Planning Application 133815 – Land off Gainsborough Road, Lea

Outline Planning Application for erection of 135no dwellings, a community hub comprising up to 200 sqm shop use – restaurant – cafe and community hall, ancillary public space, landscaping, drainage and access.

Submission received prior to the meeting by Mr and Mrs Cooke, residents of Green Lane, who were unable to attend tonight’s meeting.

Meeting started at 19.00 hrs

Apologies: Jonathan Cadd – WLDC

Present: Councillor Simon – Chairman, Lea Parish Council

Councillors Humphrey, Anderson, Milne, Brown (June), Linegar

Simon Sharp – Senior Planning Consultant, JH Walter

Mr and Mrs Barton, applicants

Approximately 130 Residents of Lea

Chairman Simon introduced his presentation pointing out this was a forum for discussion. The public should have as much information as possible for them to make an informed decision about the proposed development.

The Design and Access Statement was briefly covered so that Chairman Simon could point out that there were far more points to consider which were raised at the pre-application meeting with the applicants than just the impact on the GP surgery, which was the only point mentioned in it.

Photographs showing extensive flooding in the area were shown as part of the presentation. The development plans indicated that the site was in flood zones 1, 2 and 3A, Chairman Simon said that, according to the Environment Agency website, it appeared that it was all in flood zone 3. Mr Sharp said that they had challenged the EA’s plan – the land goes up hill and he was confident that the land was outside the flood plain.

Resident- who owns 15 acres of land, 5 acres of which was up hill,said this land has flooded many times. Later in the meeting he said that when field floods effluent comes up through the manhole in the field.

Chairman Simon said that in WLDC planning draft recommendation was for 70 houses to be built over the next 5 years

Positives were pointed out - more affordable housing, more housing for the residents of Lea and the elderly, local shop and the Hub.

Chairman Simon said that it was up to the public to make their views known, whether for or against the application, to the Planning Department at the Guildhall by 14 January. Notices of the development had not been put up until 29 December, they were displayed on the gate at the entrance to the site.

Resident’s question – The Land (proposed pedestrian access) is owned by the applicant with the existing 3 properties granted right of access across it - how would vehicular access be maintained? Mr Sharp said that he was more than willing to have conversation with these residents about this after the meeting – there must be public access because it is a public space. Chairman Simon thought that this was currently private access.

Resident’s question – “Grampian” style crossing, what and where would this be and would there be any consideration of speed limit. Mr Sharp said that this was a planning figure of speech. In discussion with Highways about alternatives – 1. Upgrade between County Green and South bound 2. North bound and Village Green – could be some form of controlled crossing.

Resident’s question – What benefit to the village? Why developing green sites when brown field sites with planning permission had not been built – this was a question for WLDC. Mr Sharp said that there is an under-delivery of housing in central Lincs area and need to rely on green field sites to develop for housing as not enough brown field sites. This WLDC and N Kesteven analysis of requirement.

Cavendish Drive resident(ex Parish CouncillorLuffman) – appalling plans for junction altering – farmer applied for width of field entrance to be widened so that large vehicles could enter to deliver sheep – plan was on A4 sheet and 40 mph speed limit sign not visible on it. Speed limit sign needed to be moved further south but too costly for Highways so it was actually moved north and closer to the bend. 30 mph speed limit needed to be brought back for safety and moved further south. Mr Sharp said he had had detailed discussions with Lincs Highways, full transport assessment and analysis on WLDC web site.

Resident information - Mr Frank Powell’s daughter said that the traffic survey was inadequate. She also mentioned badger sets on the land – she had papers for anyone to view after the meeting.

Resident question - Affordable or social housing. Mr Sharp said there would be affordable and shared housing . Residents of the parish would have first choice of available housing. Question asked how this would be assured? No certain response received.

Resident question – in appendices - 6000 additional trips through that junction, should there be a turning lane or island to make this safer? Mr Sharp said that safety consultants said that a right turning lane was not necessary; this was discussed by Highways. WLDC have not received Highways response yet.

Resident question – Green Lane owned by residents – shrubs and bushes in perimeter and concerns that residents will use Green Lane as a cut through which will be an infringement of privacy. Mr Sharp said there had been careful analysis of how this would affect residents – lower housing on higher ground – a public footpath was needed to give access. Mr Sharp said he would reflect on comments and if changes were needed these would be considered.

Resident question – public walk way 15 metres from bedroom windows – low buildings supposedly but from plan look like 2 storey. Mr Sharp was more than happy to discuss.

Resident question – conflict between map and report – map out of date, resident’s property was extended by 2 metres but not shown on map – 2 storey house planned to be situated 5 metres from property as well as the footpath.

Resident question – justification for building (holding report) – Lincs CC figures indicate need for housing getting less as population decreases not increasing.

Resident question – Recent problems with sewerage flooding bottom of Willingham Road/Lea Road – where is the effluent going to go. No answer but question noted by Mr Sharp.

It was noted that there would be an additional pumping station but that this would not be for all the proposed new houses.

Resident observation – Bought house in 1967 – pipes were original from 1933 and still there. Existing pipe too narrow and over 80 years old. This needs to be addressed with planning.

Resident observation - Pumping station not adequate for amount of houses now.

Resident observation - if the area does flood again emergency services would have problems getting to the estate, only one entrance – risk to life and limb.

Resident question – talking about this development but nothing had been heard about the other larger development Lea Links? Cllr Milne said this would go to Planning Committee, anyone could attend that meeting.

Chairman Simon mentioned that the Parish Council might undertake its own transport survey.

Resident observation – 135 houses could mean 100 – 200 children – school not big enough to cope with any extra influx.

Resident observation – Wildlife and habitat surveys – there were also 3 Llamas kept on nearby land- concerns that the footpath would be close to them, they react badly to people and dogs.

Resident concerns – proposed plan and crossing won’t be adequate to take all the additional traffic, particularly twice a day.

Final resident question – how many of the other approved developments for Lea and Gainsborough have been built ? None

Chairman Simon ended by asking that residents make their views known to the Planning Department at the Guildhall by 14 January.

Meeting ended at 20.00 hrs