Request for Applications
Applications due Friday, December 14, 2012
Key Dates
Pre-Application Session— October 26, 2012 **strongly encouraged, not required
Applications due— December 14, 2012
Applicants Notified—January, 2013
Program Start—March 1, 2013 (March 1, 8, 15, 22 & April 12)
Program Description:
The Community Leaders Institute is a 6-week leadership development training program that is designed to enhance community research and capacity building competencies in community leaders (e.g., directors, administrators, advocates and other persons who play a key role in using data and decision making).
There are 12-15 slots available for the 2013 class.
Program Goal:
The overall goal of the program is to assist agencies that engage and empower communities to reduce health, social and educational disparities in leveraging funding and learning how to use data to improve services and programs.
Who should apply?
Program administrators, organizational/community leaders, key program staff or community advocates who will use the training to build capacity in their health, social service or educational programs and neighborhoods.
*All applicants are required to become a member of the CCTST at Membership is free and entitles applicants to resources to support their projects.
Program Requirements:
To accomplish the goals of the Institute, the full participation of each individual selected is necessary. To successfully complete the Institute, participants must:
· Attend the three-hour interactive training sessions and present their project during the last session.
o Training sessions take place Friday mornings from 8:30am-11:30am during March and April. Due to the calendar this year, we will have 1 required afternoon session and 1 optional afternoon session from 12:30pm-4:30pm.
· Bring in real world projects to ensure that there is a “real world deliverable” that builds organizational and community capacity.
o Examples of projects include submitting a grant proposal, creating an agency database that builds capacity/efficiency or using data to develop a community health profile.
o Priority will be given to applicants who present projects that are aligned with the CCTST Community Engagement priority areas and/or neighborhoods (see FAQ for further details).
· Provide detailed 6-month and 1-year progress reports.
It is expected that upon completion of the program, leaders will have increased competencies in community research which allow them to access and leverage the funding needed to build capacity in their programs and organizations. The long-term goal is to improve community research capacity to address social, educational, environmental and physical health disparities in the greater Cincinnati community.
Proposed Training Sessions:
Grant Writing (Will Parr); Accessing Public Datasets (Rob Kahn); Creating Databases/Analyzing Data (Monica Mitchell); Developing Programs/ Ensuring Evidence Based Practice (Lori Crosby, Chellie McLellan); Survey Development & Assessing Community Health Needs (Eric Rademacher); REDCap (Cathy McGraw); Integration and Individual Project Sessions
Grant Funding:
Each participant’s organization will receive a $1500 grant for their participation in this competitive program and completion of their proposed project. Please Note: Funds are not to be spent on marketing/promotional materials. Staff time can be covered by no more than half of the funds.
If you have any questions regarding this RFA, please contact Teresa Smith at or (513) 803-0917.
Application Form
Applicant Checklist: Completed Application Form
Professional Resume/CV
Organization Letter of Support—
(From supervisor stating that your attendance at the CLI and project are supported)
Application Instructions: Please limit the application form to 2 pages. This does not include your Resume/CV or your Agency Support Letter. Use checklist above to confirm that all materials have been completed. Refer to the FAQ document for further details. Mail or e-mail 2 completed copies of your application packet to:
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Attn: Teresa Smith
3333 Burnet Avenue
MLC 8700
Cincinnati, OH 45220
Name(s): / Title(s):Organization: / Address:
Phone (primary): / Phone (secondary):
Please answer the following questions (required as part of your application):
1. Briefly describe your reasons for wanting to participate in the Community Leaders Institute and what you hope to gain from your involvement?
2. Please explain how you would use the information gained in the Community Leaders Institute in your organization, agency and/or community.
3. Please describe a real world project that you could bring and work on as part of the Institute. Specifically include the following:
Title of Project:Target Population:
Project Aims:
Evaluation Plan:
Budget: / If applicable, please describe how you would spend your CLI grant award (up to $1,500).
4. Which of the following CCTST Community Engagement Core priority areas will your project focus on (please check all that apply)?
Childhood Asthma Diabetes
Pediatric Injury Adult Neuroscience
Infant Mortality Vulnerable Populations
Obesity Other (please describe below)
5. Which CCTST Community Engagement Core priority neighborhood will be the focus of your project (please check all that apply)?
Avondale Price Hill
Covington Other (please describe below)