Currituck County Schools

2013-14 Pacing Guide

Eighth Grade Language Arts

1st 9 Weeks / 2nd 9 Weeks / 3rd 9 Weeks / 4th 9 Weeks
Expanding Literacy:
RL. 8.2-7;10;
Ongoing Activities:
Booktalks SL.8.3,5
First Fifteen RL.8.10; RI.8.10
Daily Edit: L.8.1-3
ClassScape/Reading Passage
RL8; RI8
Vocabulary L.8.4,6 / Reading for Discovery: Identity
RL.8.1-7, 9, 10;
L.8.1-3 / Reading Like a Writer:
RL.8.2-7, 10;
L.8.1-5 / Reading for Results: Responsibility
RL.8.1-7, 9, 10;
Essential Skills
·  reading strategies
·  narrative writing
·  increasing reading fluency
·  analyzing characteristics of genres and their impact
·  editing
·  produce coherent writing appropriate to task / Essential Skills
·  reading strategies
·  writing process-series of stages
·  linear (line) vs. recursive (back and forth)
·  RAFT (Role-Audience-Form-Topic)
·  note taking
·  outlining/Cornell notes
·  journaling
·  write problem solution piece / Essential Skills
·  reading strategies
·  analyzing a speech
·  researching, documenting and writing a cross-curricular research paper
·  writing and orating a cross-curricular speech
·  determine central idea and structure of selections / Essential Skills
·  cooperative learning
·  reading strategies
·  choosing appropriate supporting details in writing
Suggested Tasks
·  modeling reading strategies of higher level thinking with complex texts
·  setting individual reading goals
·  writing a narrative
·  read selections and analyze the effects of literary elements
·  discuss using seminar, philosophical chairs
·  answer constructive response questions
·  journal, blog / Suggested Tasks
·  writing activities/strategies across the curriculum
·  components/stages in the writing process
·  linear vs. recursive process
·  reading/writing connection and the effect on levels of thinking and learning
·  write to read/read to write
·  exploration, motivation, clarification / Suggested Tasks
·  read I Have a Dream
·  choose topic of interest to research and create speech
·  present speech
·  evaluate peer speeches with rubric
·  analyze informational selections / Suggested Tasks
·  create script of and scene from favorite book read this year either filmed or animated
·  evaluate choices made
·  ongoing: Book Talks every month; daily edit as warm-up; weekly blog on independent reading; ClassScape or Reading Passage, weekly; vocabulary, weekly
·  write a persuasive piece