


Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.mult. Reinhard Meyers

48151 Münster, 12. 05.11

Sekretariat: (0251) 83 - 2 43 55

Telefax: (0251) 83 - 2 43 72

Durchwahl: (0251) 83 - 2 99 44


Westf. Wilhelms-Universität Münster · Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Scharnhorststraße 100 / Platz der Weißen Rose  48151 Münster

Additional Graduate Seminars

Summer Semester 2011

Further Information

Planning Humanitarian Intervention – Prospects, Problems, Pitfalls [ – Part I ]

[covering two preparatory blocks & a summer school] 3 SWS, 8 ECTS points

Implementing Humanitarian Intervention – Problems, Prospects, Pitfalls [ – Part II ]:

The Common Effort Exercise

[covering working parties between Summer School & Exercise and the Exercise itself].

3 SWS, 8 ECTS points

Students: Participation in Part I precondition for participation in Part II


Graduate Block Seminar preparing for & running up to Summer School Friday, May 27, and Friday, June 10, 10.00 – 18.00 IfPol

Summer School in week 26 – i.e. June 27 to June 30, 1 GNC facilities Hindenburgplatz

Common Effort Exercise in week 38, i.e.Sept. 19 – 23, 1 GNC facilities

Student working groups [preparation of negotiation & policy making positions] between summer school and exercise to be arranged on last day of summer school

Academic responsibility:

- Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c.mult. R. Meyers, Dept. of Politics, WWU (responsible)

-Prof. Dr. R. Ahmann, Dept. of History, WWU (co-chair, exact participation yet to be determined) -

-Prof. Dr. Markus Bresinsky, Hochschule Regensburg, Faculty for General Sciences & Microsystem Technology ( “Lehrauftrag” for Summer School, participation in Exercise yet to be determined)

In cooperation with the Humanitarian Assistance Competence Centre, FH Münster (Prof. Dr. Joachim Gardemann)

Short description for University calendar of courses:

From Afghanistan to Libya, Humanitarian Intervention (be it based on civilian or military means) has become one of the main conceptual and political preoccupations of the international community. In the traditional Westphalian international state system, intervention was a function of political expediency; in the society of states moulded by the United Nations, intervention was a function of Great Power interest aggregation in the Security Council; in the developing global community of supranational, international, regional, and local state and civil society actors intervention is often seen as a function of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) principle. Changes in the definition of intervention not only open questions regarding the legitimacy, normatively justifyable aims and agenda, and necessary and successful means of such a policy, but equally importantly formulate questions referring to the status, content, and direction of Civil-Military Cooperation, and to the individual sequence of steps necessary to plan for, implement, and justify interventions under concrete circumstances.

The seminar series endeavours to clarify the practical planning and implementation problems of humanitarian intervention in the context of a role game exercise, combining official civilian, NGO, and military actors; the September role game is preceded by a summer school at the end of June as well as by two Friday seminar blocks laying the conceptual, procedural, and problem content grounds for the September exercise.

Preparatory Block I

Friday, May 27, 10.00 – 18.00 Place: IfPol Scharnhorststrasse 100

10.00 – 10 30 Introduction to the purpose & content of the seminar series (Meyers)

10.30 – 12.30 Introduction to purpose & function of 1GNC and the Common Effort Exercise

(Staff officers, 1 GNC)

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch Break – use facilities in the Vicinity

14.00 – 18.00 Intervening in Crisis Situations: Backgrounds, Characteristics, Prospects

Wibke Hansen, Head of Analysis & Research, ZiF [Zentrum für internationale Friedenseinsätze ] Berlin

Literature provided during session, electronic handouts supplied on/after May 15

Preparatory Block II

Friday, June 10, 10.00 – 18.00, Place: IfPol Scharnhorststrasse 100

10.00 – 12.30 Failing, failed, almost gone... - weak and failing states as crisis generators and intervention objects: the state of research (Meyers and/or student papers)

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch Break

14.00 – 18.00 Illusion Statebuilding – funny things happen on the way to more stability. A critique of westernized state-building approaches (B.B.deGuevara/F.P.Kühn, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg)

Literature: Berit Bliesemann de Guevara/Florian P.Kühn: Illusion Statebuilding. Wareum sich der westliche Stat so schwer exportieren lässt. Hamburg: edition Körber-Stiftung 2010; electronic handouts supplied on/after May 22

Summer School structure (further details attached)

Place: 1 GNC Facilities, Hindenburgplatz Time 10.00 – 13,00 and 15.00 – 18.00

Monday, June 27

Interventionists thrown into cold water – Afghanistan as an example

Tuesday, June 28

Interventions – the context, place, function, and political analysis from the point of view of

International, decision-making, and organisational theory

Wednesday, June 29

Disaster Relief Operations – Planning Processes and Implementation Problems

Thursday, June 30

Civil – Military Cooperation: what is it, what can it provide, where do we go from here ?

Friday, July 1, 10.00 – 12.00 round-up, assessment & manoeuvre critique

Introduction to round II – The Common Effort Exercise – state of preparation, roles to be distributed, assignment of working tasks for the intermediate period July – September

Thematically related public event:

1. Münsterscher Kongress zur Humanitären Hilfe, Freitag, 20. Mai 2011, 09.00 – 18.00

more info under

Provisional Summer School
27.06.11 / Interventions thrown into cold water – Afghanistan as an example
1000-1130 / ISAF Mission / GenLt van Loon
Cdr 1 GNC / PMR
1130-1300 / - AFG history
- From crisis to conflict / Short ppt by students / PMR
1300-1500 / Lunch (incl. WGs) / EBCA
1500-1630 / - WGs presentation
1630-1800 / - discussion
28.06,11 / Interventions – the context, place, function, and political analysis from the point of view of International, decision-making, and organizational theory
1000-1130 / Bounded Rationality and Constructed Realities: Main Developments in Decision-Making Theory from the 1950s to today / Prof. Meyers
Muenster / PMR
1130-1300 / Planning and Decision-Making – How do human factors influence the CIMIC process? / Prof. Bresinsky
Regensburg / PMR
1300-1500 / Lunch (incl. WGs) / EBCA
1500-1630 / - NATO planning process
- knowledge development / G5 1 GNC / PMR
1630-1800 / PMR
29.06.11 / Humanitarian Assistance – Disaster Relief Operations
1000-1130 / Planning of Civil and Military
Assets in DR and
Reconstruction Activities / Prof.
Muenster / PMR
1130-1300 / NATO approach to DR/HA / Engr 1 GNC / PMR
1300-1500 / Lunch (incl. WGs) / EBCA
1500-1630 / Legal framework / Mr Scholze
1630-1700 / Med / Med 1 GNC / PMR
1700-1800 / Update on COMMON EFFORT / G3 1 GNC / PMR
30.06.11 / Civil-Military Cooperation: what is it, what can it provide, where do we go from here?
1000-1130 / Comprehensive Approach
- general idea
- contribution to stability / G9 1 GNC / PMR
1130-1300 / Civil-Military Interface / G9 1 GNC / PMR
1300-1500 / Lunch (incl. WGs) / EBCA
1500-1630 / Johanniter
international assistance / Mr Kaehler
Johanniter / PMR
1630-1800 / Civil-Military relations from an NGO perspective / Dr. Andrea Schneiker, Hannover / PMR
0930-1100 / Participation in Haus Rissen Seminar (VTC) / PMR
1100-1200 / Round up, assessment / PMR