Imagine your ministry or church serving over 35,000 families, with 12,000 volunteers, at over 50 locations (across 3 counties) during the holidays. This is just what Metropolitan Ministries does! As you can see reporting is crucial to them.

"Meet The Need has saved us thousands of dollars enabling us to invest more heavily in and bring hope to homeless and at-risk families in despair - now that's real Kingdom partnership!"Scott Bedrosian, MetropolitanMinistries

Churches and ministries have their hands full this time of the year. Reporting on all this activity and knowing what is happening in real time is key to serving your community effectively.

Reports are invaluable as you plan how many in-kind donations you will need for a given day, volunteers hours required, or collaboration with partners.

Meet The Need has made it easy for you to quickly see the activity volunteers/members are doing within your organization and in the community. No matter which of our features you are using,






the reporting features are similar in each section of your dashboard.

Needs Based Reports

When you are searching for details on a particular need you have posted the following reports give you all you need:

·  Open and Partially Filled Needs

·  Filled Needs

·  Expired Needs

Quickly edit a need, add a shift, or see the details of a particular need/shift through the needs based reports. Print a roster of volunteers (or see who is bringing items) and email them directly through your dashboard.

Individual Based Reports

When you are searching for the details of a particular volunteer the following reports give you all you need:

·  Pending Commitments by Individual

·  Completed Commitments by Individual

Details about how your volunteers/members and groups have served are easily tracked through Meet The Need. Calculations (hours, items, commitments, etc) are available for every volunteer/member. You can run queries based on:

·  Person's name

·  Organization

·  Date range

·  Category of goods or services provided

·  Volunteer hours

·  Number of Items

·  And any combination of the above!!

Family Reports

As you serve families in need Meet The Need gives you a complete benevolence and case management system that has robust reporting for you to make timely decisions.

·  Search to see if a family has received help at another local organization

·  Track the items/services given to families in need by date and receive totals of how many items, dollars, pounds etc, your organization has given. You can also track and report the demographic of families you have helped

·  Schedule a family to come back in the future to receive goods/services (holiday tent, backpack distribution, etc). See who is coming at any particular timeframe to prevent overbooking and even duplication of booking at multiple locations.