Request for Proposal

Douglas County School District

Colorado Preschool Program

School Year 2013-14

Please enclose a copy of:

·  A sample plan and activities for 3 and 4 year olds

·  Written summary identifying your Program Evaluation process and include applicable forms

·  Application and application narrative

·  Signed Assurances Form (see attached)

·  Proof of Insurance

·  Parent Satisfaction Survey

·  Your most recent independent audit, including any management letters that accompanied it

·  501 (C) 3 Non-Profit letter (if applicable)

·  Copy of license issued by the state

·  Articles of Incorporation

Send Application to:

Nancy Burdic, Preschool Resource Teacher

Douglas County School District

8100 E. Park Meadows Dr. #204

Lonetree, Colorado 80124

(303) 387-0806

Completed applications are due by 4:00 P.M. on Friday, March 22, 2013.

8200 E Park Meadows Dr. #204 * Lone Tree, CO 80124 * 720.433.0025 ph * 303.387.08300 fax *

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Name of Provider ______

(Please identify if sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other)

Address ______Zip ______

Contact Person ______Phone ______Email ______

Use the following outline for your application narrative:

Please limit your responses to no more than 5 pages

This request for proposal process includes preschool services for the Colorado Preschool Program (CPP). Your proposal will be judged on the content of your Application Outline, and on the basis of your ability to implement the Quality Standards for Early Childhood Care and Education Services and the Child Observation Record.

1.  Proposed Program Objectives

Include the following components

·  Early childhood education program description

·  Staff qualifications/staff development

·  Commitment to developmentally appropriate curriculum activities

·  Family involvement/family support

·  Before and after school care and extended child care possibilities

·  Description of program philosophy on including children with special needs

·  Description of method and frequency of program quality review

2.  Proposed Budget based on one-16 student preschool unit

·  Staffing costs (salaries, taxes, benefits, travel for teacher)

·  Liability expenses

·  Audit expenses

3.  Assurances (please complete the attached letter of Assurances)

4.  Collaborative Service Delivery: Description of current activities and list of agencies (please attach a letter of support for collaborative service delivery efforts, i.e. description of the applicant’s willingness to work cooperatively with a wide variety of agencies for screening, planning, training, and for the purpose of serving the populations that this application stipulates).

5.  Business Stability

·  Business history

·  Geographic location

·  Organizational structure

·  Facility management system

·  Finance management system

8200 E Park Meadows Dr. #204 * Lone Tree, CO 80124 * 720.43-0025 ph * 303.387.08300 fax *

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Request for Proposal

Colorado Preschool Program

Douglas County School District

Directions: Complete the entire application.

School Name: ______Date: ______

Address: ______Phone: ______

City: ______Zip: ______

Contact Person: ______Title: ______

License Number: ______Licensed for ages: ______

Number currently enrolled: ______Number of children on waiting list: ______

Hours of Operation: ______Length of Program: ______

1.  Number of Colorado Preschool Slots requested: ______

2.  Services provided by your school (check all that apply)

____ Full time daycare

____ Part day preschool

____ Part time childcare

____ Before and After School care

____ Other (Specify) ______


3. Number of years the school has been in operation: ______

4. Do you currently have an advisory board in operation? ____Yes ____ No

5. What is your student/teacher ratio with preschool children? ______

6. Are you familiar with the Colorado Preschool Program? ______

7. Are you familiar with the Colorado Department of Education Quality Standards for Early Childhood Services? ______

8. Are you familiar with and utilize the Child Observation Record? ______

If yes, please describe:

9. Describe how you include children with Special Needs in your program:

10. What curriculum do you use and how does it support your philosophy?

11. How and how often do you evaluate your students’ progress?

12.  How and how often do you evaluate parent satisfaction with your program?

13.  Are you familiar with and use Positive Behavior Support (PBS)? If yes, describe how this affects your classroom environment, how your teachers interact with students, and how you address challenging behaviors.

14.  Other information about your school that you would like the committee to know.

8200 E Park Meadows Dr. #204 * Lone Tree, CO 80124 * 720.433.0025 ph * 303.387.08300 fax *

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