Request for leave of absence from The Langley Academy Primary during term time
Name of Pupil: / Class: / Year Group:Reception
Date leave requested from: / to: / No of Days:
I request this leave to be granted for the following exceptional reason:
In the case of a holiday or trip, please explain below the factors which make the circumstances of your request exceptional:
I confirm I have read the details overleaf and I am aware that if this request is for 5 or more days and has been unauthorised by the Headteacher then it will be referred to Slough Borough Council - Yes
Signature of Parent/Carer: / Date:______
For School Use Only
Number of Authorised Absences:Number of Unauthorised Absences:
Number of Late Arrivals:
Evidence Supplied: Yes No Absence Authorised: Yes No
Signed…………………………………………………………….……………….……….. Date:……………………………………………..
Slough Borough Council changes to DfEs rules
- DfE recommendations with regards to the Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) have changed to £120 if the fine is paid within 28 days. This is reduced to £60 if it is paid within 21 days. There is no longer the lengthy reminder period for payment. This fine is per parent per child.
- SBC has reduced the extended leave/unauthorised holiday period to 5 days (10 sessions) unauthorised absence. If a pupil is absent for 5 or more days of unauthorised ‘G’ the fine will be issued.
- If a pupil has 10 sessions of unauthorised absence over 12 weeks (previously 20 sessions/12 weeks) the FPN warning can be issued.
- Referrals to the Local Authority Attendance Officer still stand at 20 sessions of absence with the initial contact raising concern to be made by school.
We hope that parents/carers would take their family holidays whilst the Academy is closed. Any parent wanting to take their child on a leave of absence from The Langley Academy Primary (including for religious observance) should inform the Headteacher in the following way:
● Complete the form overleaf in full
● The completed form must be returned at least 2 weeks prior to the leave request date
● The Headteacher will consider your request and you will be informed of the outcome by letter
Requests will not be accepted unless the ‘leave of absence’ form is completed. Written letters will not be accepted.
The expectation is that pupils DO NOT take leave during term time. If it is an urgent request then please follow the correct procedure.
Leave of absence is only authorised under very exceptional circumstances and in this case only 5 days can be granted by the Head Teacher.
We do not believe that children should be removed from school during term time – losing valuable school time is at the expense of your child’s education.
Any holiday or leave taken without permission will be unauthorised and legal action may be sought from the Local Authority.
If your request is refused and you still decide to take your child out of school their absence will be recorded as un-authorised in the register. Any un-authorised absence of 5 days and over could result in a fine from Slough Borough Council. The penalty for un-authorised absence is £120 if paid within 28 days, reduced to £60 if paid within 21 days. The fine is per parent, per child.
Continuous un-authorised absence over 20 days will result in your child being taken off roll and you will need to re-apply for your school place.