Proposed Draft Variation (No.11)
of the
Dublin City Development Plan
The Statutory Display of this Proposed Draft Variation (No.11)
to the Dublin City Development Plan 2011-2017
will be on view to the public from
5th June 2013 to 3rd July 2013 inclusive
Monday to Friday
between the hours of 9.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. at the
Dublin City Council,
Civic Offices,
Ground Floor, Block 4,
Wood Quay,
Dublin 8.
RE: Proposed Draft Variation of Dublin City Development Plan 2011-2017:
Site at New Street South/Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8
It is proposed to vary the Dublin City Development Plan 2011-2017 by changing the zoning of the subject lands:
From: Zoning Objective Z1 – To protect, provide and improve residential amenities
To: Zoning Objective Z6 - To provide for the creation and protection of enterprise and facilitate opportunities for employment creation.
The Proposed Draft Variation area is defined on the attached map.
The proposal relates to a 0.144ha brownfield site located in the centre of a city block between New Street South, Fumbally Lane and New Row South, Dublin 8. There is a shared underground car park on the site, which serves the adjoining commercial development at Fumbally Square and is accessed from New Street South.
The site is bounded to the north by surface car parking associated with an apartment complex, to the south by Fumbally Square office complex and a number of derelict warehouses on New Row South; to the east by a residential over ground floor commercial development; and to the west by the rear gardens of a terrace of 2 storey houses on New Row South. The site is accessed via a pedestrian and vehicular link from New Street South.
The Planning Authority considers that it is appropriate to change the zoning of the subject lands from Z1 (Sustainable Residential Neighbourhood) to Z6 (Employment/Enterprise), for a number of reasons.
The site is a brownfield site forming part of a larger site which was given planning permission for a mixed use development. The office element was constructed and is now operating as the Fumbally Square/Exchange –a co-operative design hub which accommodates design focussed small businesses, sole traders and start-ups in an office environment. The residential element has not been built. The site has been the subject of a number of subsequent planning applications for residential development but the applications have run into difficulties in relation to meeting the open space requirements of the proposed residential units while protecting the amenities of existing adjoining low scale dwellings on New Row South. In this respect a proposed commercial development of the site would be more likely to overcome potential overlooking and mitigate any likely adverse impacts on adjoining residential developments.
The rezoning of the site to Z6 Employment/Enterprise would provide a new opportunity to secure the redevelopment of the site and could allow for the consolidation of the existing successful and desirable use type. This would be in line with current Development Plan policies “to promote and facilitate the provision of commercial developments that are flexible and can provide for a range of unit sizes including units suitable for small and start-up enterprises” and “to promote flexible buildings that facilitate work clusters and affordable work spaces that develop in proximity to each other so as to allow skilled self-employed workers operate independently and also in collaboration in the city and develop positive, productive synergies and efficiencies.”
In terms of the loss of residential land availability, it is noted that the site directly abuts a Z6 zone. An analysis of recent planning permissions in the immediate area indicates that a significant quantum of residential development has been delivered on these adjoining Z6 lands as part of approved mixed use schemes. Furthermore the rezoning of the subject site to Z6 Employment/Enterprise would not preclude consideration of residential development as a subsidiary element but would present a greater range of options for the future use of this partially developed site.
The Planning Authority determined, using the screening criteria set out in Schedule 2A Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2004, the DoEHLG SEA Guidelines and Annex 2 of Directive 2001/42/EC, that a Strategic Environmental Assessment is not required for the Proposed Draft Variation to the Dublin City Development 2011-2017.
An Appropriate Assessment Screening was undertaken of the Proposed Draft Variation of the Dublin City Development Plan, in accordance with the requirements of Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). The Proposed Draft Variation is not predicted to have a likely impact on the key features or the conservation function of any Natura 200 sites.
Written submissions or observations with regard to the Proposed Draft Variation, made to the Planning Department within the said period, will be taken into consideration before making the Variation.
Submissions or observations on this Proposed Draft Variation of the Dublin City Development Plan 2011-2017 can be made in writing, to reach:
Niamh Lambert,
Administrative Officer,
Planning Department,
Dublin City Council,
Block 4, Floor 3,
Civic Offices, Wood Quay,
Dublin 8.
Or can be emailed to:
On or before 4.30 P.M. on 3rd July 2013