Report of the Working Group on Sustainable Development GANHRI

Activities of the Working Group

  1. Preparation of a GANHRI explanatory note for public dissemination on the “existence of an independent National Human Rights Institution in accordance with the Paris Principles” as a global indicator under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Sustained advocacy with members of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG indicators (IAEG-SDGs) culminating with the adoption by the UN Statistical Commission of the NHRI indicator as the global indicator for measuring target 16.a of the 2030 Agenda.

This declaration emphasized that NHRIs, in accordance with their mandates and functions of the Paris Principles, are important actors who can promote the realization of human rights, through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Important issues were also discussed such as: i ) the opportunities to use existing human rights mechanisms and recommendations to guide the implementation of SDG ; ii ) the need to make available the reviews and recommendations resulting from the international human rights mechanisms, for the progress of SDG; iii) the construction of indicators with human rights approach to measure the progress in the implementation of the SDG, and specifically the accomplishment of the goal no. 16, which relates to the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies to achieve sustainable development; iv) the role of the United Nations, including United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to support the national actors in implementing the SDG based on a human rights approach.

The adoption of the indicator of the independent NHRIs gives them a broader role in monitoring and review of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, and is consistent with the resolution of the General Assembly (December 2015) which reaffirms the important role of NHRIs to participate and contribute in discussions about the implementation of the Agenda 2030. In that sense, NHRIs are able to provide qualitative information and independent analysis on the implementation of the national SDG.

  1. On 25 and 26 February, it was performed a NHRIs regional meeting on the issue of SDG.
  1. Preparation of a GANHRI letter and briefing paper on the relevance and need to ensure NHRI participation in the High-Level Political Forum (May 2016). According to resolution 70/163 of the General Assembly on NIHRs (December 2015), GANHRI recommended to the High Level Political Forum to formalize and strengthen NHRI participation in their work, in order to ensure the effectiveness of NHRI contributions regarding the mechanisms for monitoring and review of the implementation of SDG. In that perspective, GANHRI encouraged its members to make an approach to their respective representatives in New York to recommend NHRI participation in the work of the High Level Political Forum. Also, to support NHRIs in their promotionalefforts, the Danish Institute for Human Rights developed a background note on the participation of NHRIs in monitoring and review of Agenda 2030.
  2. International Forum “Enforceability and monitoring of the responsibilities of States about SDG: The role of NHRIs”, Quito, 22 October, organized by NHRI of Ecuador, with the participation of NHRI of South America, Institute of Public Policies on Human Rights of Southern Common Market (IPPDH –MERCOSUR), General Secretary of Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), OHCHR, and the Working Group on the Protocol of San Salvador of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (CIDH)
  3. The Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR), representing the WG, participated in:
  • Regional Conference on Business and Human Rights and SDGs, Chihuahua, 6-7 April, organised by the Mexican National Commission on Human Rights.
  • ENNHRI meeting on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Berlin 25-26 February, organised by the German Institute for Human Rights.
  • The 2016 Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) in May 2016, and advocacy to promote increased NHRI participation in the UNPFII, including advocating a recommendation for UNPFII to engage in inter-active dialogue with NHRIs at its 2017 session, in collaboration with NHRIs from the Asia-Pacific Forum (Australia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines).
  • The regional Sustainable Development Forum, Amman 29-30 May.
  • The EU Development Days 15-16 June. Organisation of a stand explaining about human rights and the SDGs, and the role of NHRIs in sustainable development.
  • High-Level Political Forum session (11-20 July 2016).
  • The European-Arab regional NHRI seminar on SDGs, Istanbul 5-6 December 2016) organised by ENNHRI and the Aran network of NHRIs in collaboration with UNDP and OHCHR
  • The seminar on SDGs, Amman 13-15 December 2016, organised by the Arab Network of NHRIs in collaboration with UNDP and OHCHR)
  1. At the first Session of the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) in 2016 (GANHRI) submitted a report on the (shrinking) space for civil societyin the 22 countries undergoing Voluntary National Reviews (VNR) To inform the report, GANHRI conducted a survey among the NHRIs in those countries. The report highlights the crucial role NHRIs and broader civil society play for the implementation of the SDGs. It also presents key ingredients for an “enabling environment” essential for NHRIs and civil society to fulfil their role and outlines current trends with regard to their operating environments and level of participation in the 2030 Agenda and SDGs process.
  1. Contribution to the organization, and presence at the High-level Thematic Debate on Human Rights. Alan Miller, GANHRI Special Envoy, represented GANHRI in the Debate (11-12 July 2016).
  1. Organisation of a GANHRI-DIHR side-event on using human rights monitoring in the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda. The side-event was organised in collaboration with the OHCHR and the Permanent Missions of Denmark and Chile, and convened high-level participants from the OHCHR, the ILO, the IAEG-SDGs, the Indigenous Peoples Major Group and the Danish Minister of Justice. Alan Miller represented GANHRI in the event (13 July) 2016.
  1. Preparation of an “Options Paper” for GANHRI on ways to secure NHRI access to High-Level Political Forum (August 2016)
  1. Participation in the UN World Data Forum in Cape Town, 15-18 January 2017, including the organisation of a panel session on human rights and data in collaboration between OHCHR and GANHRI, with the participation of GANHRI Special Envoy Alan Miller and the Danish and South African NHRIs. Preparation of a publication on human rights and data by Danish Institute for Human Rights, in collaboration GANHRI Special Envoy and the Scottish NHRI. See: DIHR publication on data and human rights


i)Advise GANHRI about SDG and their implementation,

ii)Advocate for enhanced access and contributions of NHRIs to SDG-related processes, including under the HLPF

iii)Collaborate in the development of important instruments to strengthen the role of NHRIs in implementing the SDG, such as the Merida Declaration and publications on follow-up and review and data and human rights.

iv)Generate statements that highlight the importance of the human rights approach in the definition and implementation of SDG, and the necessity for States to have independent NHRI as an indicator of implementation of SDG.

v)Strengthen INDHs to provide qualitative information and independent analysis on the implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development at the national level and according to its mandate, and to make recommendations to regional and international levels.


  1. It is necessary to continue strengthening NHRI and regional network so they constitute an important player to assist in monitoring the implementation of SDG with a human rights approach.
  2. GANHRI should continue to advocate for and support enhanced NHRI participation in sustainable development processes, including under the HLPF, building on the GA resolution from December 2015
  3. GANHRI should submit a report regarding selected human rights issues in the countries participating in the Voluntary National Review under the HLPF 2017 based on contributions from NHRIs in the concerned countries.
  4. Given that the existence of an independent NHRI in accordance with the Paris Principles under SDG 16, GANHRI should convene relevant actors and elaborate strategies on how to increase the number of A status NHRIs by 2030
  5. It is important that monitoring the SDG contributes with business and human rights proposals. In this sense, it should be encouraged to NHRIs and their regional networks that work on generate national strategies that influence States to the creation and implementation of public policies focused on corporate social and environmental responsibility,with a human rights approach. It is therefore also necessary to establish common spaces, so that the NHRI can share their experiences with others.
  6. Its expect that the results of the Habitat III Conference provide tools to NHRIs to encourage States to create and establish urban agendas in order to respond and promote an inclusive urban development model that responds to the SDG.

