Requesting a consultation with an Advisory Teacher

The following notes are intended as guidance for making the request.

·  All requests for consultation should be submitted on the attached Request for Consultation form to the appropriate e-mail address as detailed at the end of the form.

·  Schools should indicate whether their request is for Learning Inclusion or Social Communication

·  All requests must be agreed by parent/carer before submission

·  Additional information from parent/carers should be provided on the ‘Parent / Carer Views’ form; it is the responsibility of the school to involve and inform parents

·  Consultation requests will not be considered without latest provision maps and reviewed IEPs and IBPs

·  An Assessment Guidance booklet for BESD will be available in due course and will be posted on wsgfl

·  Please provide as much relevant detail as possible; the boxes will expand

·  All requests for consultation will be considered at a monthly allocation meeting with Advisory Teachers and Senior Educational Psychologists

·  Where a consultation is offered it may be in the following form

Ø  Telephone consultation

Ø  School visit

Ø  Signposting to other services or resources

·  A response from the Team will be communicated to you within 2 weeks of the monthly allocation meeting

·  Where a consultation visit is agreed an Advisory Teacher will telephone the school to arrange a mutually convenient time for the consultation

·  the school should ensure that a suitable room is available for the meeting with the key member/s of school staff

·  consultation meetings would require a minimum of one hour

SEN & Vulnerable

Learning Inclusion/ Social Communication

SCHOOL REQUEST FOR CONSULTATION WITH ADVISORY TEACHER – Learning Inclusion / Social Communication (highlight)

Prior to completing this form it is essential to read and follow the guidance notes

1. Pupil details

Child’s name: (Block Capitals) / D.O.B. / Year Group:
School: / School Tel No: / Gender: M / F
Looked After Child (LAC): Y/N
EY / COP Stage: (highlight)
Early Years / School Action / School Action Plus / Statement of SEN / Priority area of need: (highlight)
C&L BESD C&I Sensory/PD
Soc. Communication / Details of diagnosis: (if applicable)
Home language: / Attendance: (if of concern) % / Date of exclusions in last 12 months:
Name of key contact in school:
Role: e-mail address:
Class teacher: / Head teacher:

2. What concerns you about this pupil?

Please give a brief but specific description of your primary concerns. May include more than one area of need. What needs have you identified? What has worked? What has not worked or needs further development? How would you like things to change? What are your priorities?

3. What are the pupil’s strengths, interests and attitudes to learning?

This information is essential for us to use in our recommendations. What attitudes to learning does the pupil have? What strengths? What do you know about how the pupil learns? What does or might the pupil say about what would help them?

4. What do you hope to gain from this consultation?

Key outcomes:

5. Other agency involvement: Mark ‘C’ for current or give date (e.g. 2009) of last involvement

Previous IST
(Learning) / Previous IST
(Behaviour) / Previous IST (Social Communication) / CAF/TAC / EPS / SALT / EMAT / TES
CAMHS / CDC/CDT / OT / Other (Please specify)
Action by school following agency advice including evidence of recommendations applied:

6. Additional provision

What additional provision at (SA or SA+) has the pupil accessed (including current provision and date started)?
e.g Wave 3, language programme, SEAL, counselling, social skills group, visual supports / Group/1:1/in class /


e.g 3 x 30 mins week over 6 weeks / End date /

Delivered by

e.g LSA, LST,SENCO, LM, other / Targets met?

7.  Assessment data

Date / Test / Level / Score / Standardised score / Percentile ranking / Age equivalent
Latest teacher assessment including
Speaking & Listening
Verbal reasoning
Non verbal reasoning
(if available)

Receptive language



Boxall profile
Social communication checklist
BESD assessment information (if appropriate)

Continued overleaf

8.  Permission and supporting documents

Please provide the following information as part of the application:

Permission from Parent/Carer Print Name…..………………...……………..Date:…………….

You must not submit this form without demonstrating you have gained parental permission. Parent /carer comments are welcome on the attached sheet.

Provision Map/ Individual Education Plans (IEPs)/ Individual Behaviour Plans (IBPs) attached

Pupil reports and details of team interventions will be held on a secure Inclusion database

Signed: ……………………………………………………………. (SENCo/ Inclusion Manager) Date: ……………

Please return by to the appropriate area e-mail address below:

WSCC Page 4 06/01/2015