University of North Texas
French 3060 Phonetics and Pronunciation
Professor: Mme Morton
Office: Lang 405 C
Tel: (940) 565-2404
Office hours: Wednesday 9-9:50 am and by appointment
Class information: MWF: 10:00 to 10:50 in Lang 107A
Prerequisites: FREN 2050 or equivalent
The following pages outline the general information and policies for this course. Read them carefully and keep them for your reference throughout the semester. Please note that the instructor reserves the right to modify the course syllabus. You will be notified of any changes made to the course information and policies.
Course description and objectives:
This course focuses on the mechanics of the correct pronunciation and spelling of French, and the correlation between the two. The study of French phonetics will help students correct their pronunciation of difficult vowels and consonants. As the course progresses, you should learn the following:
· International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
· Syllabification in French, rhythm, intonation, liaison, elision, and final consonants
· Pronunciation and spellings of French vowel and semi-vowel sounds
· Pronunciation and spellings of French consonant sounds
During the course of the semester students should develop the ability to do the following:
· Sight reading French texts
· Accuracy in API transcription
· Perfection of French pronunciation and intonation
Course materials
* Required: Diane Dansereau. Savoir Dire: Cours de Phonétique et de Prononciation. 2nd edition. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2006.
* Required: Diane Dansereau. Savoir Dire - In-text Audio CDs. 2nd edition. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2006.
* Blackboard Learn:
General Policies: Go to the World Languages webpage for departmental policies:
Use of computers or other electronic devices (e-readers, phones, etc…) is not required for this class; therefore, all electronic devices must be turned off in class.
Disability Accommodation Statement
“The University of North Texas makes reasonable academic accommodation for students with disabilities. Students seeking accommodation must first register with the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA) to verify their eligibility. If a disability is verified, the ODA will provide you with an accommodation letter to be delivered to faculty to begin a private discussion regarding your specific needs in a course. You may request accommodations at any time, however, ODA notices of accommodation should be provided as early as possible in the semester to avoid any delay in implementation. Note that students must obtain a new letter of accommodation for every semester and must meet with each faculty member prior to implementation in each class. For additional information see the Office of Disability Accommodation website at You may also contact them by phone at 940.565.4323.”
Academic and personal misconduct
The Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures fully supports and enforces all University policies regarding academic misconduct (cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, etc.) and personal misconduct (disruptive behavior, incivility, etc.) as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct and Discipline, available in the Undergraduate Catalog and online at Please be certain that all the work you submit in French 3060 is your own. If you have questions about what constitutes academic misconduct in the context of French 3060, please contact your instructor or the Coordinator of Beginning and Intermediate French (whose contact information is provided below).
Student Behavior in the Classroom:
Student behavior that interferes with an instructor’s ability to conduct a class or other students' opportunity to learn is unacceptable and disruptive and will not be tolerated in any instructional forum at UNT. Students engaging in unacceptable behavior will be directed to leave the classroom and the instructor may refer the student to the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities to consider whether the student's conduct violated the Code of Student Conduct. The university's expectations for student conduct apply to all instructional forums, including university and electronic classroom, labs, discussion groups, field trips, etc. The Code of Student Conduct can be found at
Drop information: refer to
You must consult the official Academic Calendar for other important deadlines and dates concerning registration, tuition payment, etc. It is your responsibility to know these dates. A link to the Academic Calendar can be found on the Web page at the address listed below:
Use of E-Mail: The instructor requires students to use official UNT email for all communication. This means that I will only respond to e-mail sent by students from a UNT Mail address. Likewise, your instructor will only send e-mail to your UNT Mail address. Also I will only respond emails sent to my unt address: . Do not send emails/messages via Blackboard learn.
Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (SETE):
The Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (SETE) is a requirement for all organized classes at UNT. The survey will be made available to you at the end of the semester, providing you a chance to comment on how the course. Feedback from students is essential and I look forward to your evaluation as I continually work to improve my teaching.
For more information on the SETE refer to:
Keeping records: Students must keep all returned graded materials until the end of the semester. In case of grade disagreement, it will be the student’s responsibility to show the graded materials.
Grading scale: Your grade will be calculated according to the following scale. Please note that grades are not curved. There is no extra credit awarded in this course.
Percentage / Letter Grade90 – 100 % / A
80 – 89.9 % / B
70 – 79.9 % / C
60 – 69.9 % / D
0 – 59.9 % / F
Grade distribution:
Attendance, Participation & Preparation / 15%Homework, quizzes and other tasks / 15%
Exams (3x15%) / 45%
Oral Interview / 10%
Final Exam / 15%
Attendance, Participation & Preparation:
Since regular practice is essential for improving proficiency in a foreign language, daily attendance and active participation (oral and written) are necessary for your success in this course. (Be sure to see attendance policy below.) Up to 5 points will be assigned for each class period.
Your grade will be based on the following: Oral participation (participation, willingness and effort); Preparation (reading materials prior to class; completion of assigned exercises; listening to the CDs, etc); in class participation (individual and group work), punctuality and attendance.
This table will be used to grade your participation:
Points: / Criteria:5 / Student participates actively in French, pays attention and comes to class well-prepared (has done the assigned homework and has read the assigned material and listened to the CDs).
4 / Student participates and pays attention but is not well-prepared (material has not been read properly, CDs have not been listened to or homework is not completely done)
3 / Student is prepared but does not participate and/or does not take part in group work.
2 / Student is late and/or leaves early and/or somewhat pays attention and somewhat participates but is not prepared for class.
1 / Student is very late or leaves early and/or does not participate/pay attention and is not prepared for class.
0 / Student is absent
Absences policy:
Regular and punctual class attendance is required in this course. Any unauthorized absence will result in a zero in the Attendance and Participation category for each day missed. The two (2) lowest participation and attendance grades will be dropped (you get two "free passes" during the semester).
The following 3 cases explained below are considered authorized absences.
Absence due to participation in a sponsored activity. Absences due to participation in sponsored activities must be approved in advance by the chair of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and by your academic dean. Within 3 days after the absence, you must obtain authorized absence cards from the Dean of Students for presentation to your instructor.
Absence for religious holidays. Absences due to the observance of a religious holiday are authorized only if the religion is officially recognized by the University and you have notified your instructor of the date of the absence within the first 15 days of the semester. Notification must be in writing, with receipt of the notification acknowledged and dated by your instructor.
Absence due to illness, family emergency, etc. Absences due to illness, death in the family, or other emergencies will be authorized only if you contact your instructor immediately and if you provide proof that the absence was unavoidable (a physician's statement, accident report, obituary, service bulletin, etc.) within 3 days after the absence.
All other absences will be considered unauthorized and missed work will not be accepted.
Contact the instructor immediately and with the proper documentation (doctor’s note, court paperwork, etc.). Upon proper justification, those absences will be excused and will not affect your participation and attendance grade. All other absences will be considered unauthorized.
Make-up policy: Only those individuals whose absences are approved by the instructor will be eligible to take a make-up exam over the material missed.
Final exam – An alternate final exam is given only to students who have an exam conflict.
Appeals to reschedule a final exam must be made to your academic dean before the deadline.
Daily work – Other work (homework, quizzes, etc.) may not be made up.
Weekly Agenda
· Pages are indicated into parentheses: Students must read materials and do the assigned homework prior to class time (but not 5 minutes before class starts!)
· Homework will be assigned in class for the following meeting period and/or via Blackboard. Students are responsible for checking Blackboard regularly and for contacting the instructor if the assigned homework does not seem logical (e.g. exercise and page number does not match, etc…)
· Daily agenda is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. Should the class need more time for some sections and less time for other sections, adherence to this schedule will be adapted.
· Please know that you are responsible for the material in the chapters covered during the semester as well as any extra materials distributed by the instructor and/or covered orally. Your instructor will decide which homework and what type to give, collect, and grade, as well as when to give quizzes (which may be announced or unannounced).
Semaine/JourDate / Chapitre / Activités en Classe
Pages indicated must be read prior to class
8/28 / 1 / Introduction au cours: Syllabus, Présentations
Les organes de la parole
et les symboles phonétiques (2-4)
8/30 / 1 / Les organes de la parole
et les symboles phonétiques (5-10)
9/2 / Labor Day - pas de cours
9/4 / 1 / Les organes de la parole et les symboles phonétiques (11-19)
9/6 / 2 / La Prosodie (20-28)
9/9 / 2 / La Prosodie (29-38)
9/11 / 2 / La Prosodie (39-48)
9/13 / 2 / La Prosodie (49-57)
9/16 / 2 / Revisions
9/18 / 1, 2 / Examen 1
9/20 / 3 / Les voyelles: première série I (59-67)
9/23 / 3 / Les voyelles: première série I (68-74)
9/25 / 3 / Les voyelles: première série II (75-87)
9/27 / 3 / Les voyelles: deuxième série (88-99)
9/30 / 3 / Les voyelles: deuxième série (100-110)
10/2 / 3 / Les voyelles: troisième série (111-120)
10/4 / 3 / Les voyelles: troisième série (121-129)
10/7 / 4 / Les voyelles nasales (130-140)
10/9 / 4 / Les voyelles nasales (141-150)
10/11 / 4 / Les voyelles nasales (151-155)
10/14 / 4 / Les voyelles nasales (156-163)
10/16 / Révisions
10/18 / 3, 4 / Examen 2
10/21 / 5 / Le e muet (164-170)
10/23 / 5 / Le e muet (171-178)
10/25 / 5 / Le e muet (179-184)
10/28 / 6 / Les semi-voyelles (185- 191)
10/30 / 6 / Les semi-voyelles (192-197)
11/1 / Révisions
11/4 / 5, 6 / Examen 3
11/6 / 7 / Etude des consonnes (200-203)
11/8 / Travail en groupe sur vidéo –
Pas de classe
11/11 / 7 / Etude des consonnes (204-207)
11/13 / 7 / Etude des consonnes, les occlusives (208-211)
11/15 / 7 / Etude des consonnes, les occlusives (212-214)
11/18 / 7 / Etude des consonnes, les fricatives (215-219)
11/20 / 7 / Etude des consonnes, les fricatives (220-224)
11/22 / 7 / Etude des consonnes, les liquides (225-229)
Les nasales (230-232)
11/25 / 7 / Etude des consonnes, les consonnes finales (233-238)
11/27 / 7 / Etude des consonnes, les consonnes finales (239-241)
11/29 / Thanksgiving Break – Pas de cours
12/2 / Entretiens Oraux
12/4 / Entretiens Oraux
12/6 / Reading/review day
Pas de cours
12/13 / Final Exam (2 hrs)
See Final Exam schedule (link at bottom of page 5.) for the date of your exam.
Morton - FREN 3060 syllabus – p. 6 of 7