Gas Fire Fighting Module
Impulse-20 (25-22,5-18) Specifications 29.2-30784208-006:2011
Impulse-2 (25-2,2-18) Specifications 29.2-30784208-006:2011
This Manual devoted to Gas Fire Fighting Modules IMPULSE-20 (25-22,5-18) and IMPULSE-2 (25-2,2-18) (hereinafter referred to as “Module”) describes the structure and principles of operation, specifications, service lifetime and manufacturer’s warranty, instructions for application and use.
Modules’ specifications meet the requirements as follows:
- National Standards 4095-2002 “Firefighting equipment. Gas fire suppression systems. Modules and battery equipment. General technical requirements. Test methods”;
- Labour Protection Regulatory Act 0.00-1.07-4 “Rules for design and safe operation of pressure vessels”;
- Labour Protection Regulatory Act 40.1-1.32-01 “Electrical Installation Regulations. Electrical equipment of special installations”.
Gas fire-extinguishing agent used for the above modules meet the requirements as follows:
- National Standards 3958-2000 “Gas fire-extinguishing agents. List of quality parameters, general technical requirements ant test methods”;
- National Standards 4466-5:2008 “Gas firefighting systems. Development, installation, testing, maintenance and safety. Part 5. Fire-extinguishing agent FK-5-1-12”;
- National Standards 4466-8:2008 “Gas firefighting systems. Development, installation, testing, maintenance and safety. Part 8. Fire-extinguishing agent HCFC 125”;
- National Standards 4466-9:2005 “Gas firefighting systems. Development, installation, testing, maintenance and safety. Part 9. Fire-extinguishing agent HFC 227ea”;
It is recommended to follow the Manual Fire Safety Regulatory Act Б.01.004-2000 “Rules for maintenance of automatic firefighting installations”, while using the above modules.
1.1. Product identification to be used when ordering:
GFFM IMPULSE-20 (25-22,5-18) X Specifications 29.2-30784208-006:2011
1 2 3 4
1 – Module operating pressure, bar;
2 – Module capacity, L;
3 – Nominal width diameter of the lock & release device;
4 – Type of mounting;
W – wall-type
C – ceiling-type
GFFM IMPULSE-2 (25-2,5-18) X Specifications 29.2-30784208-006:2011
1 2 3 4
1 – Module operating pressure, bar;
2 – Module capacity, L;
3 – Nominal width diameter of the lock & release device;
4 – Type of mounting;
W – wall-type
C – ceiling-type
Example of marking description of the module GFFM IMPULSE-20 (25-22,5-18) –C:
25 – Module operating pressure, bar;
22,5 – Module capacity, L;
18 – Nominal width diameter of the lock & release device, mm;
C – ceiling-type of mounting
Example of marking description of the module GFFM IMPULSE-2 (25-2,5-18) –W:
25 – Module operating pressure, bar;
2,5 – Module capacity, L;
18 – Nominal width diameter of the lock & release device, mm;
W – ceiling-type of mounting
Purpose of the product: the above modules are designed for distinguishing of classes A, B, and C fires and electrical equipment (voltage not over 1000 V) by means of gas fire-extinguishing agents (GFA).
The modules are the sphere-shaped metal vessels containing the fire-extinguishing agent. The metal mounting is in the upper part of the vessel; the pulverizer with an electromechanical activator, manometer and pressure relay, safety diaphragm and thermally sensitive glass bottle is located in the module’s neck.
The modules may be used both as a part of automatic firefighting systems and independent firefighting device.
Pressure relay is designed for signaling when the module is activated (pressure is lower than 0.2 MPa).
The modules are forbidden to be used in explosion hazard zones.
The modules are produced in the “Moderate” climatic category with the placement category No. 3 as set forth in the National State Standard (GOST) 15150 and designed for exploitation at the ambient air temperature from minus 10°C up to plus 50°C and relative humidity maximum 80% at the air temperature +15°C.
Specifications 29.2-30784208-006:2011.
2.1. Modes of activation:
2.1.1. – Automatic – destruction of the bottle of the lock & release device’s thermal lock by means of the electromechanical activator (one-shot device), when the electric impulse is transferred from the fire controller;
2.1.2. Remote - destruction of the bottle of the lock & release device’s thermal lock by means of the electromechanical activator, when the electric impulse is transferred from the starter, pushing the remote control button;
2.1.3. Autonomous – destruction of the thermally sensitive bottle of the lock & release device by rising he temperature over 68°C.
Other specifications may be found in Table No. 1.
Name, formula and peak load of the modules with the gas fire-extinguishing agents are described in Table No. 2.
Table No. 1 Specifications of the module
Criteria / Type of the moduleIMPULSE-20
(25-22,5-18) / IMPULSE-2
1. Module capacity, L / 22,5±0,5 / 2,2±0,2
2. Operating pressure in the module at the temperature 20°C±2°C, bar / 25±2
3. Design pressure of the module’s vessel, bar / 55
4. Test pressure of the module’s vessel, bar / 71,0±0,5
5. Pressure of activation of the safety diaphragm, bar / 50±5
6. Duration of activation (response time) of the modules at the electric start-up, s, max / 2,0
7. Emission of the gas fire-extinguishing agent, s, max / 10,0
8. Structural mass of the module (without mounting), kg, max / 12 / 5
9. Dimensions, mm, max
- Width
- Height
- Vessel diameter / 380
360 / 220
10. Operating temperature for the modules, °C / From minus 10 up to plus 50
11. Temperature of destruction of the thermal lock (bottle), °C / (red colour)
12. Response resource, min / 5
13. Service life, year, min / 10
14. Electric circuit of the pressure relay, parameters
- Pressure of closure of the pressure relay contacts, MPa (kgf / cm²) / 0,2±0,05 (2±0,5)
- DC voltage, V, max / 24
- Amperage, A, max / 0,3
15. Electric start-up of the electromechanical activator, parameters
- DC voltage on the contacts, V / 6 – 24
- Actuating current, A / 0,3 – 0,5
- Application of voltage, s, min / 1
- Resistance, Ohm / 9 - 14
- Amperage at the connectivity test (no-damage current), A, max / 0,01
Attention! Electromechanical activator is a one-shot device and subject to replacement when activated.
Table No. 2 Description of the gas fire-extinguishing agents (GFA) used in the modules
Name / Name of GFA, formula,peak load of the module, kg
HCFC 125*
(Freon 125)
СF3CHF2 / HFC227ea*
(Freon 227ea)
CF3CHFCF2 / FK-1-5-12*
Impulse-20 / 19 / 21 / 21
Impulse-2 / 1,9 / 2,1 / 2,1
Notes*: Name of GFA as set forth by the National Standards of Ukraine 4466-8, 4466-9, 4466-5.
The complete set includes:
- Ready-assembled module with GFA;
- Electromechanical activator;
- Supporting frame (for wall-type and ceiling type mounting) with fixing bolt;
- Technical passport and Manual;
- Packing.
4.1. General appearance of the modules is given on drawing No. 1 and 2.
Gas fire-fighting modules “IMPULSE-20” and “IMPULSE-2” are characterized by the volume of the fire-extinguishing agent bottle and dimensions of the wall-type mounting.
Above modules includes 1 bottle, containing a liquefied GFA, which is mounted to the fittings 3 by the bolt 2. The pulverizer 4 with the electromechanical activator 6, manometer and pressure relay (РД-И60) 8, safety diaphragm 9 and thermally sensitive glass bottle 7 is located in the module’s neck. The electromechanical activator 6 is connected to the fire controller.
To connect to ground, a connection terminal 10 is used (drawing No. 3). To prevent an unauthorized start-up when the modules are transported, stored, installed and serviced, a blocking screw is installed in the pulverizer (diagram No. 3). The blocking screw is removed when the module is in standby.
a) b)
Diagram No. 1 General appearance of the “IMPULSE-20” module
a – wall-type mounting; b– ceiling-type mounting
a) b)
Diagram No. 2 General appearance of the “IMPULSE-2” module
a – wall-type mounting; b– ceiling-type mounting
Diagram No. 3 General appearance of the pulverizer
Manometer is designed for visual control over the module pressure. Contact lines of the pressure relay are connected to the control unit. When pressure in the module’s vessel is 0,2 MPa, the relay contacts are closing and the firefighting system is signaling about the start-up (pressure is lower than 0,2 MPa).
a) b)
Diagram No. 4 General appearance and connecting dimensions of the “IMPULSE-20” module’s fittings
а) ceiling-type, б) wall-type
a) b)
Diagram No. 5 General appearance and connecting dimensions of the “IMPULSE-2” module’s fittings
а) ceiling-type, б) wall-type
4.2. Principles of operation
After the alarm “FIRE” produced by the fire alarm control and indicating equipment, the triggering pulse is generated and electromechanical activator stock moves and destructs the thermally sensitive bottle. When this bottle is destructed, the valve of the pulverizer opens and GFA is transferred to the protected area via the pulverizer.
When the pressure in the vessel is lower than 0,2 MPa, the checkout circuit in the fire alarm control and indicating equipment is closed by the pressure relay.
In case the temperature is over 68°C in the protected area, the thermally sensitive bottle is destructed and the module activates autonomously.
5.1. The pressure relay (built in the manometer) produces the activation signal.
Pressure relay (when pressure exceeds 0,2 MPa) has an open circuit.
Diagram No. 6 Diagram of the pressure relay connections
5.2. Electromechanical activator (EMA) serves for the enforced destruction of bottle which fixes the central valve of the module’s pulverizer.
a) b)
Diagram No. 7 Diagram of the EMA connections:
а) one module, б) several modules
5.2. Connection of several modules
It is required to provide a synchronous start-up of a number of the modules which are applied in the automatic firefighting systems. Therefore, the EMAs must be connected as provided by diagram No. 7.
6.1. Maintenance must be provided by persons at least 18 years old who are aware of principles of operation, manual and structure of the equipment “Impulse”, medically tested, who have a valid certificate of admission to the pressure vessels; persons who were trained and instructed about the safe labour methods, passed the safety knowledge assessment in accordance with their position and work.
6.2. Working with the batteries, it is required to follow the safety rules described in this Manual and Labour Protection Regulatory Act 0.00-1.07-97 “Rules for design and safe operation of pressure vessels”.
6.3. Module disassembly, in case of extreme pressure, is forbidden.
6.4. Mounting and disassembly of the modules may be performed when the starting circuits are off only.
6.5. All mounting and disassembly work are subject to be performed by two persons at least.
6.6. Modules are forbidden to be set up in premises with probable direct sunlight and ambient temperature lower than minus 20°C and over plus 50°C.
6.7. Modules are forbidden to be installed closer than 1 meter to heating radiators and other heating appliances and 10 meters to furnaces and other heating appliances with open flame.
6.8. Modules cannot be used if a regular evaluation of cylinder damages has expired and hazardous damages have emerged.
6.9. Modules must be grounded or connected with the neutral conductor as provided by the Electrical Installation Regulations.
6.10. All work with the gas fire-extinguishing agents must be performed according to the safety and environmental regulations provided in the relevant regulatory acts.
6.11. Designing, servicing or using the firefighting system (module), it is recommended to remember that the gas fire-extinguishing agents emitted by the pulverizer may have a dangerous physical influence on human body.
6.12. Major hazards at the maintenance and exploitation of the modules:
6.12.1. - Traumatizing of employees due to the seal failure or destruction of pressure vessels and appliances (dispersion of solid fragments, high rate of gas discharge etc.);
- Poisoning of employees due to the gas fire-extinguishing agents and their vapor toxicity;
- Injury by current (if electric appliance’s live parts are broken, earth ground is out of order or individual protection is not applied);
- Lower temperature of the outside part of the module’s components or working air when the gas fire-extinguishing agent is emitted;
- Influence of the GFA on a human body when breathing in, contacting the skin, mouth mucous membranes, eyes, and gastro-intestinal tract.
Symptoms of the GFA influence on a human body:
- Short-time excitements changing with apathy, drowsiness, lower respiratory rhythm, and heart acceleration which occur when the GFA are breathed in.
- Eye watering, scratchy throat, cough, sharp pain in the nose and throat, asthma, seizures, lung damage. All these occur when the products of Freon thermal decomposition are breathed in;
- Frostbite body parts. This happens when a liquefied gas contacts open parts of a human body;
- Eye redness and watering. These occur in case of the eye contact.
6.12.2. If the GFA leakage occurs (due to the seal failure, destruction of the lock & release device’s membrane, or an accidental actuation), it is allowed to enter the premises in the personal protective equipment only;
6.12.3. If the GFA leaks, it is required:
- To removal staff from the hazardous area;
- To switch on the emergency or other ventilation devices;
- To determine the level of dangerous substances in the working area. To determine and register the level of the GFA concentration, use a stationary automatic gas analyzer or portable ones;
- To liquidate the emergency when the GFA concentration has reduced;
- To notify the administration (direct Head) about the emergency.
6.12.4. First aid treatment:
- In case of inhalation poisoning with the GFA:
Remove a victim to a fresh air. Free them from hindering clothing. Provide a victim with warmth, let them rest. If and other symptoms rise, ask for medical assistance. If a victim stops breathing, make the "mouth-to-mouth" artificial respiration.
- In case of skin contact:
Frostbite may be caused by liquefied gases which contact with open parts of an employee’s body.