Request for Public Representative(s)

Name of Group / NHS Fife Bereavement Coordinating Group
Contact Person / Lynn Campbell, Associate Director of Nursing (Chair)
Address / Room 02/RH/39 QueenMargaretHospital, Whitefield Road, DunfermlineKY12 0SU
Telephone No / 01383 623623 Ext: 25723
Email Address /
Description/Purpose of Group
(A brief description of the role of the group, if available, please attach the role & remit of the group.)
The NHS Fife Bereavement Review Group provides a mechanism through which to review co-ordination across operational management of bereavement services in NHS Fife. This group was responsible for implementing the recommendations from the National Bereavement Framework and continue to consider any ongoing areas of related work.

What is the Governance Arrangements for this Group?
(Please state who the group reports to and how the group provides feedback.)
This group has a Fife wide focus and has completed implementation of the national bereavement framework and now monitors / reviews activity. I am updating the role and remit to reflect the move from an implementation to a monitoring group Mrs. Anne Buchanan is executive lead for Bereavement Care in Fife.
Where will the meetings be held?
(Please provide venue information –venue should meet Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) requirements i.e. accessibility by wheelchair user, /provision of loop system, etc)
Dept. of Spiritual Care, QueenMargaretHospital
What is the current meeting date schedule?
(Please provide dates and times of scheduled meetings)
Next Meeting 16.04.13, 23.07.13, 05.11.13
All at 1pm – 3pm in the Dept. Spiritual Care, QMH

What is the frequency of meetings? Monthly quarterly

Ad hoc other, please state
Is this Group for a defined period of time? Yes No
If yes, please outline time frame ………………………………………………………………..
Why do you wish to seek a public representative?
(Consider how many public representatives you may require)
We wish to update the membership as described above and had previous public membership. The public member provides an additional perspective to support our consideration of this work.
Will the public representative require specific knowledge or experience of a particular service?
No, we would hope that this would be an area of interest but no specific knowledge would be required.
How are you going to select your public representative?
(What does your selection process involve e.g. interview/personal statement etc)
Interested individuals should provide a brief personal statement to support selection.
(The group requesting public representation is responsible for paying expenses to the public member. The rate payable to public representativesiscontainedwithin the Volunteering Policy)

Deadline for nomination
(A minimum period of six – eight weeks is required to complete the process)
Feedback process
All interested public member names will be forwarded to the Lead Group contact. It is the responsibility of the Lead Contact for the group to contact these members to notify them if they have or have not been selected to join the particular group. The Lead Contact is also requested to notify the PFPI Lead or PPF Administrator of such decisions.

If you require any assistance to complete this form, please do not hesitate to contact me at the address below.

Please send completed form to:

Theresa Rodigan, Personal Secretary, Patient Relations Department, Hayfield House, Hayfield Road, Kirkcaldy

Or by email to

NB - this form is not for recruiting Service Users – if you are seeking Service Users, please complete Request for Service User form.

Adapted from the Kirkcaldy & Levenmouth Public Partnership Forum document.

Version 8 June 12