Sales reps should follow the steps outlined below to reprice an existing merchant to Clear & Simple:
Repricing an existing merchant to Clear & Simple:
· Complete the “Clear & Simple – Pricing Change Addendum”
o Fees that are fixed in the program are hardcoded on addendum and cannot be updated.
o Any existing fees not zeroed out on the addendum will remain in effect and will continue to be billed. Use the ‘Other’ fields to indicate fees not already listed on the addendum.
o If the merchant is already set up with EGC or ECS, the sales rep must indicate this by checking the appropriate box(es). This will ensure fees continue to bill properly.
§ For EGC merchants on transaction pricing, the sales rep must indicate the per transaction fee to be billed.
§ For EGC merchants on monthly pricing, the sales rep must indicate a transaction fee of $0.00.
§ The “Clear & Simple – Pricing Change Addendum” cannot be used to enroll merchants in EGC or ECS. Use the EGC and ECS enrollment addendums to add these services.
o Make sure to provide the current and new entities.
· Submit completed and signed “Clear & Simple – Pricing Change Addendum” to MSP Support using the existing MSP Rate/Fee Change Form Upload Process found on Elavon Think Centre.
Note: The process to move merchants FROM Clear & Simple is not currently available but will be rolled out in the next few weeks.
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