Request for Proposals for Concurrent Sessions and Poster Sessions
2009 National Epsilon Sigma Phi Conference—Fargo, ND
Theme: “Engage, Enlighten and Enjoy”
Deadline: February 27, 2009
The ESP Professional Development Committee invites all ESP members to submit proposals for Concurrent Sessions or Poster Sessions to be presented at the2009 National Epsilon Sigma Phi Conference. The Conference will be held September 13 – 16, 2009, at the Holiday Inn in Fargo, North Dakota.
National Conference Objectives:
- To provide opportunities for personal and professional development for ALL Extension professionals.
- To provide opportunities for Extension professionals to make scholarly presentations, reporting research and accomplishments of significant programs.
- To encourage and promote interdisciplinary programming and diversity of Extension programs.
- To recognize the richness of history and culture and to educate participants on the importance of globalizing Extension in the local communities and beyond.
- To share strategies for enhancing the image of the Extension System, accountability of Extension programming, and to enhance communication of the value of Extension both internally and externally.
- To provide opportunities to explore new tools and technologies that can be used to enhance the outcomes of Extension programs.
- To share methods of strengthening communities through Extension programs.
- To recognize members for excellence in programming that addresses diversity and critical issues.
- To provide opportunities for ESP members to present programs of interest to retirees/life members at the National ESP Conference.
TOPICS FOR PRESENTATIONS/POSTERS: Note: All topics apply to adult and youth programming
- Leadership Development—presentations on programs that have the primary goal of the development of leadership skills in Extension professionals, youth, volunteers or community leaders.
- Program Development, Evaluation and Accountability—presentations describing program development to improve the ability to evaluate outcomes or impact of the program and enhance accountability of programs conducted. Focus may also be on learning new strategies in program development.
- Collaborations and Alliances—presentation on how alliances and collaborations are formed, contributions of each entity in the alliance and how each entity participates in the program development, program delivery, and program evaluation process.
- New Communication Tools and Technologies—presentations on how new or innovative methods of communicating with clientele or colleagues, including new technologies for communications and dissemination of education materials and programs.
- Volunteer Programs—focus may be on recruiting, training or management of volunteers in the delivery of educational programs or information.
- Globalization of Extension and Multicultural Programming—presentations of programs on the globalization of Extension, building skills in diversity training and working with international audiences or audiences of different cultures; can include how program was facilitated, planned, delivered and evaluated.
- Financial Strategies—presentations that highlight new methods of increasing financial resources or increasing the efficiency of using existing resources for national, state or local Extension programs.
- Administrative/Organizational Strategies—presentation on strategies that have been developed to address critical resource needs, are designed to expand the capabilities of the Extension System at the state or local level or that utilize a different means of delivering programs such as innovative staffing configurations.
- Public Policy Issues—presentations on any aspect of public policy education including working with elected officials, empowering people within their communities to become involved in local decision making or serving as facilitators in resolving conflict issues within communities.
- Community Development—presentations on programs that target the development of entire communities, programs that reach beyond the individuals participant.
- Marketing Extension—presentations on methods and techniques to enhance the marketing of Extension programs and the Extension system.
- Life Members/Retirees—presentations on programs i.e. retirement options, investing for and during retirement, finances, legal options, cultural and hobby opportunities, and issues for those near or at retirement.
Concurrent sessions will be 60 minutes in length, which includes setup, making the presentation, question/answer period and take down. A session may be a presentation, panel discussion, round table discussion, hands-on demonstration or any other appropriate methodology.
Poster Guidelines:
Maximum poster size is 32 “x 40”. Each display space will be ½ of an 8 foot skirted table. Table top easelswill be provided. Poster board to mount posters will be available at a cost of $7. Please indicate display needs on proposal. All posters exhibited during the National ESP Conference will be judged by a subcommittee of the ESP Professional Development Committee. Based on judging scores 10 exhibited posters will be selected to receive a $100 stipend. Posters will be judged upon: adherence to poster guidelines; addressing conference objectives; conveying subject in concise and easily understood manner, relevancy to members and eye appeal.
Presenter Responsibilities:
All presenters who are eligible for ESP membership must be a current member. All presenters are responsible for: a) their own expenses including registration for the conference, travel, lodging, equipment rental and handouts; b) presenting their session; c) being available for consultation with participants immediately following their presentation. All presenters MUST register for the conference and are expected to attend the entire conference. The proposal must only include those presenters who are committed to attend the conference. If a potential presenter submits more than one proposal only one will be selected.
Stipends for Concurrent Session and Poster Presenters:
- Concurrent Session presentations are eligible for a $200 stipend.
- Poster Presentations are eligible for ten $100 stipend based on a conference site selection process.
- Presenters can claim only one stipend (concurrent session or poster).
- Only Concurrent Session and Poster presenters who attend the full conference are eligible for the stipends.
Do not include the guideline pages with your submission.
Complete and submit form on next page.
Request for Proposals for Concurrent Sessions and Poster Sessions
2009 National Epsilon Sigma Phi Conference—Fargo, ND
Theme: “Engage, Enlighten and Enjoy”
Deadline: February 27, 2009
Required Format for Concurrent Session/Poster Proposal Submission
(Failure to follow the following outline will result in failure to evaluate the proposal by the Professional Development Committee)
Presentation Title:
Presentation Type: Concurrent SessionPosterPoster, if not accepted for Concurrent Session
Lead Presenter Name:
Title of Presenter:
Presenter Mailing Address:
Presenter E-Mail:
Presenter Phone Number: Presenter Fax Number:
Presenter is a member of Chapter:
Names, Titles, Address, E-mail, and Phone Number of Additional Presenters:
Are you a mini-grant recipient? yes no
Program Track:
Emerging Leadership: Topics include administrative and organizational strategies, leadership development, public policy issues and financial strategies
Program Development: Gaining knowledge and skill development in topics such as Extension methodology, volunteer programs, program development, evaluation and accountability, new communication tools and technology and marketing Extension programs.
Globalization: Collaborations and alliances, community development and internationalization/multiculturalism.
Life Members: Topics of interest of life members, such as health issues, retirement topics, hobbies, recreation, and financial issues.
Abstract:400 words maximum
Summary:50 words maximum to be used in the program.
Sandy Corridon,ESP President-elect, must receive all proposals electronically by 5:00 p.m., February 27, 2009, at. In addition, a hard copy, postmarked no later than February 27, 2009, must be mailed to Sandy Corridon, ESP President-elect, Maryland 4-H Center, 8020 Greenmead Drive, Building 800, College Park, MD 20740-4000. Fax copy will not be accepted. Proposals not meeting date and submission guidelines will be eliminated. Format Required for Submission of Proposed Concurrent Session/ Poster is located on the ESP WEBSITE at:.