Ephemeris and Lambert Algorithms:
Test Cases
ASEN 5519 – Interplanetary Mission Design
Fall, 2006
Later in the semester, you will be constructing many porkchop plots to construct interplanetary mission designs to the outer planets. The fundamental building block of a porkchop plot is the solution to Lambert’s Problem. Hence, to be a successful interplanetary mission designer, your Lambert code must be a strong foundation to stand on! The algorithms also require good ephemeris code and good JD converters. This document will provide some test cases to test out your code.
1 AU / 149,597,870 km (Vallado)Solar Gravitational Parameter / 1.327 124 28 x 1011 km3/(solar sec)2 (Vallado)
1 Day / 86400 seconds
Date to JD Conversion
Date = Nov. 25th, 1978; 4h 30m 0s
JD = 2443837.6875
Date = Sept. 15th, 2006; 10h 00m 20s
JD = 2453993.9169
Date = Jan. 1st, 2007; 0h 00m 00s
JD = 2454101.5
Ephemeris and Lambert Checks:
Planet 1: Earth Planet 2: Mars
Departure JD: 2454367.90000 Arrival JD: 2454577.90000
Transfer Duration: 210.00000 days (1.81440000e+007 seconds)
Earth's Position at JD1: [150064539.403983 2267759.896369 -276.754311] km wrt the Sun
Earth's Velocity at JD1: [-0.935067 29.673807 -0.000519] km/s wrt the Sun
Mars' Position at JD2: [-207818935.305987 136713926.487051 7968576.434594] km wrt the Sun
Mars' Velocity at JD2: [-12.404508 -18.175755 -0.076153] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft Velocity at JD1: [-0.075289 33.476420 1.907380] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft Velocity at JD2: [-14.189471 -14.839340 -0.833227] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft V-inf out: [0.859778 3.802612 1.907899] km/s wrt Earth
Spacecraft V-inf in: [-1.784964 3.336414 -0.757073] km/s wrt Mars
C3 at Launch: 18.839158 km^2/s^2 |V-inf| at Arrival: 3.858875 km/s
Planet 1: Earth Planet 2: Venus
Departure JD: 2454367.90000 Arrival JD: 2454577.90000
Transfer Duration: 210.00000 days (1.81440000e+007 seconds)
Earth's Position at JD1: [150064539.403983 2267759.896369 -276.754311] km wrt the Sun
Earth's Velocity at JD1: [-0.935067 29.673807 -0.000519] km/s wrt the Sun
Venus' Position at JD2: [108502685.373919 981095.895427 -6248799.806056] km wrt the Sun
Venus' Velocity at JD2: [-0.465174 34.859502 0.504045] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft Velocity at JD1: [23.041751 0.806102 4.344444] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft Velocity at JD2: [34.742706 0.947442 4.007763] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft V-inf out: [23.976818 -28.867706 4.344962] km/s wrt Earth
Spacecraft V-inf in: [35.207880 -33.912060 3.503718] km/s wrt Venus
C3 at Launch: 1427.110960 km^2/s^2 |V-inf| at Arrival: 49.009169 km/s
Planet 1: Earth Planet 2: Venus
Departure JD: 2454257.00000 Arrival JD: 2454402.00000
Transfer Duration: 145.00000 days (1.25280000e+007 seconds)
Earth's Position at JD1: [-40907159.776698 -146166176.029225 2524.752269] km wrt the Sun
Earth's Velocity at JD1: [28.201602 -8.140052 0.000094] km/s wrt the Sun
Venus' Position at JD2: [21214945.229277 105654723.068676 221755.525408] km wrt the Sun
Venus' Velocity at JD2: [-34.453939 6.720951 2.080517] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft Velocity at JD1: [26.151206 -6.439026 -0.747977] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft Velocity at JD2: [-36.925365 8.695987 1.053181] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft V-inf out: [-2.050396 1.701026 -0.748071] km/s wrt Earth
Spacecraft V-inf in: [-2.471426 1.975036 -1.027336] km/s wrt Venus
C3 at Launch: 7.657223 km^2/s^2 |V-inf| at Arrival: 3.326279 km/s
Planet 1: Earth Planet 2: Jupiter
Departure JD: 2454208.00000 Arrival JD: 2455648.00000
Transfer Duration: 1440.00000 days (1.24416000e+008 seconds)
Earth's Position at JD1: [-133790709.833879 -68187957.669580 1327.392275] km wrt the Sun
Earth's Velocity at JD1: [13.041750 -26.652198 0.000422] km/s wrt the Sun
Jupiter's Position at JD2: [713873801.986079 196242257.471874 -16779211.940408] km wrt the Sun
Jupiter's Velocity at JD2: [-3.622026 13.220510 0.026292] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft Velocity at JD1: [9.811753 -37.136284 -4.217053] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft Velocity at JD2: [-6.852424 6.013385 0.951383] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft V-inf out: [-3.229997 -10.484087 -4.217474] km/s wrt Earth
Spacecraft V-inf in: [-3.230398 -7.207125 0.925092] km/s wrt Jupiter
C3 at Launch: 138.136042 km^2/s^2 |V-inf| at Arrival: 7.951975 km/s
Planet 1: Earth Planet 2: Saturn
Departure JD: 2454400.00000 Arrival JD: 2456850.00000
Transfer Duration: 2450.00000 days (2.11680000e+008 seconds)
Earth's Position at JD1: [125312162.328009 80094189.561700 -1620.778825] km wrt the Sun
Earth's Velocity at JD1: [-16.527724 24.988254 -0.000417] km/s wrt the Sun
Saturn's Position at JD2: [-916332981.031387 -1169747308.621389 56877707.789551] km wrt the Sun
Saturn's Velocity at JD2: [7.056768 -5.985045 -0.176776] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft Velocity at JD1: [-26.139293 30.300255 -4.576393] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft Velocity at JD2: [3.406155 -2.080308 0.414463] km/s wrt the Sun
Spacecraft V-inf out: [-9.611569 5.312002 -4.575976] km/s wrt Earth
Spacecraft V-inf in: [-3.650613 3.904737 0.591239] km/s wrt Saturn
C3 at Launch: 141.539187 km^2/s^2 |V-inf| at Arrival: 5.378058 km/s