Request an OASIS Pre-Award Scope Compatibility Review
GSA has a scope review capability that analyzes the scope and Pool assignment of your proposed OASIS (Unrestricted) or OASIS Small Business task order requirement. It is an interactive process in which you will be asked a series of questions about your specific requirements. * Required
This service can help reduce the risk of protest and is a unique benefit of working with GSA.
Start your request now by:
- Completing your Statement of Work (SOW)*,
- Completing your IGCE* (your Agency's government estimate with labor categories and hours template or one generated by using the OASIS Estimating Tool).
- Filling out the:OASIS Pre-Award Scope Review(Word doc)below, *
- Emailing it to: c: ; ; ;
Pre-Award Scope Compatibility Survey starts here:
- OASIS Unrestricted or Small Business? *
__ Unrestricted
__ Small Business
__ TBD (not certain which is best for my requirement of for other reasons)
- Project Name:*
- Estimated Final Solicitation Date: *
Please use Day/Month/Year format – example: 12/11/2015
- Base Year Period of Performance:*
Please use Day/Month/Year format – example: (XX/XX/XXX – XX/XX/XXXX)
- Number of Option Years:*
Please select from list below:
__ 1
__ 2
__ 3
__ 4
- Estimate task order $ amt including $ amt for all Option Years:*
- NAICS Code (North American Industry Classification System)*
Please select your NAICS Code/Pool information from the options below:
(To review NAICS Code descriptors, please refer to either the:
- OASIS Unrestricted Ordering GuideAppendix A: OASIS Pools & NAICS Codes[PDF, 254KB] or
- OASIS SB Ordering Guide Appendix A: OASIS SB Pools & NAICS Codes[PDF, 175KB]
__ 541211 (Pool 2)
__ 541213 (Pool 2)
__ 541214 (Pool 2)
__ 541219 (Pool 2)
__ 541330 (Pool 1)
__ 541330 Exception A (Pool 3)
__ 541330 Exception B (Pool 3)
__ 541330 Exception C (Pool 3)
__ 541360 (Pool 1)
__ 541370 (Pool 1)
__ 541380 (Pool 1)
__ 541611 (Pool 1)
__ 541612 (Pool 1)
__ 541613 (Pool 1)
__ 541614 (Pool 1)
__ 541618 (Pool 1)
__ 541620 (Pool 1)
__ 541690 (Pool 1)
__ 541711 (Pool 4)
__ 541712 (Pool 4)
__ 541712 Exception A (Pool 6)
__ 541712 Exception B (Pool 5A)
__ 541712 Exception C (Pool 5B)
__ 541720 (Pool 2)
__ 541810 (Pool 1)
__ 541820 (Pool 1)
__ 541830 (Pool 1)
__ 541840 (Pool 1)
__ 541850 (Pool 1)
__ 541860 (Pool 1)
__ 541870 (Pool 1)
__ 541890 (Pool 1)
__ 541910 (Pool 1)
__ 541990 (Pool 1)
- Department/Agency Name:*
- Sub-Agency Name/Command Name:*
- Office Name/Base Location/Region #:*
- Point of Contact (POC) Name:*
- POC Phone/Cell:*
- POC Email:*
- Contracting Officer’s (CO) Name for this task order:*
- CO Phone/Cell:*
- CO Email:*
- Summarize Principle Purpose/ Outcome of Requirement in text box below:*
18. Proposed Order Type*
Please select from the list below.
__ FP
__ T&M
__ C-R
__ L-H
__ Hybrid
__ Other: ______
- Estimate TO Break-out of Work: % for Professional Services: ____%*
- Estimate TO Break-out of Work: % for Service Contract Act (SCA): ____%*
- Estimate TO Break-out of Work: % for Davis-Bacon Act: ____%*
- Estimate TO Break-out of Work: % for IT: ____%*
- Estimate TO Break-out of Work: % for Other Direct Costs (ODCs): ____%*
- Where should we email our review comments to?*
Please include name and email address where our response should be sent:
Please see top of page where to email this document, your Statement of Work (SOW) and IGCE to.