- Call to Order – The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
- Members Present –Tom Feldhusen, Tom Sandblom,John Kraft and Liz Hangas. Dan Mitchell was present as Zoning Administrator.
- Approval of Agenda – Motion to approve agenda for October 26, 2015 by Tom Sandblom; Second by John Kraft. All in favor, motion carried.
- Approval of Minutes –Motion to approve the minutes of September 28, 2015.Motion by Tom Sandblom, seconded by Liz Hangas. All in favor, motion carried.
- Public Comment –Liz Hangas apologized for not realizing Zoning Administrator's Report needed to be attached to minute copies. This will be remedied.
- Zoning Administrator's Report: Mr. Mitchell reported that he has been informed that he no longer needs to prepare monthly reports for the Planning Commission meetings and that is only required to give one annual report to the Supervisor. He will provide updates as asked and will make all zoning applications available upon request. He did report that he had not received any applications, but received 5 today some with older dates.
- Committee Reports:
TJW reminded about events in last 6-8 weeks: Ikey Todd Award, Ribbon Cutting for Iron Ore Heritage Trail; and Cancer Walk, thanks in large part to Liz Hangas.
Economic Development/Tom Sandblom; Nothing to report.
Grants/DNR/John Kraft: Initially reviewed DNR grants for boat launch at the beach but was later told to put that on hold. Grants for the dam not available for Township because Township does not own the dam. Discussion proceeded about possible grants for new playground equipment. Any plans here should be coordinated with plans for the campground development.
TJW suggested that a representative of the Planning Commission become involved with the discussions of the Campground Planning and the Bank Building. TJW asked for a co-rep with her and to begin thinking about it.
- Old Business/New Business:
- Confirmed next meeting dates November 23, 2015 and December 21, 2015. Sandblom will be unable to attend in December.
- Members have begun discussions re the budget process with the departments. Goal would be to finalize this by next PC meeting, as we will have to approve and then make recommendation to Board by January.
- Group discussion re possibility of coordinating and/or partnering with surrounding geographic areas with Champion, Humboldt, etc. Perhaps study and propose something to the Board.
- Public Comment – None.
- Adjourn - Chairperson Williams adjourned the meeting @ 7:54 PM.
Signature Date