on the activities of the consortium member - Faculty of Geography FBSEI HPE «Altai State University» project TEMPUS 159325-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES «Development of qualifications frameworks in the sphere of «Ecology and Nature Management» for 2010 g.

According to the agreement on the project TEMPUS 159325-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES «Development of qualifications frameworks in the sphere of «Ecology and Nature Management» with Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg (Germany), which is the main coordinator of the project, in 2010 we have planned:

- Preparation of documentation;

-  Preparation of cost estimate;

-  Drawing up new curricula, coupled with a two-level training system of ecologists and specialists in nature management (Bachelor, Master);

-  Preparation and realization of renovation for a counseling center on the basis of the Faculty of Geography;

-  Purchasing the appropriate computer equipment for the counseling center;

-  Organizing and conducting the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference;

-  Support for issuing a student magazine «Meridian»;

-  Support for student members of All-Russian Olympiads;

-  Organizing the sociological research of graduate ecologists and specialists in Nature Management at the Faculty of Geography;

-  Carrying out mobility in university - partners in Russia as well as abroad;

-  Promotion of TEMPUS.

The planned types of operations were performed in accordance with the following points:

1. Under the agreement on cooperation within the TEMPUS project 159325-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES «Development of qualifications frameworks in "Ecology and Nature Management" on December 23, 2009 a mandate was signed, allowing the Rector of Altai State University to appoint the Dean of the Faculty of Geography D.Sc., Professor Baryshnikov GY as a project manager on the Russian side on February 25, 2010 (Decree 158 / p), and to exercise these powers from 15.01.2010 to 14.01.2013.

2. Cost estimate for the entire validity of the contract was discussed and determined collectively with the parent organization on the Russian side - Tyumen State University. In 2010 University of Freiburg transferred to the account of the Altai University 30,000 euros.

3. Taking into account the sociological research conducted by Novosibirsk State University (consortium member), the curricula for «Ecology and Nature Management» (Bachelor's program) and the curriculum «Environmental Management» (Master's program) were made.

4. Allocated for the establishment of the Counseling Centre room № 505 at the Faculty of Geography was completely remodeled to meet the European standards. It is equipped with the internet and electrical communication. The total area of the room and its laboratory is 45 sq.m.

5. According to the cost estimate presented in the autumn of 2010 an application for purchasing computer equipment and peripherals to it, as well as licensed software was made. Taking into account the existing in Russia system of tenders and bids the equipment was not purchased last year. The application realization is scheduled for February-March 2011.

6. The members of TEMPUS organized All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Natural resources and environmental potential of Siberia. Barnaul: Altai State University Press 2010. - 266 pages» and conducted it on 5-7 October 2010. 68 people took part in the conference. The materials have been published. Funding was provided at the expense of the Faculty of Geography.

7. A popular scientific student magazine «Meridian» is published at the Faculty of Geography bimonthly. It publishes the information about TEMPUS program and its implementation. Financing of the magazine issue is provided by the Faculty of Geography.

8. TEMPUS consortium members work actively to prepare students for participating in all-Russian Ecology and Nature Management Competitions. This work resulted in victory of the students in 2010, who got the III team place in the second round of Russian National Student Olympiad in the Field of Ecology, held on October 13-15, 2010 in Kemerovo. The team included students of the Chair of Natural Management and Geo-ecology, the Faculty of Geography: Kotelanov K. U., Kovernikova E.U., Obrivko A.I., Shatova A. S., Kempel E.A. Student Obrivko A.I. got III place in the individual championship. The team was awarded with the bronze medals. The scientific supervisor is assistant of the Chair of Nature Management and Geo-ecology Semochkina S.S.

Post-graduate Krasnoslabodtseva N.A. got II place and post-graduate Medvedeva S.I. got I place in the category «Integrated Research» in the competition of graduate qualification works on «Ecology and Nature Management» in the second round of Russian National Student Olympiad (graduate qualification works contest on specialty 020401 «Environmental management and sustainable development of Russian regions»). The scientific supervisor is D. Sc., Professor Baryshnikov G. Y.

9. According to the results of sociological research at the Faculty of Geography curricula in «Ecology and Nature» have been modified due to the following factors (тable 1):

-  Transition to the standards of the FSES-3: 022000.62 - Ecology and Nature Management (approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Education 22.12.2009 № 795), 022000.68 - Ecology and Nature Management (approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Education 29.03.2010 № 243).
- Consideration of Sociological Research (questionnaire of employers аnd graduates).

Table 1

Alteration of optional part of curriculum for speciality 022000.62 – Ecology and Nature Management considering the demands of graduates and employers

Competences defined by employers and graduates / Suggestions on modification of the educational program
Advanced training in basic courses / Optional courses
Efficient grasp on the use of basic software and ability to respond promptly to the appearance of technical equipment of new generation / Information Technology, GIS in Ecology and Nature Management / ---
Knowledge and ability to use specialized programs in the sphere of ecology and nature management (GIS, INFO, etc.) / Information Technology, GIS in Ecology and Nature Management / Geoinformational mapping in ecology and nature management. Research methods and information processing in nature management.
The ability to deal efficiently with legal aspects in the sphere of nature management and environmental protection (to be able to use ecological laws and regulations in practice) / Legal principles of nature management and environmental protection / Legal practice
The ability to compile final documents competently / -- / Fundamentals of document science
The ability to use the principles of organization management in the sphere of ecology and nature management (ISO 14000, etc.) / Ecological management, environmental activity planning for production facilities

As a result of the sociological research the following was obtained:

·  The database of graduates of the specialities «Ecology and Nature Management» and «Nature Management».

·  The survey of graduates was conducted on the topic of their employment.

·  The questionnaire survey of graduates was conducted considering the quality of training at the Faculty of Geography in the sphere of «Ecology and Nature Management».

·  The survey of employers according to the offered list was conducted (Table 2) considering the number of graduates employed in the organization.

Table 2

Schedule of meetings with employers in the Altai Territory

Date / Time / Name of organization / Sphere
of activity / Address, phone / CEO Name, Surname
/ Graduates
July 13
2010 / 14.00-15.30 / Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage (Rosprirodnadzor) in the Altai Territory / Authorities and local self-government / St. Proletarskaya, 61
35-37-76 (fax)
63-34-70 / Head
Kharitonov, Leonid Viktorovich
Deputy of the head Polypovich Vladi-mir Alexe- evich / Galaktionov Dmitriy Evgenyevich,
Loginova Nina Sergeyevna
Masalskikh Elena Ivanovna
17-.30 / The Bureau of Subsurface resources management in the Altai Territory / Authorities and local self-government / St. Proletarskaya 61, tel.
38-19-35 (fax)
35-30-97 / Head
Anatoliy Zaitsev
(interview with Leonid Semenovich Dym) / Dym Olga Leonidovna etc. 89069454706,
18-00-19-30 / ZAO "Center of Engineering Technologies» / Business Organization / St. Papanintzev, 129, 2 fl. Tel.
38-36-00 (fax) / General Director
Timur Gennadyevich
Technical Director
Victor Alekseevich Zhorov / Alexey Polyakov,
Irina Yershov,a
Poslavskaya Olesya Petrovna
2010 / 9-00 - 10-30 / JSC AltayTISIz " / Business The Organization /
St. Depov-parameter, 6
24-26-45 (fax)
24-45-52 /
Sapegin Alexander Zhukovsky / Lapudeva Irina (Evseeva) 89609660390
11-00-12-30 / Institute of Water and Ecological Problems of the Siberian-division of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Research
Institute / St. Youth, 1
24-03-96 / Director Yury Vinokurov / Dyakova (Arkhipova) Irina Vladimirovna
Kuznetsova Olga Petrovna
Gorbachev Ivan Vladi-Mirovich
Samoilova SvetlaYury evna,
Golubeva, Anastasiya Borisovna,
Denisova Tatyana Gennadyevna
14-00 - 15-30 / Department of Natural Resources and Environment in the Altai Krai / Authorities and local self-government / St. Anatolia, 81
63-01-99 (fax) / The Head
Dubrov Alexey Nikolaevich / Zeibert Andrew Alexandrovich.
/ Barnaul branch of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "PO Inzhgeodeziya" / Scientific and Research Institute / St. Popov, 68, House of Life, 403
43-15-18 (fax) / Director
Mosin, Vladimir Nikolaevich / Bartuli Diana Anatolyevna.
Martiyanova Katherina Leonidovna.,
Sopchenko Cristina Viktorovna.
17-30 - 19-00 / JSC "Road design and survey research institute" GIPRODORNII " / Business Organization / St. Papa nintsev, 105
36-76-17 / Nam Lavrentiy Sergeevich / Bespomestnikh Alexander Mikhaylovich

10. Mobility:

27 - 31 March 2010.

D. Sc., Professor Baryshnikov G.Y., and Ph.D. associate professor Antyufeyeva T. V. participated in the research and practice workshop «Qualification frameworks in the European, national and regional context» at Tyumen State University. Total financial expenses amounted to 16139 rubles. 00 kopecks.

October 26 - November 1, 2010.

D. Sc., Professor Baryshnikov G.Y., visited Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg (Germany) and University of Strasbourg (France) at the invitation of project coordinator Professor E. Wagner on TEMPUS project. The purpose of the trip was to familiarize with the education and training system of «Ecology and Nature Management» speciality at those universities, sharing experiences. A report was made. Financial expenses amounted to 30,080 rubles. 34 kopecks.

November 26 – December 6. 2010.

D. Sc., Professor Baryshnikov G.Y. and Ph.D., associate professor Antyufeyeva T. V. at the invitation of Dr. Anne Weller of Aston University (UK), took a training course on the program «Qualification requirements for graduates in the UK and Russia». Having completed the training, they got certificates. Total financial expenses amounted to 65,240 rubles. 62 kopecks.

December 14 - December 16, 2010

Ph. D., associate professor Antyufeyeva T. V. and assistant Semochkina S.S., participated in the «Methodological workshop on the development and implementation of qualification frameworks in the speciality of «Ecology and Nature Management» in the city of Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk State University. Antyufeyeva T.V. reported on «The qualification requirements for graduates in Russia and the UK (in terms of the speciality of «Ecology and Nature Management»). Total financial expenses amounted to 10684 rubles. 00 kopecks.

The total financial expenses for mobility in 2010 amounted to 122,143 rubles. 96 kopecks.

11. The results of the TEMPUS project 159325-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES «Development of qualification frameworks in the speciality of «Ecology and Nature Management» have been repeatedly discussed at the meetings of the Chair of Nature Management and Geo-Ecology, at the meetings of Scientific Council of the Faculty of Geography of Altai State University. The results of the mobility were reported in the university newspaper «Za nauku» (For science) (see information annex to the file).

- Newspaper «Za nauku» № 40 (1169) of November 18, 2010; article «Let business contacts be».

- Newspaper «Za nauku» № 5 (1183) of February 3, 2011; article «Everything is for the faculty and for the graduates».

Project leader G.Y. Baryshnikov