Request for Pre-Application Planning Advice


You can complete and submit this form electronically via planning

Or send it to the address above.

Please complete using block capitals and black ink.

Please read the guidance notes (pages 5-7) before completing the form

1. Name,Address & Contact Details
Last Name:
2. Site Address Details / Description of location or a grid reference
Unit: / Easting: / Northing:
Is the site within a Conservation Area? / Yes / No
Is the property a Listed Building? / Yes / No
3. Type of Pre-Application Advice Required
Written Advice Only / 1 Hour Meeting plus Written Advice
Large Scale Major Development / n/a
Small Scale Major Development
Minor Development
Extensions/Alterations to Dwellings
4. Planning Advice Required
Policy(ies) / Legal Agreement
Listed Building / Conservation Area / Highways / Services
Amenity / Flood zones / Design / Sustainability
Other: please specify
5. Description of the Proposal
Please describe the proposed development, including any change of use:
6. Residential Units
Does your proposal include the gain, loss or change of use of residential units? / Yes / No
Total proposed residential units
Total existing residential units
Total net gain or loss
7. Non - Residential Units
Does your proposal involve the loss, gain or change of use of non-residential floorspace? / Yes / No
Total proposed floorspace
Total existing floorspace
Total net gain or loss
8. Hazardous Substances
Does your proposal involve the use or storage of any hazardous materials/substances? / Yes / No
9. Site Area
Please state the site area in
hectares (ha) / Please state the site dimensions
in metres
10. Existing Use
Is the site currently vacant? / Yes / No
Please describe the current/last known use of the site:
Is any or part of the identified land known to be contaminated? / Yes / No
11. Biodiversity and Geological Conservation
Is there a reasonable likelihood of the following being affected adversely or conserved and enhanced within the identified site, or on land adjacent to or near the site?
Protected and priority species? / Yes / No
Designated sites, important habitats or other biodiversity features? / Yes / No
Features of geological conservation importance? / Yes / No
Are there any protected trees or trees on site that could influence the development or might be important as part of the local landscape character? / Yes / No
12. Interest in the Land
Has the permission of the owner or any other person entitled to give permission been obtained? / Yes / No
If No, why not?
13. Assessment of Flood Risk
Is the site within an area at risk of flooding? / Yes / No
14. Freedom of Information Act 2000
Are there clear issues of commercialsensitivity or other significant reasons why the information provided on this form and any supporting document may not be made public? / Yes / No
15. Declaration
I hereby request pre-application advice relating to the proposal described in this form and the accompanying information.
Signed / Dated
16. Items to be enclosed
Appropriate Fee
To confirm the appropriate fee for the service you have requested please refer to the Council Fees and Charges document.
An additional fee may be charged when advice from additional specialist consultants is required. Where this is the case we will contact you before proceeding.
The fee must be paid before any meeting is held or written advice is given.
Please confirm how you will make payment:
  • Cheque (payable to Southend Borough Council) submitted with this form
  • Telephone paymentby Credit or Debit card (when my form has been received)

Site Location Plan
This isa location plan:
  • based upon an up to date map
  • this should be at an identified standard metric scale (typically 1:1250 or 1:2500)
  • plans should identify sufficient roads and/or buildings on land adjoining the applications site to ensure the exact location of the application site is clear
  • the application site should be edged clearly with a red line
  • it should include all land necessary to carry out the proposed development

Draft Plans (including all measurements in metric)
  • Existing
  • Proposed

Hazardous Substances
Explanation / Supporting information
Contaminated Land
Explanation / Supporting information
Biodiversity and Geological Conservation
Explanation / Supporting information explaining the effects identified
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Explanation of clear issues of commercial sensitivity or significant reason(s) whythe Pre-application advice is to be treated as confidential

Pre-Application Advice for Planning Permission – Guidance Notes

It is important that you read these guidance notes when completing this form. Incorrect completion of the form will delay the processing of your request.

1. Name, Address & Contact Details

Please fully complete all details.

2. Site Address Details

Please enter the full postal address of the site your request relates to. If it relates to open ground please describe its location as clearly as possible (e.g. land to rear of 12 to 18 High Street and/or provide a grid reference).

3. Type of Pre-Application Advice Required

Please tick the relevant box to confirm which of our services you require and for what size development.

Largescale Major Development

  • All development over 100 residential units or on sites greater than 2 hectares in area
  • All other uses where new floor space proposed will be over 5000sqm or on sites greater than 2 hectares in area

Smallscale Major Development

  • All residential development between 10 to 99 dwelling, or a site area of 0.5 hectares but less than 2 hectares
  • All other uses where new floor space proposed is over 1000sqm but less than 5000sqm or on sites greater than 1 hectare but less than 2 hectares in area

Minor Development

  • All residential development of 1 to 9 proposed new dwellings
  • All other uses where change of use or new floor space is proposed up to 999sqm or on sites less than 1 hectare

Householder extensions and alterations

  • All applications to enlarge, improve or alter an existingdwelling including boundary walls/fences or to carry out operations in the curtilage that are ancillary to the dwelling use

We make a charge for the service. Please refer to the Council Fees and Charges.

4. Planning Advice Required

Please ‘tick’ to indicate on which subjects you would like advice. The list shows only common subjects, so please specify any others specific to your proposal that you would like to address.

5. Description of the Proposal

Please describe the proposal as accurately and concisely as possible. For example:

  • Erect five, two-storey dwellings
  • Demolish existing warehouse and erect two five storey blocks containing 25 self contained flats, with ancillary parking, amenity area and vehicular access onto London Road
  • Use Launderette (class sui generis) as Internet café (class A1)

6. Residential Units

Please enter the total number of dwellings that exist at present and the number which would exist after your development. Types of dwelling are houses, flats, maisonettes, live-work units, cluster flats/non-self contained, sheltered housing, bedsits/studios.

7. Non-Residential Units

Please enter the total floorspace that exists at present and the total floorspace which would exist after your development. Floorspace is taken to be the gross amount (all storeys, including basements and garaging) to be created. This is an external measurement, including the thickness of external and internal walls therefore includes circulation and service space such as lifts, corridors, storage etc. All floorspace figures should be provided in square metres.

8. Hazardous Substances

If ‘yes’ is ticked, please ensure details, including type and quantity of hazardous materials to be used or stored on site are provided when submitting your request. A list of materials and permitted quantities is set out in the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 1992 refer toThe Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 1992

9. Site Area

Please confirm the size of the site to which the request relates. This should be the area contained within the boundary shown edged in red on the accompanying location plan. For some applications types the planning application fee is based on the site area, in which case an accurate answer to this question is particularly important.

10. Existing Use

When answering whether the site is currently vacant, this means whether the site is currently not in active use.

When describing the current/last known use of the site, please also include any details of listed building(s)/structures(s) or the part(s) of that may be affected.

If any or part of the identified land is known to be contaminated you will need to attach an explanation / supporting information with this form. Refer toContaminated land - GOV.UKfor initial guidance. Any future planning application you submit mayrequirea formal Contamination Assessment.

11. Biodiversity and Geological Conservation

If ‘Yes’ is answered, it will be necessary to submit information on what those effects are. The officer will then advise what final level of information will be required (eg a survey, an assessment of impacts) depending on the significance of the features and the scale and significance of the likely impacts.

12. Interest in Land

Owner is defined as: a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run.

13. Assessment of Flood Risk

If your site falls within a flood zone you do not need to include any extra information with this form. Refer to the Environment Agency - Flood Map for Planning (from Rivers and the Sea).

However, it may mean you will need to include a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) with any future planning application you submit. If this is the case, we will advise you what detail we, the Environment Agency and other relevant bodies will require.

14. Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires us to make all documents available to members of the public, if requested.

If you consider your proposal to be confidential your request should be clearly marked as confidential and you should attach an explanation setting out the reason(s) why and for what period the information is required to remain confidential.

Pre-application advice can only be treated as confidential if there are clear issues of commercialsensitivity or other significant reasons why this information may not be made public. If a planning application is made as a result of the pre-application advice, ALL documentation may be publicly available.

15. Declaration

Please sign and date your request.

16. Items to be enclosed

Please ‘tick’ to confirm you have enclosed all items that should accompany your completed form.

Please ensure your telephone number is completed in Part 1 if you would like to make payment by phone.

Page 1 of 6 – Apr 2014