Request for Concept Papers

Expanding Participation of People with Disabilities in USAID Activities


The USAID Regional Mission for Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus informs you of an opportunity to access USAID funding for projects that increase the participation of people with disabilities (PWDs) in social and economic activities, and/or strengthen the capacities of disabled people’s organizations (DPOs). The USAID Regional Mission for Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus welcomes concept papers from interested organizations.


USAID has a Disability Policy which encourages fuller inclusion of PWDs in USG development efforts. Towards that end, $3,000,000 has beenmade available toincrease the participation of people with disabilities in USAID activities and strengthen the capacities ofDPOs around the world.

USAID expects to fund projects in an amount ranging from $20,000 to $300,000. Any requests over $300,000 for the total project period will not be reviewed.

Applications should be from qualified U.S. or non-U.S. entities, such as private, non-profit organizations (or for-profit companies willing to forego profits), including private voluntary organizations, universities, research organizations, professional associations, and relevant special interest associations. USAID strongly prefers to support proposals from local organizations. Awards to U.S. organizations will be administered in accordance with (1) 22 C.F.R. 226, (2) OMB Circulars and (3) the USAID Standard Provisions for U.S. Nongovernmental Recipients. Awards to non-U.S. organizations will be administered in accordance with USAID Standard Provisions for Non-U.S. Non-governmental Recipients.

Applicants must submit their concept papers to in electronic form. Interested organizations should submit concept papers by 17:00 Kyiv time, November 15, 2010. Applications can be submitted in English, Ukrainian or Russian.


Program areas could include, but are not limited to education, health, government, civil society building, rule of law, HIV/AIDS, and employment opportunities. Capacity building programs for DPOs may include organizational capacity, advocacy efforts, coordination, and leadership.

The lists provided under each heading are only illustrative - other innovative ideas are welcome.

A. Increase participation of people with disabilities in current USAID programs.


1)  Promote participation of people with disabilities in the democratic process and elections.

2)  Promote inclusion of participation of people with disabilities in HIV/AIDS awareness raising and education programs.

3)  Foster inclusion of children with disabilities in education programs.

4)  Increase employment and economic opportunities for people with disabilities.

5)  Build capacity of humanitarian relief workers and first responders to better incorporate the needs of people with disabilities in all disaster relief planning.

6)  Improve laws and policies within country that better reflect the inclusion of people with disabilities.

B. Strengthen the capacity of disabled persons organizations (DPOs).


1)  Improving the organizational capacity, financial management, human/material resources, strategic planning, fundraising, leadership and coordination of DPOs.

2)  Building advocacy skills of DPOs to increase the inclusion of people with disabilities in programs funded by USAID, host government and other donors.

All project ideas must be presented using a standard application form (see Annex 1). Due the volume of anticipated concept papers, applicants must respect the 8-page limit. Submissions made usingotherformatswillnot be considered.

Concept papers will be considered for “one time grants”, with no expectations for follow-on funding. Funded projects will be required to report on a quarterly basis progress in achieving results and amount of grant funds spent during the reporting period using a one-page form with a mandatory indicator table (see Attachment 2).

Please note that if an organization has an ongoing program funded with Disability Funds, it is not eligible for funding. This program must first be completed prior to requests being considered for additional funds.


The USAID Regional Mission for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova will review concept papers using the evaluation criteria outlined below and forward select concepts to USAID/Washington for consideration.

A review panel in USAID/Washington will evaluate all concept papers submitted by USAID Missions globally and make funding decisions.

Evaluation Criteria

USAID will use the following criteria in reviewing concept papers:


1.  To receive a full score of 20 points the organization will have:

2.  Extensive involvement in disability or be a Disabled People’s Organization.

3.  Previous experience in project management or managing activities related to those proposed in the concept paper.

4.  A mission, objectives and orientation that is in line with proposed activities.


To receive a full score of 60 points the project must:

1. Show a clear link between the described need and the proposed activities.

2. Describe the impact on existing USAID programs, activities or strategies. Information about USAID activities in Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova can be found at

3. Define who will benefit from the project (able-bodied, persons with disability, sex).

4. Provide and activity schedule that is well-defined and realistic.

Indicate what performance indicators will be used to show the project was a success.


To receive a full score of 20 points the organization will:

1. Show evidence of linkages with existing disability programs or organizations.

2. Illustrate how people with disabilities have been/will be involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of the program.

3. Ensure that women with disability will participate in and benefit from activities.



Please provide information in the space given. You may type or electronically complete this form (minimum 11 point font). Handwritten applications will not be accepted. All answers must be written in English.

Name of Organization: ______

Project Title: ______

PO Box: _____City/District: ______Country: ______

Contact Person: ______Position/Title: ______

Phone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______

Please describe your organization (tick all that apply)

__ Disabled People’s Organization ______No experience with disability

__ Community Based Organization ______Limited experience with disability

__ Non-governmental Organization ______Extensive experience with disability

__ Faith Based Initiative ______Other ______

Amount of funding requested (in USD): ______

Project duration (total months): ______Proposed start date: ______End date: ______

Funding is requested for (tick all that apply):

______Equipment/tools ______Building modifications

______Consumable materials ______Meetings

______Training ______Media costs

______Transportation/Travel ______Printing/publications

______Salaries and fees ______Other (list) ______

The proposed project activities address which of the following areas? (Tick all that apply):

______Increase participation of people with disabilities in USAID activities

______Strengthen the capacity of disabled people’s organizations

1. Please provide a brief description of your organization, including background and experience in the disability sector. (Please limit your response to not more than one page.)

2. Please provide a brief summary of the proposed project. This must include what this project seeks to achieve, specific objectives, DELIVERABLES, location and expected number of beneficiaries. (Please limit your response to not more than one page)

3. Please justify the NEED for this project. Justification should address overall need for this project and need for each of the main activities/deliverables. (Please limit your response to not more than one page)

4. Please list main activities with target dates for completion. Please provide summary information using the sample table below. Beneath the table please provide details of the implementation of EACH activity. (Please limit your response to not more than one page)

Activity / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec






5. How many staff will be directly involved in and/or funded by this project? Please list their role, qualifications and experience. (Please limit your response to not more than half a page)

6. Does your organization plan to collaborate with other organizations in achieving this project’s objectives? If so, please explain HOW. (Please limit your response to not more than quarter of a page)

7. Please provide your detailed budget summarized under the following budget line items. Below this budget, and as notes to the budget, provide a detailed breakdown of this summary per line item. Please indicate exchange rate used.

(Please limit your response to not more than two pages)

Description / Budget (local currency) / Budget (US $)
Direct labor (e.g. salaries, wages etc)
Travel and Per diem
Equipment and supplies
Program Activities
Other Direct Costs (e.g. rent, utilities, communication etc)

Notes to the budget:

8. Please describe the type of monitoring and evaluation that is planned for the project (to include program indicators, frequency, method, who will do it). (Please limit your response to not more than one page)








TYPE OF REPORT (select one): initial ______interim ______final ______

Category / Male / Female / Total / Comments
Number of people served
Number of people trained
Number of organizations strengthened
Specific Planned Activities / Progress/Achievements


Plans for next reporting period: (If this is a final report, please provide overall summary of the project, if the objectives were achieved, and other comments in this space):

Summary amount of grant funds spent during this period:

Name and Title of person writing this report ______

Signature and date: ______