Procedure for Scrutinizing CDA Documents—No Peer

(Monday Morning Survival Guide)

Set up directory

Set up a directory containing the schemas, stylesheet, etc. You will place XML files to be scrutinized into this directory.

Set up browser bookmarks


Content test requirements

NIST Validator

Step 1. Validation with NIST tool

Log into Kudu-->Connectathon--> Monitor Worklist

Select a test to perform from the Monitor Worklist -->claim

Check the Monitor Worklist to make sure that the test has been assigned to you (usually bottom-most on list.) Your name shouldappear in the box in last column.

Navigate back to menu in left-hand margin-->selectImages/CDAs/Objects-a new page will appear.

--> select Vendor name from drop-down menu at the top of the page

-->select the System from next drop-down menu (a company may have more than 1 system so check carefully. Ex: EHR Epic, PHR Epic).

Scroll down the page and locate the document file under the heading of the document type you are validating-->Right Click->“Save Target As” and save it to the directory in C:\ that you created in the set-up.

Open the NIST tool(best practice is to open this tool through the NIST site and then Minimize so it is available throughout the day.)

Browse in the drop-down window for the file that you saved to the PCC folder --> select it.

-->select errors only, scroll down

-->select document type

--> validate, if:

no errors- continue to next step

errors- note the error or print page and notify vendor of failure on NIST test

Return to Monitor Worklist to update status of the test.

Step 2. Stylesheet Check

Return to PCC folder-->open test document file with Notepad

Paste style sheet reference:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="CCD.xsl"?>

into first line of document or immediately following an XML declaration if there is one. (<?xml version="1.0" ?>)

If there is already a stylesheet reference, delete it.

-->Save, then close file

Open saved file in your test folder with your browser—document content should displayusing the testing stylesheet.

Check that the contents contain at least those sections required by the document type;data entered should match the scenario examples.

Close document

Note: If there are problems displaying the document using Internet Explorer, consider changing to Firefox.

Step 3. Record the Validation

Return to monitor Worklist

--> select your test number

Log in with your login and password in the middle of the page to activate validate section

Select you choices

-->select appropriate button (ex: validated if they passed)

--> apply

Return to Monitor Worklist