All requests for extension to Research Service’sDeadline for final application must be received by 9:00am a minimum of3 days prior to the Deadline for final application.

Submit fully signed Request for Extension to Deadline for Final ApplicationFormto

Research Services setsthe Deadline for final applicationto ensure that appropriate Institutional sign-off can be obtained prior to arranging for submission of external research grant applications.This date is set with consideration of other external applications due around the same time.
Deadlines for final applicationare advertised well in advance, and require the provision of final, submission-ready proposals and all associated documentation.
Applicants who are unable to meet the advertised deadline for final application due to exceptional circumstances are required to submit a formal Request for Extension to the Deadline for final application for approval by the Associate Director, Research Grants. This form must be signed by the Lead Chief Investigator and endorsed by their Faculty Assistant Dean (Research) and forwarded to . Research Services will then provide the Request for Extension to Deadline for final application form to the Associate Director, Research Grants for consideration.
  1. Lead Chief Investigator details

Name / School
Email / Contact No.
  1. External Scheme details

Funding Body
Grant Scheme
Application ID
Application title
  1. Justification

Provide a detailed justification as to why a final, submission-ready application cannot be provided to Research Services by the advertised Deadline for final application. Please note that extensions will only be approved in the case of exceptional circumstances. If circumstances are of a sensitive or confidential nature, they do not need to be recorded on this form, rather they should be discussed with your Assistant Dean (Research) [ADR]privately.

  1. Requested revised date for submission of final application to Research Services

CERTIFICATION: to be signed by Chief Investigator



ENDORSEMENT: to be signed by Faculty Assistant Dean (Research)

I have considered the justification provided in this Request for Extension to the Deadline for final application formand endorse it for approval by the Associate Director, Research Grants.



Note: The above signature is required prior to submission to Research Services


Request for Extension to Deadline for final application:APPROVED / NOT APPROVED


Associate Director, Research GrantsDate

o:\divisions\research and innovation\research services\grants & contracts\applications\templates\request for extension to deadline for final application form.doc