Briefing aboutLeave and License Agreement

Leave and License Agreement is an agreement recording a license between a licensee and licensor. This kind of agreement is famous these days where companies would mostly enter into a LeaveLicense Agreement instead of a Lease Agreementto save on the Stamp duty and registration charges.

This agreement is available for company and individual use and available for reference and you are free to use this agreement without any fee,but it shall not be deemed as providing legal services and hence under no circumstances can be analternate for legal or professional advice.

You are advised to use your discretion to checkall appropriate local laws of the particular jurisdiction to ensure compliance with legal necessities before you finish any transaction.

Leave and License Agreement

This agreement made as onEnter Date.

BETWEEN (Details about Landlord)

Enter Landlord Name, Age:Enter hisage, Occupation:Enterhis occupation,UID (Aadhar Card No.):Enter his Aadhar Card number, Pan No.:Enter Pan No.Residing at:Enter Landlord’s Permanent Address

HEREINAFTER called the Licensor (which expression shall mean and include the LANDLORD above named and his respectiveassigns, executors and administrators.)

AND (Details about Tenant)

Enter the name of Tenant, Age:Enter his age, Occupation:Enter his Occupation,UID (Aadhar Card No.):Enter his Aadhar Card number, Pan No. (If any):Enter Pan No.Residing at:Enter his Permanent Address

Hereinafter called ‘the Licensee (which expression shall mean and include only TENANT above named).

WHEREAS the LANDLORD is absolutelyhas the possession of mentioned properties and entitled to all that constructed portion ofresidential unit bearingProperty Type:Residential Apartment/Builder Floor/PG & Hostel/Residential House, Society Name:Give Society NameFlat No.:Give flat No., Furnishing:Give Furnishing (Un-Furnished, Semi-Furnished, Fully Furnished), Built-up Area:Give Built up Area, comprising of No. of Bedroom:Give No. of Bedrooms, No. of Bathrooms:Give No. of Bathrooms, No. of Balconies:Give No. of Balconies, Floor No:Give Floor No.,Situated at:Give Address of The Properties.

AND WHEREAS the TENANT herein is in need of temporary premises for his/her use has/have approached the LANDLORD herein to use and occupy the said premises on Leave and License basis for a period ofEnter the number of months for which the agreement is validMonths commencing from to Enter a date from which the tenant can start living in the said premisesand ending onenter a date beyond which the tenant cannot stay in the said premises, on terms and conditions hereafter appearing.

AND WHEREAS the LANDLORD have agreed to allow the TENANT herein to use and occupy the said Licensed premises for his aforesaid purposes only, on Leave and License basis for above mentioned period, on terms and conditions hereafter appearing.


  1. Period: That the LANDLORD hereby grants to the TENANT herein a revocable Leave and License Agreement, to occupy the Licensed Premises without forming anytenancy rights or any other rights, title and interest in favor of the TENANT for a periodofEnter the number of months for which the agreement is validMonths beginning fromEnter a date from which the tenant can start living in the said premisesand ending onEnter a date beyond which the tenant cannot stay in the said premises.
  1. Rent & Deposit:That the TENANT shall pay to the LANDLORD Rs.Enter rent amount to be paid per monthper month towards the compensationfor the use of the said licensed premises. The amount of monthly compensation shall be payable within firstEnter the day of the month before which the rent should be paiddays of the concerned month of Leave and License Agreement.
  1. Deposit:That the TENANT has paid a sum of Rs.refundable depositinterest free refundable deposit as a security byMode of payment and Transaction Number for reference or cheque no.onDate of which the payment was made.The security shall be refunded by the LANDLORD to the TENANT at the time of receiving back possession of the said property that is subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement.
  1. Electricity Bill:That the Tenant/Landlordshall pay the electricity bill as per consumption to the concerned authorities.
  1. Water Bill:That the Tenant/Landlord shall pay the waterbill as per consumption to the concerned authorities.
  1. Maintenance Charges:That the all, taxes, levies, assessment, maintenance charges, non-occupancy charges, etc. in respect of the said premises shall be paid by theTenant/Landlord.
  1. Fixtures:That the Tenanthas checkedall fixtures and fittings before occupying the said property that all the sanitary, electric fittings and fixtures are in good working condition and he/she is satisfied that nothing is broken or missing and the Tenant onvacating the demised premises shall restore them, in the same condition but subject to normal wear and tear.
  1. Condition of Use:That the Licensed premises shall only be used by the Tenant for residential purpose aforesaid. The Licensee shall maintain the said premises in its existing condition and damage, if any, caused to the said premises, the same shall be repaired by the Licensee at its own cost subject to normal wear and tear. The Licensee shall not do anything in the said premises which is likely to cause a nuisance tothe other occupants and shall not do any unlawful activities prohibited by State or Central Government.
  1. Alteration:That the Tenant shall not make or permit to do any alteration or addition to the construction or arrangements (internal or external) to the demised premises without prior consent in writing from the LANDLORD.
  1. NoTenancy:the tenant does not hold any tenancy right and he/she shall not claim any tenancy right and shall not have any right to transfer, assign, and sublet Licensed Premises or any part thereof and also shall not mortgage or take any loan against the said premises.
  1. Cancellation: That, if the Tenant commits default in regular and punctual payments of monthly compensation as herein before mentioned or commit the breach of any of the terms and conditionsor if any legislation prohibiting the Leave and License is imposed, the LANDLORD shall be entitled to revokethe License hereby granted, by giving one month notice in written and the TENANT too will have the right to vacate the said premises by giving a one month notice in written to the LANDLORD.
  1. Possession:That the immediately at on the expiration,termination or cancellation of this agreement the Tenant shall vacate the said premises without delay with all his/her belongings. If the Tenantfails or neglects to removehimself/herself and / or his articles from the said premises on expiry/sooner determination of this Agreement, the LANDLORD shall be entitled to recover damages at the rate of double the daily amount of compensation per day and or on the other hand the LANDLORD shall be entitled to remove the Tenantand his belongings from the Licensed premises, without recourse to the Court of Law.
  1. Amenities: in-house

Serial .No / Item / Mark as ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
1. / Air-Conditioned
2. / Almirah
3. / Authority Water
4. / Bed
5. / Chair
6. / Cooler
7. / Cupboard
8. / Cylinder
9. / Dining table
10. / Dish TV
11. / Fan
12. / Fridge
13. / Curtains
14. / Gezer
15. / Light fitting
16. / Mattress
17. / Microwave
18. / Piped gas
19. / RO Water
20. / Shower
21. / Sofa
22. / Stove
23. / Study table
24. / Television
25. / Washing machine
26. / Power Back-up
27. / Wi-Fi
28. / Study Hall
29. / Security
30. / Pillow
31. / Library
32. / Mess

Notice Period:

1.Notice period if the tenant fails to pay the rent on time. Give No. of Days.

2.Notice period if the tenant wants to vacate the property. Give No. of Days

3.Notice period if the landlord wants the tenant to vacate the property. Give No. of Days

Termination of Agreement:

Leave and license agreement will be deemed terminated if

  1. There is breach of any of the terms and conditions listed in the Lease.
  2. If the agreement is over.
  3. If the Licensee fails to pay rent to the licensor for the stipulated maximum period of days

DISCLAIMER: These legal forms or documents are for reference only. Mount Land Realty Pvt. Ltd. will not be responsible for any claim after the use of any of the above mentioned documents.

In witness where of the parties hereto have set and subscribed their respective signatures by way of putting thumb impression or written signature hereto in the presence of witness.


Witness 1______Witness 2______