Fiscal Year 2005-2006
10:00 a.m.on
March 28, 2005
General Services Agency
1401 Lakeside Drive, Room 1107
Oakland, CA 94612 / 2:00 p.m.
March 29, 2005
Social Services Agency
Eden Area Multiservice Center
24100 Amador Street
Hayward, CA94544
2:00 p.m.
Friday, April 22, 2005
AlamedaCounty, GSA-Purchasing
1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907
Oakland, CA 94612
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Fiscal Year 2005-2006
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A.Intent...... 6
B.Specific Requirements...... 6
C.Proposal Requirements...... 7
D.County Contacts...... 16
ECalendar of Events...... 17
FNetworking/Bidders Conference ...... 17
GSubmittal of Bids...... 18
H.Response Format...... 19
I.Response Content/Submittals...... 20
J.Evaluation Criteria/Selection Committee ...... 25
K.Notice of Award...... 28
L.Bid Protest / Appeals Process...... 29
M.Term / Termination / Renewal...... 30
N.Award...... 30
O.Invoicing...... 31
P.County Provisions...... 32
Q.Account Manager/Support Staff...... 34
R.General Requirements...... 35
Exhibit A - Bid Acknowledgement
Exhibit B - Application for Funding
Exhibit C - Insurance Requirements
Exhibit D1 - Current References
Exhibit D2 - Former References
Exhibit E - SLEB Certification Application Package
Exhibit F - Small and Local Business Partnering Information
Exhibit G - Request for Small and Local or Emerging Preference
Exhibit H - First Source Agreement
Exhibit I - Exceptions, Clarifications, Amendments
Exhibit J - Standard Agreement Contract Draft
Exhibit M - RFP Vendor Bid List
Exhibit O - Sample Budget Detail Worksheet
Exhibit P - Sample Budget
Exhibit Q - Sample Work Plan
Exhibit R - Program Requirements
Appendix A Program Guidance for Education and Prevention Services
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Specifications, Terms & Conditions
for RFP No. 10108/ST/04
HIV Education and Prevention Services
Unless otherwise noted, the terms below may be upper or lower case. Acronyms will always be uppercase.
AED / Shall mean Academy for Educational DevelopmentAIDS / Shall mean Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Bid / Shall mean the bidders’/contractors’ response to this Request
Bidder / Shall mean the specific person or entity responding to this RFP
Board / Shall refer to the County of Alameda Board of Supervisors
BRP(s) / Shall refer to Behavioral Risk Populations
CARE Act / Shall refer to The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resource Emergency (CARE) Act
CBO / Shall mean Community Based Organization
CDC / Centers for Disease Control
Contractor / When capitalized, shall refer to selected bidder that is awarded a contract
County / When capitalized, shall refer to the County of Alameda
CSC / Shall mean County Selection Committee
CSTEP / Shall mean California Statewide Treatment Education Program
DEBI / Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions
Early intervention services / For Titles I and II are a combination of services that include outreach, HIV counseling, testing, referral and provision of outpatient medical care and supportive services designed and coordinated to bring individuals with HIV disease into the local HIV continuum of care.
ELI / Shall mean Evaluating Local Interventions, a web-based system developed by the State Office of AIDS
EMA / Shall mean Eligible Metropolitan Area, which consists of Alameda and Contra Costa counties
Federal / Refers to Unites States Federal Government, its departments and/or agencies
Fee for Service / An award in which the awardees are remunerated after issuing an invoice itemizing the costs incurred, as opposed to Direct Service payments.
F.O.B. / Shall mean without charge for delivery to destination and placing on board a carrier at a specified point (Free On Board)
FSM / Shall refer to females who have sex with males
HAART / Shall mean Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
Health Education/Risk Reduction / Shall reference the provision of services that educate clients with HIV about HIV transmission and how to reduce the risk of HIV trans-mission. It includes the provision of information including informa- tion dissemination about medical and psychosocial support services and counseling, to help clients with HIV improve their health status.
HIV / Shall mean Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HPPC / Shall refer to HIV Prevention Planning Council
HRSA / Shall refer to Health Resources Services Administration
IDU / Shall refer to injection drug users
IRB / Shall refer to Internal Revue Board
IRS / Shall refer to the United States Internal Revenue Service
Labor Code / Refers to California Labor Code
Mental Health Services / Shall refer to Psychological and psychiatric treatment and counseling services to individuals with a diagnosed mental illness, conducted in a group or individual setting, and provided by a mental health professional licensed or authorized within the State to render such services. This typically includes psychiatrists, psychologists, and licensed clinical social workers.
MOU / Shall mean Memorandum of Understanding
MSF / Shall refer to males who have sex with females
MSM / Shall refer to men who have sex with men
Nonprofit / Shall refer to a company or agency that has been granted a Federal 501c3 tax status
OAA / Shall refer to Office of Aids Administration
OSHA / Shall refer to Occupational Safety and Health Administrations
Para-professional / Means a trained aide who assists a professional person, such a teacher or doctor.
PLWHA / Means People living with HIV/AIDS
PO / Shall refer to Purchase Order(s)
Proposal / Shall Mean Bidder/Contractor response to this RFP
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Specifications, Terms & Conditions
for RFP No. 10108/ST/04
HIV Education and Prevention Services
Psychosocial support services / Shall reference the provision of support and counseling activities, including alternative services (e.g., visualization, massage, art, music,and play), child abuse and neglect counseling, HIV support groups,
pastoral care, recreational outings, caregiver support, and
bereavement counseling. Includes other services not included in
mental health, substance abuse or nutritional counseling that are
provided to clients, family and household members and/or other caregivers and focused on HIV-related problems.
PWP / Prevention with Positives – programs specifically designed to meet the needs of HIV-positive individuals. These programs support individuals in preventing HIV transmission to others and may also focus on overall health and well-being.
Referral for health care/supportive services / The act of directing a client to a service in person or through telephone, written, or other type of communication. Referrals may be made formally from one clinical provider to another, within the case management system by professional case managers, informally through support staff, or as part of an outreach program.
Request for Proposal / Shall mean this document, which is the County of Alameda’s request for contractors /bidders’ proposal to provide the services being solicited herein. Also referred herein as RFP
Response / Shall refer to bidder’s proposal submitted in reply to RFP
RFP / Request for Proposal
RN / Shall refer to Registered Nurse
SLEB / Small Local Emerging Business
State / Refers to State of California, its departments and/or agencies
STD / Sexually Transmitted Disease(s)
Substance abuse services-outpatient / The provision of medical or other treatment and/or counseling to address substance abuse problems (i.e., alcohol and/or legal and illegal drugs) provided in an outpatient setting rendered by a physician and under the supervision of a physician, or by other qualified personnel.
Substance abuse services-residential / The provision of treatment to address substance abuse problems (including alcohol and/or legal and illegal drugs) provided in an inpatient health service setting (short-term).
TG FSM / Shall refer to Transgender Females who have sex with males
Treatment adherence services / Counseling or special programs to ensure readiness for, and adherence to, complex HIV/AIDS treatments.
UDC / Shall mean Unduplicated Client: New HIV/AIDS clients who have not previously been reported.
UOS / Shall mean Unit of Service: One UOS is the smallest billable amount.
Young Adult / For the purposes of this document, people between the ages of eighteen (18) and twenty-five (25)
It is the intent of these specifications, terms and conditions to describe specific services in compliance with the service priorities set by the HIV Prevention Planning Council (HPPC) for populations at greatest risk for contracting or transmitting HIV, otherwise known as Behavioral Risk Populations (BRPs). Services for these BRP(s) will be provided by theContractors who are awarded contracts as a result of their responses to this Request for Proposal (RFP).
The BRP(s) targeted for these services were defined through the collaborative work of the HPPC and the Alameda County Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS Administration (OAA). In addition to prioritizing these populations, the HPPC and OAA both want to ensure that programs will largely target communities of color and youth.
The State Office of AIDS is mandating that all health jurisdictions receiving prevention funding set aside funding to address the prevention needs of those that are HIV-positive. (See specific references to Prevention for Positives).
There is a greater push for developing objectives that have outcomes tied to these prevention service needs. Applicants must clearly define measurable Outcome Objectives, and activities must be congruent with the proposed outcomes and measurements. Proposals should clearly establish a link between outcome objectives and the utilization of ELI to support these objectives.
Proposals will be judged on the areas identified in the Criteria section of this RFP. These areas include: applicant experience with the identified BRP; development and implementation of a Work Plan which can be evaluated and monitored to ensure the program is meeting goals and objectives; HIV education and prevention outreach and client linkage to other needed services; and the efficient use of HIV funds. The combined estimated budget for all service categories is currently projected to total ($693,871) for fiscal year 2005-2006.
Bidders minimum qualification criterion include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Minimum of one (1) year experience providing HIV education and prevention services or other similar health and human service programs within Alameda County
- Bidders based outside of AlamedaCounty must explaintheir interest in conducting HIV education and prevention services within the County and demonstrate their linkages to communities within the County.
- Demonstrate experience in the area(s) addressed by the proposed project. This can be demonstrated through appropriate staffing experience or prior implementation of a similar program.
Community based non-profit organizations (CBO) must provide proof of their tax status. These are defined as organizations that are certified by the Federal Internal Revenue Service as 501(c)3.
Bidders must make as strong a case as possible for funding the project. Be persuasive in explaining the need for your project.
Allow for time to hire new positions, i.e. do not ask for twelve (12) months of salary if it will take two (2) months to hire (in this case, ask for only ten (10) months).
Behavioral Risk Populations (Deliverables)
Bidders are invited to submit proposalsto provide services to some or all of the BRP(s). Each BRP is funded separately and shall be awarded independently. A bidder must submit a separate proposal for each of the BRP(s) for which they are seeking funds. Projected budgets or amounts available are subject to change pending approval of State grant funds.
The Data Disease Trend Committee of the HPPC used an adaptation of a priority-setting model developed by the Academy for Educational Development (AED). In the tables below the model as adapted prioritizes BRP(s), racial/ethnic groups, AlamedaCounty cities, and cofactors (factors that could increase a person’s HIV risk). HIV-negative population and HIV-positive populations are prioritized separately.
In addition to providing applicants with an overview of the prioritized BRP(s) derived from the HPPC process, there is information on co-factors for each BRP. These are factors which are most strongly linked with HIV risk behavior for the BRP. The AED model was not applied to the trans-gendered and youth populations, therefore the co-
factors are listed in the tables below containing added information for each BRP.
The final priorities for HIV-negative and HIV-positive populations are listed in the tables below. Please note that due to limited funding, the Prevention with Positives (PWP) effort is focused on only one of the populations. PWP is a program which is specifically designed to meet the needs of HIV-positive individuals. These programs support individuals in preventing HIV transmission to others and may also focus on overall health and well-being.
Final Priorities for HIV-Negative Populations
BRP(s) in Ranked Order / Cofactors for BRP(s) / Racial/Ethnic Subpopulations in Ranked Order1. MSM
(Men who have Sex with Men) / Gay-identified
- Lack of communication/negotiation skills
- Low self-esteem
- Stigmas/taboos about sex, sexual orientation, or HIV
- Substance use (other than alcohol or marijuana)
- Internalized homophobia
- Stigmas/taboos about sex, sexual orientation, or HIV
- Incarceration
2. White
3. Latino
4. Native American
5. Asian/Pacific Islander
2. IDU
(Injection Drug Users) / MSM-IDU
- Sex work
- Having an HIV-positive/high-risk partner
- Substance use (other than alcohol or marijuana)
- Sex work
- Having an HIV-positive/high-risk partner
- Substance use (other than alcohol or marijuana)
- Mental health
- Stigma
- Mistrust/fear of health care system
- Substance use (other than alcohol or marijuana)
2. White
3. Latino
4. Native American
5. Asian/Pacific Islander
3. FSM
(Females who have Sex with Males) /
- Sex work
- Power dynamics
- Having an HIV-positive/high-risk partner
2. White
3. Latino
4. Native American
5. Asian/Pacific Islander
4. MSF
(Males who have Sex with Females) /
- Traditional gender role
- Incarceration
- Substance use (other than alcohol or marijuana)
2. White
3. Latino
4. Native American
5. Asian/Pacific Islander
Final Priorities for HIV-Positive Populations
Cofactors for BRP(s) / Racial/Ethnic Subpopulations in Ranked Order1. MSM
(Men who have Sex with Men) / Gay-identified
- Lack of communication/negotiation skills
- Low self-esteem
- Stigmas/taboos about sex, sexual orientation, or HIV
- Substance use
- False security regarding HIV medications
- Internalized homophobia
- Stigmas/taboos about sex, sexual orientation, or HIV
- Incarceration
- Substance use
2. White
3. Latino
4. Native American
5. Asian/Pacific Islander
2. IDU
(Injection Drug Users) / MSM-IDU*
- Sex work
- Having an HIV-positive/high-risk partner
- Substance use
- Sex work
- Having an HIV-positive/high-risk partner
- Substance use
- Mental health
- Poverty
- Power dynamics
- Stigma
- Mistrust/fear of health care system
- Substance use
- Incarceration
2. White
3. Latino
4. Native American
5. Asian/Pacific Islander
3. MSF
(Males who have Sex with Females) /
- Traditional male gender roles
- Incarceration
- Substance use
2. White
3. Latino
4. Native American
5. Asian/Pacific Islander / 1. Oakland
2. Emeryville
3. Dublin*
4. Hayward
5. San Leandro
6. Alameda
6. Fremont
7. Albany
7. Castro Valley
7. Livermore
7. Newark
7. Piedmont
7. Pleasanton
7. San Lorenzo
7. Union City
4. FSM
(Females who have Sex with Males) /
- Sex work
- Power dynamics
- Having an HIV-positive/high-risk partner
2. White
3. Latino
4. Native American
5. Asian/Pacific Islander / 1. Oakland
2. Emeryville
3. Dublin*
4. Hayward
5. San Leandro
6. Alameda
6. Fremont
7. Albany
7. Castro Valley
7. Livermore
7. Newark
7. Piedmont
7. Pleasanton
7. San Lorenzo
7. Union City
Note: Cofactors are the same as for HIV-negative, with the addition of the boldfaced cofactors.
Interventions and Strategies
The seven interventions listed below were identified and developed by the HPPC. Detailed descriptions in Appendix Acontain information on content, skill level recommended for staff, and some research that points to the efficacy of the intervention for given populations.
- Street and Community Outreach
- One-on-One Encounters
- Prevention Case Management
- Structured Workshop Series
- Unstructured One-Time
- Structured One-Time Workshops
- Community Level Interventions
In the tables below, funding available for the first five BRP(s) described in the tables are to provide prevention services for high-risk negative individuals, sero-status unknown. The last BRP is the Prevention with Positive funding.
The Intervention/Strategies section of each table list the interventions cited in the literature as being effective for that BRP, and the Strategies are intended to enhance the services for the
BRP. A proposal which speaks to a single Intervention will not be considered for funding. Applicants must address a minimum of two (2) Interventions listed and the associated Strategies for those Interventions. Unlike previous funding cycles, applicants will need to allocate dollar amounts to each intervention to address requirements of the ELI system. Applicants are strongly encouraged to review intervention effectiveness information contained in CDC’s website for the DEBI project:
Behavioral Risk Population: / Transgender (TG FSM)Amount Available: / $68,787
Budget Type: / Line Item