IHS IB Boosters Board Meeting | 01.09.17 | Minutes
- Call to Order
- Attending: Dianne Fruit, Trisha Massot, Jane Huang, Ginny Larsen, Aimee Tinker, Janet Maxwell, Fuije Gao, Sameena Mufti, Leah Bender
- Reports
- IB Coordinator – Amy
- Unable to attend
- President – Dianne
- Group photo
- Secretary Report – Leah
- Conflict of Interest Form signed by all members in attendance
- Resend all previous meeting minutes to Tricia to be posted to new website
- Approval of previous meeting min
- Treasurer – Jane
- November-December donations
- No expenditures
- ~$3900 collected as school YTD ($2000 budget shortfall YTD)
- Budget saving ideas
- Reduce Recognition Ceremony speaker fee from $800 to $500
- Reuse ceremony supplies and decorations
- Reduce teacher appreciation budget
- Membership/donation campaign/drive in spring
- Possibly sell spirit wear (club shirts/sweatshirts)
- Aimee to research
- Need to get input from Amy
- Teacher appreciation – Aimee
- Depending on input from Amy, Aimee will become Spirit Wear Chair
- First round “I Survived IB” or “IB Class of 2017”
- Membership – Sameena
- 69 total members
- Cross reference email list of members compared to those who have not signed up; Send reminder and form (Tricia sending Sameena full list of email addresses)
- Volunteer Coordinator – Fuije
- Start preparation for test proctor volunteers
- Need to learn Volunteer Spot; Do test run with Boosters
- Amy will provide details for volunteer needs
- CAS – Ginny
- CAS deadline at end of semester
- Letters sent home to students who are not on track
- ManageBack App available for iPhone
- Ride Share Program – Janet
- 2017-18 TOK class transportation limitations
- Inquire with coordinators
- Communication – Tricia
- Website hosting expired
- Building new website (budget already allocated)
- Student CAS spotlight and gallery
- Teacher feature
- Update E-blast
- ‘Give while you shop’
- Membership reminder with link to form
- Have backup admin access to website and email systems; Tricia to send to Dianne
- Senior Recognition – Jan
- Unable to attend
- Speaker ideas
- University of Puget Sound President
- Geevy Thomas, Chief Innovation Officer at Nordstrom (thoughts on education as as a dad of a recent HS graduate and as a recent college graduate himself)
- Jerry Large
- Nicole Brodeuer, Seattle Globalist
- Revisit ideas next meetings
- New/Other Business
- Dates
- Next meeting: February 13 at 6:30pm
- Board meeting dates:
- March 13
- April 3(first Monday)
- May 8 (6:00pm)
- June 12
- General Meeting: May 8, 7:00pm
- IB Exams: April 28-May 19
- IB Senior Recognition Ceremony: June 8, 6:30pm
- Board Job Descriptions
- Dianne to transfer to Google docs for individual members to make updates
- Bylaws updates -- TBD
- Meeting Close
- Meeting ended at approximately 8:00pm