1.Details of Children

Number of children: / Class 1 / Class 2
Attending full-time / 26 / 26
Attending part-time / 0 / 0
Under 3 years of age* / 0 / 0
With statement of SEN** / 1 / 0
At CoP stages 3 or 4*** / 1 / 0
At CoP stages 1 or 2*** / 1 / 2
With English as an additional language / 0 / 0

*On 1 July.

**Special Educational Needs.

***The stages refer to those set out in the Code of Practice for the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs.

Percentage qualifying under DE admission criteria 1 or 2. / 13%
Average attendance for the previous year. / 88%

2.Duration of Sessions

Full-time / Part-time: am / Part-time: pm
4 hours 35 mins / - / -

3.Details of Staff

Number of: / Full-Time / Part-Time
Teachers / 2 / 0
Nursery Assistants / 0 / 0
Qualified Nursery Assistants / 2 / 2
Number of: ****
Students / 0
Trainees / 0

**** Total placements since September of current year

4.Parental Questionnaires (to be completed by Inspection Services Branch)

Number issued / 52
Percentage returned / 54%
Number of written comments / 9

Downshire Nursery School, BANBRIDGE, CODOWNBT32 3eN


1.DownshireNursery School is situated in PrimroseGardens in Banbridge, CountyDown. The Principal is highly committed to the nursery school and was in post at the time of the last inspection in 2000; the staffing has remained very stable. The children come from the surrounding area and most transfer to the local primary schools.

2.The parents, staff and management group were given opportunities to express their views about the nursery through the inspection questionnaires. The responses to the questionnaires indicated a high level of satisfaction with the nursery’s provision.

3.The nursery implements appropriate procedures for child protection, that comply with the guidance given by the Department of Education in Circulars 1999/10 and 2003/13. Members of the newly reconstituted Board of Governors are undertaking child protection training.

4.The main strengths within the nursery’s educational and pastoral provision are as follows.

  • The very positive ethos ensures that each child is valued and treated as an individual. The children are very well-behaved and welcoming to visitors. They are courteous and respectful of one another and demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility in the care of their “eco friendly” nursery.
  • There are excellent relationships at all levels exemplified by a very strong sense of team-work. The staff are responsive and attentive to the needs of the children at all times and, as a result, the children are confident and becoming independent.
  • There is a stimulating and interesting learning environment, which promotes concentrated and productive play in the indoor and outdoor areas. The creative use of resources stimulates the children’s imagination and curiosity.
  • There are excellent links with the parents. They are welcomed into the nursery and provided with extensive and helpful information to guide them in working with their children at home. Parent evenings on aspects of the curriculum are very well attended and the evaluations of the evenings show that parents find them extremely useful.
  • The staff plan effectively for the curriculum, identifying appropriate themes and learning outcomes; the weekly evaluation of the planned programme identifies appropriate opportunities to promote further progression in learning and to meet individual needs.
  • The high quality of the adult’s interaction promotes sustained and concentrated play, the children’s use of language, and their thinking skills. The staff provide good opportunities for the children to explore, make decisions, investigate, reach conclusions and add to their play.
  • There are very good or excellent opportunities for the children to participate in learning activities which reflect all areas of the pre-school curriculum.
  • The Principal has a very clear vision for the school which is shared by the staff.
  • The staff maintain appropriate records of the children’s progress and development which are used to inform the planned programme and their interaction with the children. Assessment of the children’s learning needs is of a very high quality and clearly identifies the progress and development of each child. The assessment and evaluation programme is a particular feature of the nursery.
  • There is a strong commitment to the children with special learning needs; these children are integrated fully into the play and are supported effectively by the staff; there are good links with support agencies.
  • The accommodation is well maintained and the standard of caretaking is excellent.

5.The Principal provides skilled leadership; she demonstrates a good understanding of the context of the school and of the pre-school curriculum which she uses effectively to develop and enhance the opportunities for the children. She is ably supported by a hard-working and committed staff. The staff have all contributed to a realistic and appropriate development plan which is based on an effective self-evaluation process; the developments already completed from the action plans have enriched the quality of the provision.

6.There are major strengths in all aspects of the educational and pastoral provision in this nursery. The needs of the children are being met very effectively.