St. John’s HELPER

St. John’s United Church of Christ

1513 West Street

Rosenberg, Texas 77471

Church Office: 281-342-5159 Church Email:

Church Website:

Rev. Daniel Haas, Minister Cell phone #801-368-1180

February 11, 2015 Rev. Donald Kolkmeier, Pastor Emeritus

No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at St. John’s United Church of Christ

“The Thing with Traditions-Presidential or Otherwise”

Going back and remembering presidents past is a good thing: It keeps us rooted. We do that within our families all the time: Remember the hero that grandpa was, take grandma’s sacrifice as an example. But also: Don’t be a drunk like auntie Paige or a playboy like uncle Bob. We remember presidents for their greatest and their worst hours:

George Washington as the founder of the nation and first president will obviously get a lot of credit for all he did. And when we worship heroes like that we tend to overlook their human weaknesses: George Washington was known to complain that his pay was not sufficient to cover the expenses of his household and at times he even had to pay expenses out of pocket. His $25,000 in 1789 equal $650,000 in today’s dollars after inflation. Since 2001 presidents have only made $400,000. Looks like the father of the nation did not have his personal budget under control.

Many stories that we tell about ourselves tie us to heroes of the past: How we grow up to imitate all the great things our parents have done for us

or how we start a family tradition totally opposite of our upbringing. We have to connect to the past one way or the other. The same thing is true for Jesus. The Gospels would not just have him show up and do his preaching-teaching-healing thing. They have to explain his authority, to give him a rightful place in the life and faith of God’s people. That’s what Transfiguration Sunday is all about:
“Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain apart, by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no one on earth could bleach them. And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses, who were talking with Jesus. Then Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; let us make three dwellings, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” He did not know what to say, for they were terrified. Then a cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud there came a voice, “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!” Suddenly when they looked around, they saw no one with them any more, but only Jesus.” (Mark 9:2-8)

Jesus is nobody unless he has the authority of a prophet like Moses. No presidential candidate can make it to the White House without tipping their hat to one who has gone before them. None of us can live happy lives without an understanding of how our family tradition and history have affected us for better and worse. None of us are perfect, ancestors and presidents included.


Rev. Daniel Haas

Attendance for February 8, 2015

Church Attendance …………..….… 103

Sunday school (adults)……………… 8

Children’s Church…………………… 19

Offering for February 8, 2015

General Fund …………………. 2,430.00

Loose plate ……………………. 60.25

Benevolence ………………….. 181.00

Initial …………………………… 4.00

Improvement …………………. 148.00

Coke Fund……………………. 30.00

Non-Members…………………. 235.00

Total Offering $ 3,088.25


Prayer has the ability and power to change lives and to heal the body, mind and spirit of those who are hurting. Therefore, you are invited to keep the following persons in your daily prayers. Knowing that your church family is praying for you can truly help make a difference in recovery.

Gary Ashley Tom Atkins

Brandon Beck Tom Bosse

Hannah Calaway Tommy Crayton

Nancy Drake Brenda Dresner

Wayne Fredensprung Dale Hans

David Harborth Ed Marek

Kim Martin Allen Newell

Kim Schnell Mildred Scott

Mattie States Brittany Van Horn

Linda Velasquez Betty Weber

Makayla Williams James Wrobliski

Brooke (child)

Long Term Prayer Concerns:

Gladys Barta Herman Barta

Joann Barton Rosa Bolte

Sharon Seiler Davis Kervin Finke

Rev. Dale Krampe Dorothy Krell

Pat Lucky Melvin Loesch

Judy Macura Denver McFarland Rose Rabata Ella Mae Schmidt

Lawrence Schmidt Feryn Schulte Johnny Scott Alice Welch

Sherra Williams Mike Woods

Cheryl Zwahr

Preparing for Sunday, February 15

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9

Sermon: “Leaving the Mountaintop”

Scout Sunday

We thank our Scout parents for providing delicious refreshments this past Sunday and we thank our Boy Scouts for participating in the worship service.

Thank You!

A big thank you is given to Jimmie Ashley along with his son Cody and Keith Beck for the creation and placement of the hand rail in hallway between the Parish Hall and the Narthex, along with on the stairway to the choir loft. We appreciate your time in helping with improvements to St. John’s.

Spiritual Council-Table Cloths

The Spiritual Council would like to spruce up the tables in the Parish Hall. We would use the white cloths that we have but top them with heavy duty clear plastic ones. These would be stronger than the flimsy ones we now have on the tables. The cost would be $400 for the 10 tables. We are asking for donations from the congregation to cover this project. There will be jars on each of the tables in the Parish Hall to collect these contributions.

Ash Wednesday Service

Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 18th at 6:00 p.m. for our Ash Wednesday Service.

Family Ministry: Holy Communion

The Family Ministry team along with Rev. Haas will visit our shut-ins and administer Holy Communion, on Ash Wednesday, February 18th beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Cambridge in Richmond and will proceed from there to other locations.

St. John’s Family Ministry

Daylight Savings Time-Smoke Alarms


Have you been watching the news lately? It appears that there is a house fire at least every week and sometimes almost every day. We don’t want to see your house on the news! If you have a smoke alarm it is time to check the batteries. If you don’t have a smoke alarm we can install one for you. You mean a lot to us and this Church. Don’t put off being safe!

Sunday, March 8 is the beginning of Daylight Savings Time. If you have a smoke alarm in your house and need it checked or the batteries replaced, your Family Ministry can help. If you need a new smoke alarm installed or maybe another one added, your Family Ministry Team can help. It is always a very good idea to check the batteries twice a year, in March and again in November when the time changes back.

Your Family Ministry Team would like to help! Give one of the committee members a call or call the church office (281-342-5159) and let us know what you need. We will schedule a time to come to your house.

Thank you for your continued support of the Family Ministry!

John Eixmann Darwin Enax Melba Ashley

Diana Beck Patsy Kubes JoAnn Meyer

Joyce Lamensky Ron Gutowsky

Blood Drive

On Sunday, February 22 the blood mobile will be at St. Paul Lutheran Church located at 1208 5th Street in Rosenberg from 9:15 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. for those interested in donating blood. You may call Joyce at St. Paul’s, 281-341-7500 or go online to to schedule your appointment.

Endowment Fund Update

DID YOU KNOW… the Endowment Fund grew by $12,500 in 2014 because of increased awareness of this fund and our investing in United Church Foundation? (36% donations & 64% investment gains). For more information on the Endowment Fund please contact Glenn Dresner or any Endowment Board member.

February Food Drive

Reminder that February is one of our semi-annual non-perishable food drive month for Helping Hands (in addition to August). A wooden crate has been placed in the front of the church, and the children will help place your donations inside each week. We are now half way through the month and the crate is now full, we are emptying it and wish to now start refilling it over the next two weeks with your help. All items will be greatly appreciated by Helping Hands as during the winter months their shelves often get depleted.

American Cancer Society Bark for Life

The American Cancer Society will have a one mile walk on Saturday, March 28th at Abe & Irene Levine Park Pavilion in Sealy where you and your dog can walk together. Registration begins at 9 a.m. The registration fee is $25 which covers one human and one dog (additional dogs are $15 each) and includes t-shirt and dog bandana, if you mail in your registration-no t-shirt if you register the day of the event. Registration can be on-site or you can pick up a form in the church office which must be postmarked by March 9th.

Slumber Falls Summer Camp

It’s that time of the year again to start thinking about summer activities. Early registration discount applies to those registered by April 1. For more information please see our bulletin boards or


For Sunday, February 8, 2015

Lay Reader: Michelle Gutowsky

Flowers for Altar: Clara Narramore

Greeters & Ushers for February:

Charity & Gary Wehring, Fritz Oberhoff,

Gary Oberhoff

Lay Readers for February:

Janet Enax, Tom Gaskamp,

Michelle Gutowsky, Glenn Dresner

Altar Flowers for February:

JoAnn & Don Meyer, (2/1)

Kathy, Stan & Nicholas Kubelka, (2/8)

Clara Narramore, (2/15)

Emma Lee Marek, Hilda Sabrsula(2/22)

February 11, 2015

Family Ministry Team Training, 9:00

Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 p.m.

February 12, 2015

Brotherhood, 6:00 p.m.

February 15, 2015

Stephen Loonam delivers the

morning sermon entitled,

“Leaving the Mountaintop”

Looking Ahead

Family Ministry Team training, 2/11

Choir Rehearsal, 2/11

Brotherhood, 2/12

Valentine’s Day, 2/14

Mature Adults, 2/17

Ash Wednesday Service, 2/18

Family Ministry Team Communion, 2/18

Church Council, 2/23

Thought for the week:

“NEVER lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people-your family, friends, and coworkers, and even strangers you meet along the way.”

~Mrs. Barbara Bush

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(on your computer push Control and click your mouse at the same time while hovering the mouse over the above link and it will take you directly to the Kroger registration page.)