
Mull v. (1) to consider; to ponder. (2) to add spice as to wine or cider

From:Rich Galen

To:Usual Suspects

Re:Special DuPont Teflon Edition

Date:Thursday, April 2, 1998


  • Memo to my liberal friends: QUIT CALLING ME! Judging from the 837 phone calls I have gotten since the decision of Judge Susan Webber Wright was announced you would have thought the case had been styled: Richard Allen Galen v. William Jefferson Clinton.
  • In fact it took four years and some four million dollars of private money and who-knows-how-much public money for the President of the United States to beat someone named Paula Jones on a two-bit harassment rap.
  • The members of the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy who have been calling to sing: Nanny-Nanny-Boo-Boo and hanging up are being childish and chicken and should stop.
  • The person who is most upset with Judge Wright’s decision is one Hillary Rodham Clinton. Not only did her eye-wandering, hand-groping, body-pressing, baby-I’ve-always-wanted-to-do-this whispering husband get away with it yet again, but the case was won by the lawyer she despises most on this planet, Bob Bennett.
  • That strange sound that could be heard behind the traffic barriers at 17th and Pennsylvania Avenues last night were the 12,617 pages of documents that the secret private investigative force of the White House had collected on the personal life of Judge Susan Webber Wright being shredded in the basement of the Old Executive Office Building. (Before I get another five hundred phone calls from my eight Right Wing friends – That’s a joke. I think.)
  • Here’s the best thing about Judge Wright’s decision: We won’t have to watch that blonde media-maven spokesperson for Paula Jones on television any more.
  • Let’s see, if the President’s approval ratings went up every time a new charge was launched against him, will his approval ratings go down now?
  • The President, who has been saying he has not paid any attention to this because he has been doing the work that the people of the United States elected him to do, announced from Senegal this morning that he was happy about this ruling because he could now get back to doing the work the people of the United States had elected him to do.
  • Warning to Gloria Steinem: He’s on his way home and he wants to test your theory.

-- END --

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