
Current Position and Contact information

Office / Assistant, Associate or Professor of Something, Department of Something
Peru State College, Peru, NE68421 USA
402/ / Home / 12347th Street
Town, Nebraska68XXX USA
res. xxx/xxx-xxxx
cell xxx/xxx-xxxx

experience and Responsibilities

Current / PeruState College, Peru, Nebraska
200X-, Associate Professor of Something
200X, Tenure
200X-200X, Assistant Professor of Something
University of Something, Graduate College Faculty
Add extra lines as needed
199X-199X / Some University, Department of Something, Town, State
Some position
XXXX / Add extra rows as needed


199X-200X / PhD, Some University, Field, Dissertation (under Advisor): “Dissertation title.”
199X-199X / MS, Some University, Field, Thesis (under Advisor):“Thesis title.”
199X-199X / BS, Some University, Major


Course ### / Course Title, Institution.
Add extra lines as needed. Include only courses during relevant time period. Do not duplicate courses in list.

Peer Reviewed Publications: Published, in press and In Review

(Note: Include only Peer Reviewed Publications and Edited Books and Chapters in this section. Do not include this section if not applicable.)

  1. Authors. Date. Title. Journal, Volume: pages. Note publications in press (accepted and revised) and in review.
  2. Authors. Date. Title. Journal, Volume: pages. Note publications in press (accepted and revised) and in review.
  3. Add additional lines as needed.

Other Publications

(Note: Include all other publications in this section, adapt citation format as appropriate. Do not include this section if not applicable.)

  1. Authors. Date. Title. Journal, Volume: pages. Note publications in press (accepted and revised) and in review.
  2. Authors. Date. Title. Journal, Volume: pages. Note publications in press (accepted and revised) and in review.
  3. Add additional lines as needed.

Papers presentations and invited seminars

(Note: Include all presentations, invited talks, and professional seminars given outside Peru State College in this section. These presentations are presentations given to peers, not instructional or informational seminars. Adapt citation format as appropriate. Do not include this section if not applicable.)

  1. Authors. 2011.Title.Professional Society or Hosting Institution.Occasion or meeting, City, State.
  2. Add Additional lines as needed.

Instructional seminars

(Note: Include all presentations, invited talks, and seminars not included in the section above. These presentations are informational or instructional in nature, rather than peer presentations. Adapt citation format as appropriate. Do not include this section if not applicable.)

  1. Authors. 2011. Title.Professional Society or Hosting Institution. Occasion or meeting, City, State.
  2. Add Additional lines as needed.


(Note: Include all Professional Meetings or Exhibitions in this section. Adapt citation format as appropriate. Do not include this section if not applicable.)

  1. 2011. Title.Professional Society or Hosting Institution. Occasion or meeting, City, State.
  2. Add Additional lines as needed.


(Note: Include all consultation service in this section. Adapt citation format as appropriate. Indicate consultations which are pro bono public and which are contract. Do not include this section if not applicable.)

  1. 2011. Title.Institution, Agency Business. City, State. Pro bono publico or contract
  2. Add Additional lines as needed.

Grants Funded (if applicable)

200X / Source/Agency: Title.Funding dates (e.g., October, 2010 – September 2014); award amount (e.g., $4,000).
200X / Add extra lines as needed


200X / Award, Institution or Organization, City, State.
200X / Add additional lines as needed.

Professional societies

1. Society

200X-200X Committee or Office

200X Add lines as needed.

2. Additional Societies below.


(Note: Include all significant service. Adapt citation format as appropriate. Do not include this section if not applicable.)

1. Agency or Group

Service (1 line summary)

2. Peer Reviewer/Referee:

Journal Name

3. Add Additional lines as needed.

InstitutioNAl Service

(Note: Include all significant service. Adapt citation format as appropriate. Do not include this section if not applicable.)

  1. 2011. Service.Institution. City, State.
  2. Add Additional lines as needed.

Name1Month 200X