Agenda Item 12
Report to:Cycle City Ambition Board
Report of:Transport Development Specialist
Report title:Playing Out Streets– Briefing Note
Date: 13 May 2015
Purpose of Report: For Information
Playing Out are a Community Interest Company based in Bristol that work to encourage and support people who want children to play out in the places where they live. Playing Out grew out of discussions amongst friends and neighbours with young children, living in a built-up, residential area of south Bristol.
The idea was to try and bring about an environment where children could play outside freely. The barriers to this were identified – the area was close to the city centre, with small gardens, few green spaces, lots of roads and a high volume of traffic and ideas of how they could get round this were developed.
Initially ideas such as playing out on the pavements, working with schools to allow more free play in the playground and trips out, and takingchildren to the park were tried, but it was found that none of these made the key difference to children’s need for free, independent, outdoor play.
A residents group came up with an idea, building on work they were already undertaking to make the street more ‘liveable’ by putting in planters and a notice board to encourage drivers to slow down. They had also organised street parties where children played freely outside for various events. The idea was to close their street temporarily to traffic and to open up the space for children to play in.
Playing Out CiC
From this original idea, Playing Out CIC was set up as a not-for-profit organisation to support and inspire parents and residents everywhere to help children play out. It supports and encourages street play not only just in Bristol but across the UK.
Their aim is for playing out to be a normal everyday activity for all children, wherever they live, rather than as an organised, supervised event.
Playing Out state on their website that playing out streets are active in 35 local authorities across the UK.
Further details on Playing Out can be found on their website
Local Authority Involvement
Obviously, closing streets requires a legal order to be made. Bristol City Council have put in place a Temporary Play Street (TPS) Order to deal with this requirement. Residents must apply at least 6 weeks in advance of an event for a TPS which enables them to close a road as often as once a week for a maximum of three hours. TPS is valid for 12 months from the start date of the order and closures can be for one-off events or for more regular occurrences. Access for residents must be facilitated at all times and all access points must be marshalled and drivers entering are asked to proceed at walking speed under the supervision of marshals.
Bristol City Council ask residents to consult with residents and businesses within the area included in the closure and evidence of this must be presented when applying for the TPS. Plans and details of the closure must also be provided.
Further details on the process Bristol City Council use is available at