (support up to latest version)

·  On premise or cloud based

·  Minimum system requirements

·  DR/redundancy

Describe at a high-level the elements and technologies that make up your solution and their relationship to one another? Provide diagrams. What are the advantages of this architecture? What are the disadvantages or limitations of this architecture? If your system supports multiple high-level configurations, describe the advantages and disadvantages of each? Describe the logical architecture of the servers that make up your solution?
What application servers are supported and on which operating systems? Describe your strategy for supporting operating systems. Do you work with OS vendors to test and certify your products on new OS releases?
Describe your approaches for supporting fault tolerance? Describe the logical architecture, the components and their relation to one-another? Are other components required or beneficial (e.g. network load balancers)?
Describe your support for virtual server environment.
Which scripting languages does the system support or require? If you have a proprietary language, on what language is it based? Do you provide full documentation on all available functions, object library, syntax, etc.? Do you provide a standard template library?
What storage devices and vendors are supported by your product? What media types are supported by your product?
Do you have any backup products certified for use with your product? Do you have best practices and guidance for use? How do they integrate with your product?
Describe any system limitations including: -size and number of objects -number of objects -user concurrency number. How well does the application architecture handle scaling? Provide recommended scaling guides.

In order to evaluate vendor products and select the vendors that will be invited to submit an in-person demonstration, the vendor must provide information about their system. Please provide a general description of the system functionality with detailed explanations of the features that specifically address the items listed below:

Features of Interest –

1.  Integrated System –

·  System modules must be integrated to the point of single data entry of information.

For Example:

o  Work order changes will update service information when closed

o  Changes to building ID and name will occur automatically once the master record is changed

o  When a new telephone number is added as a service, changes to the telephone number inventory and node pair inventory occur automatically.

o  Inventory quantity on-hand relieved via work order.

2.  User Interface

·  The user interface should work similarly to a typical interactive web page requiring little end-user navigation training.

·  Describe the user interface and provide a few screen shots to demonstrate end-user navigation.

·  Describe how look-up tables are defined and updated.

·  Can look-up tables be updated on the fly if the user has the proper access rights?

·  Is the system “Browser” independent?

·  Can the system be accessed from a laptop/tablet/cell phone devices?

·  Can screen field defaults be set by each end user?

3.  Multi-user application

·  The system must be capable of handling as many as 25 concurrent read-write users and possibly hundreds of web/read-only users without speed degradation.

4.  Security and User Access Management

·  Describe end-user roles and how they are managed.

·  What methods for user authentication are available?

o  On premise AD or LDAP/single sign on authentication

o  Hosted SAML based (Shibboleth or CAS)

5.  An accessible and well-documented database schema

·  What database options are available?

·  The database should be normalized so changes to human readable key information like building ID or cable name or data switch name are made on the master maintenance screen and seen on all screens which use them.

·  What tools are available to access the database to add new views and/or stored procedures?

·  Describe database documentation

·  When database versions are upgraded, what is the typical time frame until the software is updated to use the new version?

·  Can site define custom fields?

·  Are site defined custom fields searchable?

·  Is the database accessible from other systems?

6.  Import/Export capabilities

·  Describe built in import and export utilities

·  How they can be customized?

·  How are new import/exports added?

·  What outside vendors do you have experience importing with?

·  Is there an E911 export utility?

7.  General ledger and account numbers

·  Can the system accommodate general ledger (GL) numbers?

o  GL numbers are 8-10 characters

·  Can the system generate a PeopleSoft transaction feed?

·  Can the system return rejected transactions from the PS billing process and update the original transaction in the system?

·  Can the system generate a custom AR transaction feed?

·  Describe how work order and monthly service charges can be split across multiple GL numbers.

·  Does the system allow for pro-rating of monthly service charges

8.  Cable management (outside plant and inside buildings; twisted pair; fiber; coax; etc.)

·  Describe the cable management features of the system.

·  Can termination points be changed when a cable is moved?

·  What happens to cables which are removed in the field; how can they be deactivated in the system?

·  When defining cabling on a service, does each cable require a common termination point?