Request for Grant for Construction ( Phase –II)

Name of the project :

Mathru Vocational Training Centre for the Differently Abled


I. Main objectives

1. Provide and develop employment skills

2. Enhance eligibility and equip for opportunities in self and commercial employment

3. Train to achieve economic stability and meet the challenges in a constantly changing world

A. Current short term objectives- duration -2 years :

In the present context with restricted resources and inadequate infrastructure, the focus is to provide qualitative inputs on a limited number of students. Also ensure an environment to achieve all the main objectives in a short period of time.

B. Long term- duration -5 years:

Mobilize resources to provide comprehensive technical inputs, adequate infrastructure to qualify for recognition by the government authorities as an approved training center and equip the outgoing student to get better employment opportunities with self confidence to compete with merit

History and background of the organization

Mathru is a Registered Trust working for the welfare of the visually challenged since 2001. Ms. G.R. Muktha, Managing Trustee lost her left foot in an accident and became disabled when she was 22 years old while doing her post graduation. Born with an instinct to help and naturally kind hearted, Muktha took the challenges faced by the disabled as her own and plunged into the service of the blind with determination and strong will. There was no looking back since then. She dedicated her life exclusively and willingly for the welfare of such helpless souls. Following her lead, other likeminded individuals, corporations and organisations joined the cause.

In the year 2001 urged by the pathetic plight and neglect of the differently abled children born to illiterate rural poor parents without direction, and seeing some of the children condemned to begging without choice, the trustees started the Mathru Blind School to provide a home to these blind children, giving quality based education, vocational training, self development skills, rehabilitation and allied activities. Training to develop self-confidence and physical hygiene was also part of the curriculum. The institution was born with a clear objective to be of service to the disabled who live in darkness and make them socially strong and meet the challenges in their own life.

Past performance and achievements

  1. Activities During 2001 – 2010

1.1. We have been providing free education, food, accommodation and medical facilities to visually impaired children since 2001. As of date there are 89 visually impaired students who are being educated. Our school has grown by leaps and bounds and we have classes up to 10th Standard.

2. During 2002

2.1.Mathru started an academy of art, music, dance in 2002. We have trained the students in fine and performance arts. Regular public performances and success in many competitions have won the appreciation of parents, the public and the media. This has helped a lot in publicity and securing funding. So far children of this academy have exhibited 7 dramas, mono acting, musical performance etc.,

3. During 2003

3.1. We were successful in getting 1 Acre of land from Government of Karnataka during 2003. The proposed Vocational Training Project i.e. Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, and Phase IV will be constructed on this land for further expansion of Mathru`s activities. Our present Grant request is for Phase II construction.

4. During 2004

4.1. During 2004, we purchased land of 10,000 Sq ft area from Karnataka Housing Board, for the construction of the Mathru free residential school. During 2004, we had sent our first proposal for construction of school to ASHA, New Jersey chapter, USA. Very kindly ASHA accepted our proposal and granted Rs.9 Lakhs for construction of 10 class rooms ( Later, Asha extended support for the construction of hostel for boys and also to secure water connection )

4.2. We established Computer laboratory during 2004.

5. During 2005

5.1. By utilizing the fund allotted by ASHA, we started construction of free residential school on the area mentioned at 3.1 above.

6. During 2006

6.1. Mathru completed the school building construction during 2006. We shifted entire school from temporary accommodation to this well equipped and furnished permanent building.

6.2. In recognition of our outstanding performance for the cause of visually challenged children, Managing Trustee of Mathru received the prestigious Karnataka State Government service to society award during 2006.

6.3. In May 2006, a research student of Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. visited our school and introduced a technology in writing Braille called Braille tutor/e slate and also implemented it for the benefit of the blind children.

7. During 2007

7.1 Mathru established its own Sound and Video recording facility to enable blind children to learn lessons by using talking CD`s and cassettes.

7.2. Mathru established printing facility so as to translate school text books prescribed by the State syllabus into Braille language. We also translated many general knowledge books, story books etc in to Braille language.

8. During 2008

8.1. Mathru constructed a separate library and stocked it with various kinds of books catering for children of all ages. We also employed a librarian to maintain this library.

8.2. Started vocational training where in 20 disabled persons were trained this year. This was done in two batches in rented premises. On completion of Phase II construction, this vocational training facility will be shifted to our own building.

8.3. Four research students of Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, U.S.A. again visited us and introduced 2nd version (i.e. more advanced) of e-slate. These research students also helped us in creating the Mathru Web Site.

8.4. For the first time six lower grade visually impaired students of Mathru studied for 10th standard and passed out with good results.

9. During 2009

9.1. Some of the adult visually challenged students who were too poor to pursue college education were accommodated in our school and we helped in all possible ways to complete their pre-university and graduation. There are 22 such students who have benefitted from Mathru. They are provided with free food, accommodation, books ,college fees etc.

9.2. Once again Mathru was adjudged as the best school in Karnataka State and got the prestigious State award for being the best institution.

9.3. Mathru had to fight long battles with various “ land grabbing “ agencies who are very powerful and influential and were trying to illegally possess Mathru land. Eventually Mathru succeed in getting the Government land of one acre who was initially allotted to Mathru in 2003 (See Item 2). This is one of the great achievements of Mathru.

10. During 2010

10.1. Mathru has ventured into an area where no one would have tried to venture. Mathru has 7 blind children who are suffering from additional disabilities like deafness, dumbness, mental retardation and autism. This venture is first of its kind in whole ofSouth India. These children are being trained for “Living Skills” under the guidance of specially trained teachers and special aids.

10.2 Construction activities of Phase I (i.e. hostel accommodation for disabled) has commenced in the Govt. allotted land of one acre.

10.3. Since Mathru has grown into a full-fledged recognized institution it has been possible to offer employment for 22 people (6 visually impaired) who are working as teaching and non-teaching staff in Mathru. This policy will continue to be followed in the proposed Vocational Training Centre.

Details of the project undertaken by Mathru for construction

Mathru, encouraged by its own successful activities and essential service rendered to the neglected totally disabled children, asked the Karnataka State Government for help in providing land for a Vocational Training Centre. The Government was favorably inclined as they considered Mathru fully deserving of the required help and granted 1 acre of land, 7 km away from the existing building of Mathru. This was the first step to move forward.

Mathru is bringing out various interconnected projects on this land to support adult blind and other categories of disabled. The government authorities have approved building plans for these projects. Mathru has engaged qualified architects and civil engineers to work on the projects.

The Vocational Training Centre will be the key project with its own building, infrastructure, equipment, staff and maintenance. Construction of buildings on the land will be in four phases based on availability of funds and resources. The four phases are outlined below. Please see attached building layout drawing also.

Phase –I.

I. First phase of construction -the hostel for trainees and students- has commenced in April 2010 and is to be completed by December 2010. The cost of this project is estimated around Rs.35 lakhs. Free board and lodging during the training sessions is essential for success since the trainees are disabled.

Funding for this project phase is almost complete and has been raised by Mathru from various individuals, institutions like M.S.Ramaiah and supporting corporations.


II. Second phase of construction is the Vocational Training Centre (adjacent to above mentioned hostel). This will start from December 2010 and is to be completed by April 2011. Measuring approximately 1000 sqft., the building is to be divided between areas for literates and illiterates. Based on its experience, Mathru recognizes the need for separate facilities for literate and illiterate trainees. The estimated cost is Rs.8,00,000-10,00,000.

We are in need of financial support for the construction of this project (vocational training centre). We solicit the support of Asha for Education to fully fund the construction of this project.

Phase –III

III. Third phase of construction is to provide a compact office room, dining hall and kitchen. The area of III phase of construction will be 1200 sq.ft at an estimated cost of Rs 8,50,000-Rs 11,00,000

Phase- IV

IV.Fourth phase of construction is a home for destitute women. Mathru felt there is scope and an opportunity here for extending a helping hand to elderly destitute blind women. There are many destitute and disabled women in rural areas without any help. Based on its experience in running the blind school, Mathru, will in this centre, provide a secure home and an opportunity for these women to have meaningful employment in the centre itself.

Third and fourth phases of construction will be in 2011-2012 depending on the

availability of funding.

An Appeal to support for the construction of the

Vocational Training Centre ( Phase II )

Asha has been supporting Mathru since 2004. We acknowledge and gratefully remember the support given by Asha in 2004-2005 for the construction of the free residential School for the Blind. Asha has also been kind enough to extend its help for the further development of Mathru by granting funds to meet the administrative expenses from 2006-2010. We gratefully consider the New Jersey Chapter of Asha for Education as key to the successful evolution of Mathru. You and your volunteers have truly been our partners in promoting the cause of education of the disabled.

This year we solicit the support of Asha for the construction of the Vocational Training Centre (Phase II) Here is a brief summary report.

Narration on Vocational Training centre

Having gained confidence, seeing the tested inputs of our previous beneficial vocational training sessions, our objectives have now been extended to provide, on a larger more organized scale, skill development and vocational training, for differently abled persons, so that they become self supporting individuals who will not be a liability to society.

In 2007-08 the Mathru Trust started, in the Blind School, a provisional vocational training center encouraged by the support of Ashraya USA with 15 blind students. Vocational training was introduced in trades like screen printing, knitting, weaving, paper bag making and also Computer skills and English classes.

In the year 2008-2009 with the support of M.S.Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Mathru provided 45 days training for 20 disabled in plumbing, electrical and electronic repairs in Ist batch and 10 disabled from an NGO called Humanitarian Hands. (Reports of these sessions have been given to Asha CNJ).

Response was good and some of the trainees have secured employment. Having tested the inputs yielding results and benefiting the disabled, Mathru decided to utilize the knowledge gained in this field and venture into vocational training as a special project for the literate and illiterate disabled. Slowly expanding the activities and reaching out to many disabled. Vocational training is thus meant to support the virtually unskilled with skills for their job opportunities and self-employment in the changing world. All these vocational training and skill development activities were carried out in the School and in rented premises for a limited period. The phase II construction is being under taken to make a permanent arrangement for this project - with well-equipped infrastructure, staff, and maintenance.

Plans for this project are ready and approved by the government authorities.

The total cost of this building is around 8- 10 lakhs.

Justification for the cost of this construction can be ascertained from our approved plans and estimates made by our architects. Preliminary staffing plans and budgets have been drawn. These can be submitted to you if you so desire.

Number of trainees per year: 20 literate and 20 illiterate

Total number of Vocational training in three years after full implementation; 120

Promoter of Projects: Ms. Gubbi. R. Muktha

Founder and Managing Trustee, Mathru Educational Trust for the Blind

Bank for Project: Bank of Maharashtra

Auditor: Mrs. Vidya Kini.

Bangalore, India

July 2010

Preliminary Budgets for Vocational Training Centre.

I. Construction of vocational training centre

Cost -- Rs. 8,00,000-Rs.10,00,000

II. Expenses for providing vocational training for disabled

A.Recurring expenses – Illiterate disabled
No. of Beneficiary : 20 No.. of days: 300
Food / 20 persons X Rs.60 X 300 days / 3,60,000
Staff / 5 staff X Rs.6000 X 12 months / 3,60,000
Maintenance / 25,000
Incidental expenses / 10,000
Total / 7,55,000
B.Non Recurring expenses – Illiterate disabled
Fixed assets/equipments / 1,45,000
Furniture / 30,000
Total / 1,75,000
C.Recurring expenses – Literate disabled
No. of Beneficiary : 20 No.of days: 300
Food / 20 persons X Rs.60 X 300 days / 3,60,000
Staff / 4 staff X Rs.6000 X 12 months / 2,88,000
Maintenance / 25,000
Incidental expenses / 10,000
Total / 6,83,000
D.Non Recurring expenses – Literate disabled
Computer lab set up / Rs.1,25,000
Furniture’s / Rs.55,000
Total / 1,80,000
Grand total of A,B,C,D / Amount In Rs
7,55,000 + 1,75,000 + 6,83,000 +1,80,000 = 17,93,000

Funding details

Expected support from
existing supporters / Mobilizing donations / Trust resource
Rs. 5,96,500. / Rs.8,96,500 / Rs. 3,00,000.


I Cost of construction of Vocational training centre –

Rs. 8,00,000-10,00,000

oFixed assets and Infrastructure expenses -Rs.1,45,000

oRecurring food expenses -Rs.7,20,000

oRecurring staff expenses -Rs.6,48,000

oMaintenance expenses-

Rs. 50,000

oIncidental expenses-Rs. 20,000

oComputer Lab-Rs.1,25,000

oFurniture expenses -Rs. 85,000

II. Total annual expenses towards vocational training to literate and illiterate disabled isRs.17,93,000

Number of beneficiaries reaching out in 3 years –

120 disabled

A separate document – Mathru-BuildingPlan_2010.ppt contains:

1. Design of I phase of construction

2. Entire plan outlook of I, II, III phases of construction

Note- Estimation of the II phase construction will be submitted whenever Asha summons.