CPConnect Enabling Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning
Request for Funding of Project Proposal
Application Form
Title of Project: ______
Short Title of Project (to be used for reference, if funded):
Proposal Author(s): ______
CENG Faculty Advisor: ______Department: ______
Faculty Advisor email: ______Telephone: ______
Anticipated Start Date: ______
Anticipated End Date: ______
Student Team Members & Departments:
Total Funds Requested ($): ______
Previous CPConnect Funding (circle one): YES NO
If Yes, Quarter Awarded and Project Title: ______
List all current and pending funding support for this project (Source, funding amount, and date awarded):
Is this project part of a larger project? YES NO
If Yes, provide name of project and total funding:______
Signature of CENG Faculty Advisor: ______Date: ______
CPConnect Enabling Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning
(1” margins, 12-point Times New Roman font)
- Abstract – (Provide a description of the project’s overall objectives and key milestones. This description is meant to serve as a succinct, accurate description of the proposed work when separated from the rest of the application. Limit 1 page.)
- Project Description – (Provide a detailed statement of work with measurable objectives. Highlight how it will provide a contextual learning environment for the integration of STEM principles. Identify how innovation will play a key role in solving the problem. Limit 3 pages including figures and tables. References may be on an additional, separate page.)
- Interdisciplinary Team – (Identify the project team with student participation from multiple departments along with the skill sets required to complete the project. Detail the interdisciplinary nature of the project. Limit 1 page.)
- Partnerships and Future Funding - (Identify any potential industrial or non-profit partners and how this funding can be leveraged for additional or future funding. Limit ½-page.)
- Key Milestones and Timeline – (Provide a timeline for completion of the project along with major milestones. Limit 1 page.)
- Major Equipment, Facilities, and Other Resources - (Identify resources required to complete the project including facilities, equipment and lab space. Limit ½-page.)
- Final Products and Dissemination – (Identify the final products from this funding as well as how your findings will be disseminated. Limit ½-page.)
- Budget Requested – (Limit 1 page.)
Student Applicant(s):
CENG Faculty Advisor:
Project Title: / Requested Funding
Travel / subtotal / $
Travel: In-state / $
Travel: Out-of-state / $
Travel: International / $
Operating Expenses / subtotal / $
Non-computer Supplies & Materials / $
Computer Supplies & Materials / $
Software/Software Licenses / $
Printing/Duplication / $
Postage/Shipping / $
Registration / $
Membership Dues & Subscriptions / $
Multimedia Services / $
Advertising / $
Journal Publication Costs / $
Contractual Services / subtotal / $
Contracted Services / $
Equipment Rental/Lease Agreements / $
Service/Maintenance Agreements / $
- Budget Justification – (Explain the need for each line item in the budget, as well as show the breakdown of calculations used to arrive at the amount in each line of the budget. If applicable, include information such as vendor, part number, quantity, cost, etc. Limit 1 page.)