20th October 2005
1.Matter for Consideration
1.1Summary of all representations and consultation undertaken to the Submission Draft Statement of Community Involvement (4th August 2005 to 16th September 2005).
2.2Given time constraints, the small number of representations received and their focus on format rather than material content, it is recommended that LEOG endorse portfolio holder authorisation of the attached Regulation 31 Statement to be supplied to PINS and GOSW.
3.1On 4th August 2005 the Council formally submitted its Draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) to the Secretary of State. This draft had previously been presented to LEOG and subsequently endorsed by Cabinet (21st July) and Council (26th July). Consultation was undertaken on the submission draft between 4th August and 16th September. The statement has been prepared to set out how the Council intends to involve the community in the preparation of future planning policy.
3.29 Representations from 6 respondents were received to the Submission Draft SCI. 1 of these representations was in support of the document, the remaining 8 are to matters of detail.
3.3One objector (the CPRE) would like the SCI to provide more detail on exactly how workshops will be run. Dorset County Council wishes to see an acknowledgement of their role in minerals and waste planning and community involvement. Government Office for the South West have highlighted a number of factual updates and typographical errors but also wish to see Diagram 4 amended. This diagram summarises who can expect to be involved, when and how. The remaining two objections come from bodies who wish to see a reference to their organisations made in appendices.
3.4The Planning and Compulsory Purchase (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 now require that a statement of how the consultation was undertaken together with all representations (see attached statement) sent to the Secretary of State (Government Office for the South West) and the Planning Inspectorate. These representations will be considered either through a Public Examination or by way of written representations programmed for December this year. This will be followed by a binding report. Adoption of the SCI is anticipated in February 2006.
3.5The Inspectorate have advised that the Council’s informal view on what it would be prepared to change to overcome these objections is welcome, although not a requirement. These recommended proposed changes are set out in Appendix E of the attached document.
4.Next Stage - towards Adoption of the SCI
4.1Section 31 of the 2004 Regulations require that the Council:
Makes copies of these representations available (via its web site, offices and other public locations); and
Sends copies of the representations and a summary statement (attached Regulation 31 Statement) to the Government Office for the South West and the Planning Inspectorate together with the draft submission package.
4.2Failure to undertake the Examination into the SCI in December this year may reduce the Council’s Planning Delivery grant allocation next year. Given most outstanding issues are centred around detail & presentation the need to meet our Local Development Scheme milestone, it is not considered necessary or appropriate to seek Cabinet and Full Council decisions for the recommendations mentioned at section 3.5.
Head of Strategic Planning Services
Head of Planning Design and Control Services
Background Papers:
Attached to this report:
Borough of Poole Statement of Community Involvement Representations Statement (Regulation 31 Statement)
Available at and in members’ rooms:
Statement of Community Involvement (Submission Document), July 2005
If you have any queries on this report, please contact
Bill Richardson on 63(3298)
APPENDIX A – Section 31 Statement – To issued to Government Office for the South West and The Planning Inspectorate.
Consultation undertaken under Regulation 28
We amended the draft SCI in view of the comments received, and formally submitted this version to the Secretary of State on 4TH August 2005. From 4th August 2005 to 16th September 2005, we undertook consultation on our submitted SCI.
- The SCI and DPD matters were available at the Planning Reception of the Borough of Poole, Civic Centre, Poole, BH15 2RU and the Borough’s 10 Libraries.
- The document and DPD matters were published on our website, along with advice on where and when paper copies were available for inspection.
- We placed an advertisement in the Daily Echo which was carried on 4th August 2005.
- Subsequent to the letters set out in Appendix A the draft submission document along with the pre-submission consultation statement (Reg. 28 Statement), the DPD matters and details of the time and place where the documents were available for inspection were sent to the bodies listed in Appendix B.
- We notified those individuals who asked to be notified of the submission via letters sent on 2nd August (See Appendix A).
- We further publicised the submission and availability of the document by sending letters to all those listed in Appendix A to indicate where the SCI submission draft could be viewed and between what period. Appendix A includes a copy of the covering letter.
We enclose a copy of the advertisement as well as a copy of the DPD matters in Appendix C.
We have received 9 representations from 6 respondents. 8 representations were objections to the SCI or part of the SCI. 4 respondents with outstanding objections wish to have their objections considered as a written representation. The remaining two organisations (CPRE and Gallaghers) are yet to confirm whether they wish for their objections to proceed through written representations or through a public examination.
- We have made the representations received available at the same locations as the SCI was available for inspection.
- We have published the representations received on our website
- We have summarised the main issues raised, see Appendix D.
- We hereby send copies of all the representations received, see Appendix E.
- We have included a response to the main issues raised, offering, where necessary, possible changes to the final SCI that would improve the document, should the Planning Inspectorate be minded to agree. These possible changes are set out in Appendix E.
APPENDIX A – List of all consultees who had previously responded at Reg 25 & 27 stages. These respondents were sent a letter on 2nd August 2005 to set out where the SCI could be viewed (see below).
Phone: 01202 633298Bill Richardson
Date: 02/08/05
Planning Poole - Statement of Community Involvement
You may have recently commented on the Council’s Draft Statement of Community Involvement. If you did, thank you, I enclose our response to your comments as well as any changes to the document that resulted.
The Draft Statement of Community Involvement has been amended in response to the representations received and has now been submitted to the Secretary of State for a further six week consultation between 4th August and 16th September. The ‘Submission Documents’ can be viewed:
On the Council’s website: (
At planning reception in the civic centre during normal working hours (8.30am-5.15pm Monday-Thursday; 8.30am-4.45pm Friday); and
At all Borough of Poole Libraries.
If you consider your comments and suggestions to the previous draft have not been answered or wish to comment please send your representations to the address below by September 16th 2005:
Planning Policy and Implementation
Strategic Planning
Borough of Poole
Civic Centre
BH152RU Or e-mail:
Any further comments you may have will then be passed on to the Planning Inspectorate who will consider these representations through an independent Examination due to be held in December 2005.
Yours Sincerely
Bill Richardson
Assigned Reference / Buisness / Organisation / Agency Name2444 / CAMRA
9 / Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & District Residents Association
75 / Dorset Islamic Cultural Association
156 / Dorset Advocacy
323 / Swaythling Housing Society Ltd
363 / Borough of Poole
368 / Dorset Strategic Partnership
389 / Longfleet Baptist Church
393 / Poole Partnership Steering Group Chairman
561 / Legal Services Commission
641 / Poole Old Town Conservation Group
699 / Poole & East Dorset Art Society
742 / Holes Bay Residents & Preservation Association
760 / CPRE - Dorset Branch
809 / Dorset Police
866 / Network Rail PLC
927 / Lake Resident's Association & parkstone Bay Association
1045 / Mr Cockbaine
1056 / Mr Clapp
1058 / Mr Ballard
1064 / Mr Brown
1141 / South West RDA (Poole)
1142 / Strategic Rail Authority
1421 / Woodland Trust
1476 / Environment Agency
1517 / Poole Amateur Rowing Club
1557 / Mr Waller
1614 / Mrs Biggs
1740 / Mr Gough
1776 / Dorset Wessex Link Association
1804 / Bournemouth Borough Council
1826 / Dorset Wildlife Trust
1835 / Government Office for the South West
1885 / South West RSL Planning Consortium
1887 / South West RDA
1898 / Friends of Poole Park
1900 / House Builders Federation
1909 / Brookfield Trust
1919 / Colehill Parish Council
1923 / Corfe Castle Parish Council
1926 / Studland Parish Council
1928 / Wimborne Minster Town Council
1952 / Taylor Woodrow Developments
1983 / East Dorset District Council
1985 / Poole Agenda 21
1988 / 5th West Hants and East Dorset Branch
1997 / Lytchett Minster & Upton Town Council
2000 / Friends of Hamworthy Park
2004 / The Showmens Guild of Great Britain
2013 / South West Regional Assembly
2016 / Canford Estates
2022 / Arne Parish Council
2023 / Dorset Health Protection Unit
2024 / Youth Services, Borough of Poole
2423 / Poole Partnership Communications subgroup
Specific Consultation Bodies
South West Regional Assembly
Highway Agency
Dorset County Council
Bournemouth Borough Council
East Dorset District Council
Purbeck District Council
Arne PC
Corfe Castle PC
Lytchett Matravers PC
Lytchett Minster and Upton TC
Studland PC
Wareham St. Martins PC
Colehill PC
Corfe Mullen PC
Ferndown TC
Pamphill and Shapwick PC
Wimborne TC
General Consultation Bodies
Poole Partnership
Poole Partnership sub-coms group
Government Office SW
Residents Association Chair
Poole Agenda 21
Poole Council for Voluntary Services
Poole Housing Partnership
Poole Primary Care Trust
Poole Youth Forum
Dorset Race Equality Council
Pro Disability
Adult Social Services Provider
Poole Forum
Economic Development
Dorset and Somerset Health PU
Transportation Task Group
APPENDIX B – List of all ‘DPD’ Bodies[ie those consulted at ‘Reg 25’ stage] who were sent copies of the Submission SCI, pre-submission consultation statement, notice of DPD matters and statement as to where the documents could be viewed.
Blue Lines = Were sent paper copies by post as e-mails returned (file size too large etc…) or no e-mail / e-mail unknown
Yellow Lines = Were e-mailed documents
APPENDIX C – Copy of Public Advertisement and DPD matters.
DPD Matters:
The Draft Statement of Community Involvement has been amended in response to the representations received and has now been submitted to the Secretary of State for a further six week consultation between 4th August and 16th September. The ‘Submission Documents’ can be viewed:
On the Council’s website: (
At planning reception in the civic centre during normal working hours (8.30am-5.15pm Monday-Thursday; 8.30am-4.45pm Friday); and
At all Borough of Poole Libraries.
If you consider your comments and suggestions to the previous draft have not been answered or wish to comment please send your representations to the address below by September 16th 2005:
Planning Policy and Implementation
Strategic Planning
Borough of Poole
Civic Centre
BH152RU Or e-mail:
Any further comments you may have will then be passed on to the Planning Inspectorate who will consider these representations through an independent Examination due to be held in December 2005.
APPENDIX D – Summary of Representations to the Submission Draft SCI
9 Representations from 6 respondents were received to the Submission Draft SCI. 1 of these representations was in support of the document, the remaining 8 are to matters of detail.
One objector (the CPRE) would like the SCI to provide more detail on exactly how workshops will be run. Dorset County Council wishes to see an acknowledgement of their role in minerals and waste planning and community involvement. Government Office for the South West have highlighted a number of factual updates and typographical errors but also wish to see Diagram 4 amended. This diagram summarises who can expect to be involved, when and how. The remaining two objections come from Gallagher Estates(land owner in the Poole Bridge Regeneration Area) and the South West RSL Planning Consortium (consisting of locally active Registered Social Landlords) who wish to see a reference to their organisations made in appendices.
No objections were received against the principle of the document.
APPENDIX E – Summary of representations received to the Council’s Submission Draft Statement of Community Involvement. This summary includes the Council’s response to these representations and suggested changes to the SCI that will help overcome objections, where possible and where the Planning Inspectorate is minded to agree.
CPRE - Dorset BranchMrStewart760
My experience of Stakeholder involvement in Dorset Structure Plan Focus Groups and the S.E. Dorset Sub-Regional Plan has been disappointing. The exercise seemed to be aimed to tick the box of the Government’s requirement for doing community consultation. To be meaningful, the Consultation must give Stakeholders the opportunity to come to a consensus on the ranking of conclusions.
Council’s Response
The new system for bringing forward Development Plan Documents should allow for more consensus as first a series of issues and potential options will be consulted on followed by further community involvement on preferred options. At each stage the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Sustainability Appraisal of proposed policies will allow ranking and testing of policy options based on sustainable development criteria. Stakeholders will have an opportunity to scrutinise criteria used in this assessment by commenting on SEA scoping.
Proposed Change: None
We would make the following procedure standard:
1) A copy of the proposed draft must be sent to all Stakeholders at least a week before the meeting.
2) After the Council presentation on the subject, there should be a question and answer session to clarify the context of the exercise not to comment on the content.
3) Split into Workshops with a limited number of key questions. But the questions must include ;
(a) What has been left out?
(b) What proposals do you strongly disagree with?
4) The Workshop should organize the responses and attempt to rank them.
5) After the Workshops report to the plenary session, there should be an attempt to priority rank the key conclusions.
Council’s Response
1)Copies of proposed draft Development Plan Documents will be sent to all key stakeholders before each formal stage of involvement. These key stakeholders will be all those invited to comment on Issues and Options stages at the beginning a Development Plan Document being formed. These bodies will be known as ‘DPD’ bodies and this is a requirement of the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004. For workshops and other meetings it is agreed that any papers required for the meeting should, as far as possible, be distributed at least a week before the event. A statement to this effect is considered appropriate at the end of the first paragraph of page 17.
2)Questions and answers sessions are quite normal for workshops. This is considered a matter of detail not appropriate for the SCI.
3)Workshops will be structured in a way that suits the Development Plan Document. Because numerous workshops will be run under the new planning system it would stifle their effectiveness to put structures / questions etc…for every workshop in this SCI.
4) and 5) It is expected that workshops will be useful ways to draw out issues from stakeholders. Promises to rank responses at these events may not be effective. Time and other factors may not allow ranking ‘there and then’. Similarly issues may feed through to the Council through other means – eg written representations which may not get raised at workshops, but could be equally valid. The SEA also has an objective role in the relative ranking of issues and effectiveness of policy responses.
Proposed Change: Add the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph at page 17 of the document: “Wherever papers or documents are intended in advance of any of the engagement methods set out below, the Council will endeavor to make sure these are made available to those involved at least one week beforehand.”
Dorset County Council (Minerals and Waste) Ms Ford1976
Dorset County Council has a service level agreement with Bournemouth and Poole to undertake minerals and waste policy work on behalf of these two authorities. The County Council would anticipate dealing with any future consultations regarding minerals and waste policy in line with the Poole and Dorset SCIs. However we would like a reference to the service level agreement and Dorset County Council's role in minerals and waste policy work to be made in the Poole SCI to provide clarification for Poole's residents.
Council’s Response
Agreed. Reference to the service level agreement would provide useful clarification.
Proposed Change: Add the following paragraph and heading after the ‘Site Specific Allocations’ heading and paragraph at page 11 of the Statement of Community Involvement.
“Minerals and Waste Planning
Appendix F of the Council’s Local Development Scheme includes the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme which covers the whole of Dorset County including Bournemouth Borough Council and the Borough of Poole. The Minerals and Waste Development Framework sets out all the Development Plan Documents that will provide the framework for delivering minerals and waste policy for Dorset. There is a service level agreement between Bournemouth and Poole for Dorset County Council to manage this work on behalf of all three authorities. The Borough of Poole will expect that public engagement with emerging minerals and waste policy will be undertaken in line with the principles established in Poole’s Statement of Community Involvement.”
Government Office for the South WestMrMcCombe1835
1835/11 Diagram 4Object
Whilst we welcome what you have tried to do in the revision to Diagram 4, there are issues regarding the presentation of this information which need to be revisited. It is very congested and so the same information, perhaps set out more clearly, would benefit the reader.