Mr. Reed B-25
Subject: Global Studies
This class will cover the many aspects of geography and world features, cultures, population and other social issues around the world.
World Geography: Building A Global Perspective
Ø Homework is graded on completeness and correctness.
Ø When you return from an absent day of class it is your responsibility to check with the teacher about any missed assignments.
Ø Students will be able to research, describe, compare and present ideas and concepts surrounding geography.
Ø Students will be able to keep all assignments/handouts in a 3-ring binder; only one (1) copy of each handout will be supplied to each person.
Grading: Scoring Rubric: Assignments and Assessment will be graded using a 5 point scoring rubric.
100%-90% A 1 Poor 2 Limited 3 Good 4 Very Good 5 Excellent
89.9%-80% B The criteria for earning points will be set prior to completion of the assignment/assessment.
79.9%-70% C
69%-60% D
59.9%-50% F
Ø 80% of you total grade will be based on Assessment and 10% of your total grade will be based on completed in-class Assignments and the Final is worth 10%.
Extra Credit:
I do not give any extra credit. If you are unhappy with your grade, please see me to discuss what can be done to improve it.
Be Polite
Ø Enter and leave classroom in a respectful manner
Ø Treat others with respect
Ø Use respectful words when asking for or receiving items
Be Prompt
Ø Class starts when the bell rings and ends when I dismiss you
Ø I like to start on time and usually leave on time
Ø Your attendance is an aspect of your grade
Be Prepared
Ø Come to class prepared every day, this includes the following items:
Any other materials needed for the day
Be Productive
Ø Entire class period is used to complete the tasks or lessons designed for the day
Ø Full use of class time leads minimal homework
Ø Use the time to ask questions or complete work related to this class
Ø Need something to do? Come and ask.
Show PRIDE in this classroom and throughout the school.
Map Essentials
Create and use maps, technology, imagery and other graphical representations to extrapolate and interpret geographic data
Human Geography
Explain how migration, immigration and communication lead to cultural changes and make predictions and draw conclusions about the global impact of cultural diffusion.
Analyze the impact of human migration on physical and human systems.
Analyze the impact on physical and human systems of resource development, use and management and evaluate the issues of sustainability
Analyze distribution and characteristic of human settlement patters do to weather
Nation Interactions
Evaluate how different points of view, self-interest, and global distribution of natural resources play a role in conflict over territory
Ø 2 Column Notes
Ø Latitude/Longitude
Ø Cardinal Direction
Ø Continents
Ø Oceans
Ø Land Forms
Ø Elevation
Ø Carbon Footprint
Ø GDP per capita
Ø Energy
Ø Farming
Ø Economies
Ø Urban and Rural Areas
Ø Resources
Ø Population Density
Ø Precipitation
Ø Power point Presentation
Ø Climographs
Ø Resources
Ø Sweat Shops
Ø Child Labor