HEAL NY Phase 11: Capital Restructuring Initiatives #3
SECTION 4. Attachments
- Public Health Law Section 2818
- Public Authorities Law Section 1680-j
- Technical Application Package Checklist
- Technical Application Cover Page
- Eligible Applicant Certification
- SEQR – Short Environmental Assessment Form
- Multiple Provider / Participant Form
- Technical Application Format
- Financial Application Package Checklist
- Financial Application Cover Page
- Financial Application Format
- Project Expenses and Justification
- Project Fund Sources
- Project Regional Allocations
- Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire
- GDA Appendix A: Standard Clauses for all NYS Contracts
- GDA Appendix A-1: Agency Specific Clauses
- GDA Appendix C: Payment and Reporting Schedule
- GDA Appendix F: Project/Contract Contingencies
Attachment 1
HEAL NY Legislation (PHL 2818)
§ 2818. Health care efficiency and affordability law for New Yorkers (HEAL NY) capital grant program
1. The commissioner and the director of the dormitory authority of the state of New York shall enter into an agreement, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, for the purpose of administering the funds available to the health care efficiency and affordability law for New Yorkers (HEAL NY) capital grant program as authorized under section sixteen hundred eighty-j of the public authorities law, in a manner that will encourage improvements in the operation and efficiency of the health care delivery system within the state. A copy of such agreement, and any amendments thereto, shall be provided to the chair of the senate finance committee, the director of the division of budget and the chair of the assembly ways and means committee.
Such agreement shall include criteria, to be developed by the commissioner and the director of the authority, to be considered in their evaluation of applications and determination of awards, including, but not limited to:
(a) determination of eligible applicants, provided that such eligible applicants shall include entities representative of any part of the health care delivery system;
(b) consideration of statewide geographic distribution of funds;
(c) minimum and maximum amounts of funding to be awarded under the program;
(d) the relationship between the project proposed by an applicant and identified community need; and
(e) the extent to which the applicant has access to alternative financing.
Such agreement shall be provided to the chair of the senate finance committee, the director of the division of budget and the chair of the assembly ways and means committee no later than thirty days prior to the scheduled approval of the first bond issuance for the program by the public authorities control board. The authority shall also report quarterly to such chairpersons on the awards made through the program, including the name of the applicant, a description of the project and the amount of the award.
The commissioner and the director of the authority shall award grants to eligible applicants after due public notice of the availability of funds and through a process which ensures to the maximum extent practicable and where appropriate, competition among such applicants, consistent with the following requirements: the commissioner and the director of the authority shall publish the priorities and goals that are to be achieved through grant funding, and regularly provide public notice of the availability of funding. These priorities and goals shall be consistent with the objectives and determinations of the Commission on Health Care Facilities in the Twenty-First Century established pursuant to a chapter of the laws of two thousand five, provided, however, that nothing shall prohibit the commissioner and the director for the authority from awarding grants prior to a final report to the commission. For each project that will be recommended for approval, the commissioner and the director of the authority shall report to the chair of the senate finance committee, the director of the division of budget and the chair of the assembly ways and means committee how the project meets the priorities, goals and criteria established pursuant to this section.
Contracts awarded to eligible applicants shall require that work performed thereunder shall be deemed “public work” and subject to and performed in accordance with articles eight, nine and ten of the labor law and the contractors performing such work shall also be deemed a state agency for the purpose of article fifteen-A of the executive law and subject to the provisions of such article.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision one of this section, the commissioner and the director of the dormitory authority may award, in an amount not to exceed twenty-five percent of the health care system improvement capital grant program allocation in any given fiscal year, grants to eligible applicants without the process set forth in subdivision one of this section. With respect to the process for the awarding of such funds without the process set forth in subdivision one of this section, the commissioner and the director of the dormitory authority shall determine eligible awardees based solely on an applicant’s ability to meet the following criteria:
(i)Have a loss from operations for each of the three consecutive preceding years as evidenced by audited financial statements; and
(ii)Have a negative fund balance or negative equity position in each of the three preceding years as evidenced by audited financial statements; and
(iii)Have a current ratio of less than 1:1 for each of three consecutive preceding years; or
(iv)Be deemed to the satisfaction of the commissioner to be a provider that fulfills an unmet health care need for the community as determined by the department through consideration of the volume of Medicaid and medically indigent patients served; the service volume and case mix, including but not limited to maternity, pediatrics, trauma, behavioral and neurobehavioral, ventilator, and emergency room volume; and, the significance of the institution in ensuring health care service access as measured by market share within the region.
(c) Prior to an award being granted to an eligible applicant without a competitive bid or request for proposal process, the commissioner and the director of the dormitory authority shall notify the chair of the senate finance committee, the chair of the assembly ways and means committee and the director of the division of budget of the intent to grant such an award. Such notice shall include information regarding how the eligible applicant meets criteria established pursuant to this section
3. Notwithstanding subdivisions one and two of this section, sections one hundred twelve and one hundred sixty-three of the state finance law, or any other inconsistent provision of law, of the funds available for expenditure pursuant to this section, thirty million dollars may be allocated and distributed by the commissioner without a competitive bid or request for proposal process for grants to residential health care facilities for the purpose of restructuring such facilities to achieve a reduction in certified inpatient bed capacity. Consideration relied upon by the commissioner in determining the allocation and distribution of these funds shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) the existing and projected need for inpatient nursing home beds and community based long-term care services in the area in which a facility applying for such funds is located; (b) the quality of the care being provided by the facility; (c) the ability of the facility to access, in a timely manner, alternative sources of funding, including other sources of government funding; and (d) whether additional funding would permit the facility to achieve greater stability and efficiency in the delivery of needed health care services.
HEAL NY Phase 11: Capital Restructuring Initiatives #3
Attachment 2
HEAL NY Legislation (PAL 1680-j)
§1680-j. Authorization for the issuance of bonds for the health care efficiency and affordability law for New Yorkers (HEAL NY) capital grant program
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the dormitory authority of the state of New York is hereby authorized to issue bonds or notes in one or more series in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed seven hundred fifty million dollars excluding bonds issued to fund one or more debt service reserve funds, to pay costs of issuance of such bonds, and bonds or notes issued to refund or otherwise repay such bonds or notes previously issued, for the purposes of financing project costs authorized under section twenty-eight hundred eighteen of the public health law. Of such seven hundred fifty million dollars, ten million dollars shall be made available to the community health centers capital program established pursuant to section twenty-eight hundred seventeen of the public health law.
1. Such bonds and notes of the dormitory authority shall not be a debt of the state and the state shall not be liable thereon, nor shall they be payable out of any funds other than those appropriated by the state to the authority for debt service and related expenses pursuant to any service contract executed pursuant to subdivision two of this section, and such bonds and notes shall contain on the face thereof a statement to such effect. Except for purposes of complying with the internal revenue code, any interest income earned on bond proceeds shall only be used to pay debt service on such bonds. All of the provisions of the dormitory authority act relating to bonds and notes which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this section shall apply to obligations authorized by this section, including but not limited to the power to establish adequate reserves therefore and to issue renewal notes or refunding bonds thereof. The issuance of any bonds or notes hereunder shall further be subject to the approval of the director of the division of the budget, and any projects funded through the issuance of bonds or notes hereunder shall be approved by the New York state public authorities control board, as required under section fifty-one of this chapter.
2. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contrary, in order to assist the dormitory authority in undertaking the administration and financing of projects authorized under this section, the director of the budget is hereby authorized to enter into one or more service contracts with the dormitory authority, none of which shall exceed more than thirty years in duration, upon such terms and conditions as the director of the budget and the dormitory authority agree, so as to annually provide to the dormitory authority, in the aggregate, a sum not to exceed the annual debt service payments and related expenses required for the bonds and notes issued pursuant to this section. Any service contract entered into pursuant to this subdivision shall provide that the obligation of the state to pay the amount therein provided shall not constitute a debt of the state within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision and shall be deemed executory only to the extent of monies available and that no liability shall be incurred by the state beyond the monies available for such purposes, subject to annual appropriation by the legislature. Any such contract or any payments made or to be made thereunder may be assigned or pledged by the dormitory authority as security for its bonds and notes, as authorized by this section.
3. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, and in accordance with section four of the state finance law, the comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the health care reform act (HCRA) resources fund (061) to the general fund, upon the request of the director of the budget, up to $6,500,000 on or before March 31, 2006, and the comptroller is further hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the healthcare reform act (HCRA); Resources fund (061) to the Capital Projects Fund, upon the request of the director of budget, up to $139,000,000 for the period April 1, 2006 through March 31, 2007, up to $171,100,000 for the period April 1, 2007 through March 31, 2008, up to $208,100,000 for the period April 1, 2008 through March 31, 2009, up to $151,600,000 for the period April 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010, and up to $182,000,000 for the period April 1, 2010 through March 31, 2011.
* NB There are 2 § 1680-j's
Attachment 3
TECHNICAL Application PACKAGE Checklist
- Technical Application
(Applications should include all of these sections and forms)
____ Technical Application Cover Page
____Eligible Applicant Certification
____SEQR - Short Environmental Assessment Form
____Multiple Provider / Participant Consent Form
____Table of Contents
____Executive Summary
____Eligible Applicant
____ Attach Proof of Eligibility (Copy of Operating Certificate)
____Project Description
____Project Monitoring Plan
- Packaging the Technical Application
____Ensure no cost information is included in the Technical Application.
____ The package contains:
____Two original, signed, Technical Applications
____Four copies of the Technical Application
____Three Flash Drive’s of the Technical Application
____Application is scheduled to be delivered by 3:00 PM on the date shown on the RGA cover page.
____Technical Application package, shipping boxes and flash drives are clearly labeled:
HEAL NY Phase 11 Technical Application
RGA #0904211132
____Mail Technical Application to:
Robert G. Schmidt
Director, HEAL NY Implementation Team
New York State Department of Health
Division of Health Facility Planning
433 River Street, 6th floor
Troy, NY12180
Note: Failure to include all of the listed sections and forms may result in the disqualification of your application.
HEAL NY Phase 11: Capital Restructuring Initiatives #3 Attachment 4
Format for the Technical Application
Technical Application Cover PageProject Name______
Project involve facility closure(s): Yes or No
Eligible Applicant Legal Corporate Name______
Applicant’s Category: (Circle one category)
Hospital Article 28 Network Hospital Active Parent
Applicant’s Address (include County)______
Applicant Federal ID #:______NYS Charities Registration #:______
Indicate the Region that represents the predominant focus of application
New York City Northern
Long Island Central
HudsonValley Western
IMPORTANT: The Technical Application, including this cover page, must NOT contain ANY information regarding the Project cost. Information relative to Project cost is to be included in only the Financial Application. Eligible Applicants failing to comply may be eliminated from further review.
Contact Information
Signature of an individual who will be authorized to bind the Eligible Applicant to any GDA resulting from this application:
Signature ______
Title, if signatory is different from contact person _______
Attachment 5
Eligible Applicant Certification
I hereby warrant and represent to the New York State Department of Health (“DOH”) and the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (“the Authority”) that:
- Applicant will make every effort to ensure that the project described in this application will be consistent with the goals and recommendations of the Commission on Health Care Facilities in the Twenty-First Century, as established pursuant to Section 31 of Part E of Chapter 63 of the Laws of 2005, and with the goals and recommendations set forth in the Commission’s report of November, 2006.
- All contracts entered into by the Grantee in connection with the Project shall (A) provide that the work funded by Grant funds covered by such contract shall be deemed “public work” subject to and in accordance with Articles 8, 9 and 10 of the Labor Law; and (B) shall provide that the contractors performing work under such contract shall be deemed a "state agencies” for the purposes of Article 15A of the Executive Law
- If awarded a HEAL NY grant, the funds will be expended solely for the project purposes described in this RGA and in the GDA and for no other purpose.
- I understand that in the event that the project funded with the proceeds of a HEAL NY grant ceases to meet one or more of the criteria set forth above, then DOH and/or the Dormitory Authority shall be authorized to seek recoupment of all HEAL NY grant funds paid to the Grantee and to withhold any grant funds not yet disbursed.
Applicant Name______
Project Name______
Signature ______Date ______
Name (Please Print) ______
Title (Please Print) ______
Please note that in accordance with Part 86-2.6 of the Commissioner’s Administrative Rules and Regulations, ONLY the following individuals may sign the attestation form:Proprietary Sponsorship – Operator/Owner
- Voluntary Sponsorship – Officer (President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer), Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer or any Member of the Board of Directors
- Public Sponsorship – Public Official Responsible for Operation of the Facility
HEAL NY Phase 11: Capital Restructuring Initiatives #3
Attachment 6
State Environmental Quality Review
PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION ( To be completed by Applicant or Project Sponsor)
Municipality / County
4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc., or provide map)
New Expansion Modification/alteration
Initially ______acres Ultimately ______acres
Yes No If No, describe briefly
Residential Industrial Commercial Agriculture Park/Forest/Open Space Other
Yes No If yes, list agency(s) and permit/approvals
Yes No If yes, list agency name and permit/approval
Yes No
Applicant/sponsor name: ______Date:______
Signature: ______
If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment