Reproductive success

Why do organisms vary?

•  Vary in life cycles

•  Vary in reproductive strategy

–  Reproductive output

–  Reproductive strategy (e.g. hermaphrodites)

•  Vary in developmental patterns

Life history

•  Everything an organism is or does

•  The study of trade-offs, especially regarding growth, reproduction and death

–  Remember that there is allocation of a limited pool of resources!

Number and size of offspring

•  Some fishes: millions of tiny eggs each spawn

•  Orchids: 10,000,000,000 seeds each fruit, size of dust specks

•  Blue whale: single offspring the size of an elephant

•  Coconut: ~ 12 nuts/year, each several kilos

Age at Reproduction

•  Aphids: embryos in female before her birth

•  Periodical cicadas are larvae for 13-17 years

•  Marmosets sexually mature in ~ 1 year

•  Humans sexually mature ~ 13 years

Timing of reproduction

•  Semelparity: salmon, poppies, reproduce once and die

•  Iteroparity: humans, alders, reproduce repeatedly throughout life

Life span

•  Rotifers, mites: days

•  Corals, clams: centuries

•  Giant sequoia: thousands of years

•  Clonal plants (huckleberry): tens of thousands of years

For semelparous species,

•  Measuring fitness of a genotype is simple:

–  R = LM, where L is the probability of the female’s survival to reproductive age and M is the average number of offspring per survivor

For iteroparous species,

•  Use a life table

Life tables

•  Increasing survival (lx) during reproductive ages increases r

•  Increasing fecundity (mx) at any age increases r

•  Offspring produced early increase fitness more, because they contribute more to population growth

Life tables

•  Increasing survival (lx) during reproductive ages increases r

•  Increasing fecundity (mx) at any age increases r

•  Offspring produced early increase fitness more, because they contribute more to population growth

Constraints to life history evolution

•  Phylogenetic constraints constrain the evolution of life history characters

•  Tradeoffs

–  The advantage in a change in a character is correlated with a disadvantage in other respects

•  E.g. guppies and tungara frogs

Antagonistic pleiotropy

•  What is pleiotropy?

•  Genotypes have an inverse relationship between different components of fitness

–  E.g. increased fecundity may result in lower growth

•  Allocational tradeoff


•  A late-life decline in fertility and probability of survival

Hippo senescence

Theories about senescence

•  Mutation accumulation

•  Antagonistic pleiotropy

Mutation accumulation hypothesis

•  Mutations with negative effects late in life will not be selected against

–  Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer

–  Huntington’s disease

•  Mutation can even cause death: the later it acts, the weaker selection against it is

Antagonistic pleiotropy

•  Mutation with positive effect early has negative consequences later; e.g. early reproduction with early death

Trade-off between lifespan & fecundity

Iteroparity versus semelparity

•  Why don’t all species reproduce early?

–  Reproducing at early age may increase risk of death, decrease growth or decrease future fecundity

–  Repeated reproduction is more likely to evolve if adults have high survival rates from one age class to the next

Offspring size and number

Offspring size and number

Lack’s clutch size hypothesis

•  Selection will favor the clutch size that results in the most surviving offspring

•  Assumes trade-off between survival of individual offspring and total offspring number

Lack’s clutch size hypothesis

Other life-history phenomena

•  Sex changing in fish, shrimp, and plants

•  Sex ratio of offspring

•  Evolution of novel traits via selection on life history

•  Suboptimal life histories

Sex changing

•  Sequential hermaphroditism

•  If reproductive output is related to size, expect different strategies at different sizes

•  If growth is indeterminate, expect individual organisms will exhibit different strategies during their lives

Sex change model

Blue-headed wrasse

•  Males defend territories on coral reefs: male reproductive success related to size

•  Small (young) fish are drab females OR small (sneaker) males; large fish are ‘terminal’ males with territories

•  If male removed, largest female switches to male


•  As in most plants, fruit/seed production limited by resources (= leaf area)

•  Larger individuals are female

•  After fruit production switch back to male until re-grow

Sex ratio

•  Expect a ratio of 1:1

–  Every organism has one mother, one father

–  If one sex is rare, an allele that leads to production of rarer sex will be favored (these individuals will have more than one mate, on average)

Sex ratio

•  Assumption: parents invest equally in both sexes

•  Expect deviation when:

–  Offspring fitness is size-dependent, and this differs for two sexes (condition-dependent sex allocation)

–  Offspring will mate only with siblings (local mate competition)

Condition-dependent sex allocation

•  In polygynous species, small males seldom reproduce

•  Should produce large sons; if can’t, then should produce daughters

Condition-dependent sex allocation

•  Red deer, Cervus megalocerus

•  Polygynous, males compete for access to groups of females

•  Females in dominance hierarchy; large, well-fed, strong females more dominant

Condition-dependent sex allocation

Local mate competition

•  When individuals compete with a limited part of the population for mates (rather than random mating)

•  Extreme examples: parasitoids that mate only with siblings, self-pollinating plants

•  Expect female-biased sex allocation; production of males wasteful if they are just competing with each other

Local mate competition

•  Nasonia wasps parasitize maggots

•  Wasps mate with siblings right after emergence

•  Sometimes ‘superparasitism’ occurs

•  Expect sex ratio of eggs laid by second female to be adjusted depending on amount of local mate competition

Local mate competition

Local mate competition

•  In self-pollinating, hermaphroditic plants, expect reduced allocation to pollen (male gametes) relative to outcrossing plants

Local mate competition

•  Blue-eyed Mary populations vary in flower size and outcrossing rate

•  Expect small-flowered, selfing populations to have reduced male allocation relative to large-flowered, outcrossing populations

Local mate competition

Inbreeding and outcrossing

•  Inbreeding increases homozygosity and is often accompanied by inbreeding depression

•  Mean fitness of an inbred line may actually increase due to purging of deleterious recessive alleles

Eichornia paniculata

•  Outcrossing Brazilian population and self-fertilizing Jamaican population

•  Inbred each for 5 generations then outcrossed the inbred lines

No evidence of heterosis in self-fertilizing population