(Reporting Period is January 1 to December 31)
Yes / No / Date
1. Unit will make and meet its Pledge to Mission
2.Unit will be a Five Star unit, contributing to all five channels of Mission Giving
3.Unit will have at least one person join the UMW Action Network to receive and respond to legislation information
4. Unit will subscribe to Responsemagazine, 1 subscription for under 15 members, 2 for over 15
5. Unit will use two programs from the ProgramBook for United Methodist Women
6.Unit or circle will include a Response moment where an article from the magazine will be lifted up as a way to tell the mission story
7.Use the Prayer Calendar at each general meeting to pray for mission workers and projects
8.Unit will implement the Charter for Racial Justice Policies in at least one way
9.Members will write to five persons listed in the Prayer Calendar
10.Unit will participate in a ministry to Children in at least two ways
11.At least one member of unit (other than conference/district officer) will attend Mission u.
12.At least two members of unit (other than conference/district officer) will attend the district or conference annual meeting
13.Make a pledge to care for God's creation and become a "Green" unit
14.Unit or circle will conduct or participate in at least one Mission Study each year
15.At least two people from the unit, circle, or subgroup complete one of the Reading Program Plans
16.Unit will invite a district or conference officer, other than a member of the unit, to one of the unit meetings during the year
17.Unit will add new members to its roll, 1 for under 15 existing members, 2 for over 15 members
18.Hold or participate in a Mini-Spiritual Growth Retreat
Levels of Participation: Level 1--Any 5 items Level 2--Any 9 items Level 3--Items 1 through 14
Level 4--Items 1 through 18, plus scrapbook or display board of activities to be exhibited at the Conference Annual Meeting
If your unit completed all 18 items, do you plan to bring a scrapbook or a display to the Conference Annual Meeting?
YES / NOAwards will be presented at the District Annual Meetings.
Return reporting form to District Mission Coordinator for Education and Interpretation by AUGUST 15.
Living the Vision List
1. Unit will make, meet, and send its Pledge to Mission to District Treasurer.
2. Unit will contribute to all five channels of Mission Giving--Pledge to Mission, Special Mission Recognition, Gift to Mission, Gift in Memory, World Thank Offering
3. Join UMW Action Network at or send request to:
United Methodist Women 100 Maryland Avenue N. E. Suite 100 Washington, DC 20002
4. 1 subscription of Response magazine for under 15 members, 2 subscriptions for over 15 members
5. Unit will use two programs from the Program Book for United Methodist Women
6. Unit will include Response moments with articles from the magazine
7. Use the Prayer Calendar at each general meeting to pray for mission workers and projects
8. Implementing the Charter for Racial Justice Policies can include:
*Plan a joint unit meeting with a unit of a different racial/ethnic background using programs from the Program Book
*Develop bi-racial/cultural or multi-racial cultural Koinonia groups.
*Hold a joint Vacation Bible School
*Hold pulpit exchanges
*Share joint worship services on special occasions
*Encourage the church to sponsor a refugee family
9. Members will write to five persons listed in the Prayer Calendar.
10. Unit will participate in ministries for Children in at least two ways. These can include but are not limited to:
*Help sponsor a church or community program related to children and youth needs
*Sponsor a Children’s Sabbath
*Get involved with children in mentoring, tutoring, or “Big Sister” programs
*Write letters, e-mail, or call congressional representatives and/or others in government regarding children’s issues.
*Visit your local schools
*Attend a school board meeting
*Learn how our schools are funded
11. At least one member of unit (other than conference or district officer) will attend Conference Mission u. or other Mission u. with accredited teacher, required time, and current course of study
12. At least two members of unit (other than conference/district officer) will attend the district or conference annual meeting
13. Make a pledge to care for God’s creation and become a “Green” unit
14. Unit or circle will conduct or help plan or participate in at least one Mission Study each year
15. At least two people from the unit, circle, or subgroup complete one of the Reading Program Plans
16. Unit will invite a district or conference officer, other than a member of the unit, to a unit meeting during the year
17. Unit will add new members to its roll, 1 for under 15 existing members, 2 for over 15 members
18. Hold or participate in a mini-Spiritual Growth Retreat